This morning on Trumpster/right-wing radio (“The John Fredericks Show”), Virginia Del. Margaret Ransone (R) predicted that ratification of the ERA will be stopped yet again, in full “Privileges and Elections” committee this time around, on Friday. According to Ransone (see audio, below):
“There’s a possibility they could bring it up in the full committee on Friday. And I think, I mean, we’ll meet, we’ll see what happens. I think we have the votes on full committee to stop that again. We’ll go from there. Of course, Chairman Cole…he is not in favor of this amendment either…”
Del. Ransone was also asked about the potential political ramifications this November if Republicans kill this. Ransone’s response:
“Absolutely, I’m always concerned about my colleagues 100%. Just like I said, with the mob mentality I saw…I am concerned, but what’s important is that we do what’s right, we always do what’s right…This is a political statement…You should have been in that room yesterday…”
So there you have it — Ransone claims she’s concerned about her colleagues and the adverse political ramifications to Republicans if they kill the ERA in committee, plus she thinks it’s mostly “symbolic” anyway, yet for whatever reason, she and her Republican committee colleagues remain hell-bent on…yep, killing the ERA. Crazy, but whatever, if this is the “hill they want to die on” in November, that’s their call – we can always pass the ERA (and a LOT of other good stuff!) next year, after Dems take back control of the legislature..
P.S. See here for video from yesterday of Del. Ransone complaining bitterly about ERA supporters – “what I saw this morning truly broke my heart…mothers in the room who simply disagreed with my position covered their daughters’ ears.”