Home Local Politics Women Everywhere in Loudoun County Celebrating Their Right to Vote by Supporting...

Women Everywhere in Loudoun County Celebrating Their Right to Vote by Supporting Their Women Candidates!


From the Loudoun County Democratic Committee:

Leesburg, VA- The number of women deciding to run for public office has increased exponentially over the last few years. Loudoun is in the forefront of this phenomenon with 19 women running in 2019. In recognition of this historic event, the Loudoun County Democratic Committee (LCDC) is commemorating Women’s Equality Day with a countywide voter outreach initiative. LCDC in conjunction with Together We Will Loudoun, Network NOVA, Vote Like a Girl, Emgage and Generation Ratify will sponsor a Canvass to Equality event which marks 99 years since the 19th amendment was passed which gave women the right to vote and supports the candidates. On August 24-25, these groups are mobilizing 99+ volunteers from across the region to knock on thousands of doors in support of Loudoun Democratic candidates.

“The path to a blue Virginia runs directly through Loudoun County,” said Lissa Savaglio, newly elected LCDC Chair. “I am confident that when we talk to voters and share the Democratic message of common sense gun reform, affordable quality health care, ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), and fully funding our schools, voters will turn out and vote Democratic on November 5th.”

Since 1920, the women’s rights movement has evolved to reflect the changing times. When the 19th amendment was passed, primarily only white women voted. After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, women of color were able to participate and today more women of color are becoming actively engaged in electoral politics. Of the 19 women candidates in Loudoun, five are women of color.

“I can think of no better way to commemorate 99 years of fighting for equality and women’s and civil rights than to bring together our Democratic campaigns, mobilize our volunteers and talk about important issues like the ERA,” said Barb Jones, veteran Democratic activist. “We owe it to the suffragists and countless advocates who continue to strive for equality today to win on November 5.”

The last few years have seen an increase in women running for office and in women’s activism. Events like the Women’s March, the Network NOVA Women’s Summit, and more political action committees and grassroots groups have provided training and support for new candidates. In 2017, the number of women in the Virginia General Assembly nearly doubled. The 19 women running for office and the three women in LCDC leadership represent a sea change in women’s political leadership in the county.

“I am excited to participate in this historic canvassing effort,” said Buta Biberaj, Democratic nominee for Commonwealth’s Attorney, and first time candidate. “We are at a pivotal time in our nation, our state, and our county. This canvass is a crucial opportunity to have important conversations about our vision for Loudoun County and to encourage all of our residents to engage.”

On November 5 there will be General Assembly, constitutional officers, Board of Supervisors and School Board candidates on the ballot. Voter turnout in the 2015 general election, the last similar election, was approximately 25%.

“This is more than just a weekend initiative! When women are at the table, public policy is better for businesses, men, women, children, and families. The nation is watching us. We will increase voter turnout flipping the House, Senate and ALL LOCAL offices creating a better future,” said Savaglio.

For more information about this canvass please contact Lissa Savaglio at Chair@loudoundemocrats.org or Krysta Jones at krystanjones@gmail.com. Please sign up for this canvass by visiting http://tinyurl.com/y6sqeqd8

For more information on the Loudoun County Democratic Committee, please visit www.loudoundemocrats.org.


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