Home 2019 Elections Video: Fairfax County School Board (Springfield District) Debate; Republican Incumbent Has No...

Video: Fairfax County School Board (Springfield District) Debate; Republican Incumbent Has No Clue How Large Fairfax School Bus Fleet Is


See below for video of last night’s League of Women Voters debate for Fairfax County School Board (Springfield District). The candidates are Democrat Laura Jane Cohen (who I strongly support); Independent Kyle McDaniel; and far-right Republican incumbent Sebastian Gorka’s ideological extremist soulmate Elizabeth Schultz. Also, thanks to Bryan Scrafford for live tweeting the debate. See below the video for Bryan’s tweets, including Elizabeth Schultz’s idiocy ignorance about how large Fairfax County’s school bus fleet is (she claimed it’s #1 in the country; in fact, it’s #8, which is almost exactly what Laura Jane Cohen said it was).


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