Home Donald Trump Live Video Stream: Robert Mueller to Speak at 11 am

Live Video Stream: Robert Mueller to Speak at 11 am [UPDATED]


UPDATED 11:30 am – See below the video for comments by Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08) – and other Virginia elected officials as I see them.


Feel free to use this as an “open thread” on Robert Mueller, his investigation, and whatever he has to say at 11 am.


On the Special Counsel’s press conference ~

WASHINGTON — U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, issued the statement below, following the press conference held by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who announced his resignation and spoke about the findings of the Mueller Report:

“First, I want to thank Special Counsel Mueller for his patriotism and dedication to this two-year investigation. I am grateful the American people have heard from him directly regarding his findings. Still, this press conference leaves us with unanswered questions. The underlying evidence supporting the Special Counsel’s conclusions must be made available to Congress immediately.

 “What is clear is that Russia deployed a sophisticated cyber campaign in order to interfere in our democratic process and tip the scales in favor of then-candidate Donald Trump. This is the same conclusion that the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee reached. As the Special Counsel made clear today, it’s up to Congress to uphold the rule of law, and ensure this never happens again. Going forward, we must take steps to protect our democracy by passing legislation that enhances election security, increases social media transparency, and requires campaign officials to report any contact with foreign nationals attempting to coordinate with a campaign.”

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) on the PBS NewsHour last night.


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