Home Women U.S. Women’s Soccer Victory Should Be a Win For All Women

U.S. Women’s Soccer Victory Should Be a Win For All Women


by Susan Platt

Yesterday, the US Women’s Soccer team won a record 4th World Cup! The crowd spontaneously began shouting EQUAL PAY! While we celebrate, we also are reminded that in March of this year, the team filed a gender discrimination lawsuit in US District Court in Los Angeles, escalating their long running fight with the country’s soccer federation over pay equity. Player pay per game win for men is 17,625 and for women the pay is $1,350 and total team pay for World Cup performance is $9 million and women $2 million.

Today we are calling on our state’s and our nation’s businesses to support this effort for equal pay.  It will not be a groundbreaking stretch because business leaders have spoken out on other civil rights issues.

On June 10, 2019, over 180 business leaders signed an unprecedented letter in the New York Times stating their support for reproductive health. Those who signed were Presidents and Founders from companies including Square, Yelp, Bloomberg, Atlantic Records, Bloomberg, Beneficial Sate Bank and the list goes on.

On June 19 of this year, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce became a supporter of the proposed Equality Act, which makes explicit civil rights protections for LGBT citizens.

When you google what U.S companies support passage of the Equal Rights Amendment 0 companies appear. Yet when you google the companies that support the Equality Act, over 160 companies have announced support. We think it is terrific that businesses support the Equality Act… we would just like them to support the women too with supporting the Equal Rights Amendment! And Virginia can make it a reality in 2020.

Our goal is to enlist 100 business supporters  by January 2020 – the Centennial of women getting the right to vote.  This is a chance for Virginia to make history by becoming the 38th state – and final state needed – for passing the ERA.  Business should  understand the facts that women determine 83% of all spending decisions. Businesses and leaders who care about their customers and clients will be promoted for their support through events, forums, and prominent listing on the website and on the radio and social media.    We were so pleasantly surprised recently when Virginia’s Conservative Radio Talk Show Host John Fredericks endorsed our efforts and his 2 businesses were the first to sign up! Add in Concentric Wealth, Rowan Tree, Jenny’s Salon to name a few.

Delegate Rip Sullivan – Campaign Chair for the Democrats in the House of Delegates said on my radio show last week “It’s one of the things we’re seeing over the past few years, that businesses really big and small, deciding it is time for them to raise their voice and make clear they are only going to do business in states that are inclusive, that treat women well, recognize women’s rights, recognize LGBT rights, recognize that everyone needs to be welcome in Virginia and when businesses stand up and say that, politicians notice, of it they don’t, they don’t at their own peril”.

Next year can be the year where we get this done!  The girls and women in Virginia would benefit from and also be grateful if you could help with this effort.   While we are looking for “numbers” in individuals and businesses, we also need early supporters to sponsor to help fund a statewide poll showing why support is not just good for women, but good for business. “It’s Just Good Business” has applied for 501(C)4 non-profit status.

Please check out the website www.itsjustgoodbusiness.org and the donation listings and help becoming a Founding Member or Sponsor today! The donations are received via PayPal. Individual members can contribute as low as $47.00! I sincerely hope you will join us. If you would like to discuss further, please send an email to info@itsjustgoodbusiness.org and thank you for your consideration.  Please let me know if you would like someone to visit your local business organization or host a gathering.

Thank you,

Susan Platt


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