Home Donald Trump LIVE Video: House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing – Vindman & Williams Testimony

LIVE Video: House Impeachment Inquiry Hearing – Vindman & Williams Testimony


Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman: “The uniform I wear today is that of the United States Army… We do not serve any political party. We serve the nation.”

Vindman: “Dad, my sitting here today, in the US Capitol talking to our elected officials is proof that you made the right decision forty years ago to leave the Soviet Union…Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.”

Vindman: “My simple act of appearing here today … would not be tolerated in many places. In Russia, my act of expressing concern to the chain of command would have severe repercussions & offering testimony involving the president would surely cost me the life.”

@jonfavs: “Jennifer Williams clearly disappointing Nunes by not being aware of his crazy right-wing conspiracy theories”

@DavidCornDC: “Vindland’s and Williams’ testimony is clear: there were THREE quid prop quos. There would be no WH meeting for Zelensky unless he investigated Bidens & crazy conspiracy theory about 2016. There would no sec. assistance as well. As for the Javelin missiles, ditto. No question.”


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