As Democrats prepare to take charge of the Virginia General Assembly for the first time in ages, it looks like the majority – and in many cases the overwhelming majority – of Virginians supports the Democratic policy agenda. Check out the results from this new Roanoke College poll:
- 84%-10% (+74 points) favor universal background checks for firearms purchases; 76%-14% (+62 points) favor “red flag” laws; 57%-30% (+27 points) support an “assault weapons ban”
- 73%-10% (+63 points) support passing the Equal Rights Amendment
- 68%-15% (+53 points) support “regulations that may slow effects of climate change”
- 66%-24% (+42 points) support “raise minimum wage to $15 over several years”
- 59%-16% (+43 points) support “reduce prison population and prison racial disparities”
- 53%-30% (+23 points) support “make it easier for a woman to obtain an abortion”
- The only one with a net disapproval is “require workers to pay dues in unionized workplace,” which Virginians oppose by a 43%-38% margin.
- Also, Trump’s at just 32%-51% (-19 points) in Virginia. Haha, so much winning – even *with* the strong economy Trump inherited from President Obama. LOL