Home 2020 Elections 2020 Dem Presidential Candidates Ramping Up Virginia Presence, Campaign Appearances, with Primary...

2020 Dem Presidential Candidates Ramping Up Virginia Presence, Campaign Appearances, with Primary Just 19 Days Away


With Virginia’s 2020 Democratic presidential primary on March 3, just 19 days from now, the candidates and their campaigns are starting to ramp things up…both in terms of their presence in Virginia and also their campaign appearances. Here are just a few recent examples I’ve received from various campaigns. I’ll add more as I see them…

Elizabeth Warren Announces Return to Virginia

Charlestown, MA – This week, Elizabeth Warren will travel to Northern Virginia to hold a town hall in Arlington.

Members of the media are required to RSVP using the links below.

THURSDAY, February 13

Northern Virginia Town Hall with Elizabeth Warren

6:00 p.m. ET (doors), 7:00 p.m. ET (event begins)

Wakefield High School

1325 S Dinwiddie Street

Arlington, VA 22206

General public must RSVP here.

As Momentum Builds, Pete for America Ramps up in Virginia

Campaign adds staff in Virginia and every Super Tuesday state to join a grassroots organizing network that has been operating in every Super Tuesday congressional district in Virginia since 2019

SOUTH BEND, IN –– Today, after strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, Pete for America announced a major ramp up in staff, organizing efforts, and Pete rallies across Super Tuesday states ahead of March 3rd –– including in Virginia.

Starting Monday, the campaign will have boots on the ground in Virginia and every Super Tuesday state that will help further resource and train thousands of grassroots volunteer networks in all 165 congressional districts. Additionally, Pete for America announced five upcoming trips in the next two weeks that will take Pete to Super Tuesday states including a town hall in Fairfax, Virginia on Sunday, February 23rd. This also comes on the heels of a six-figure digital buy in several Super Tuesday states.

“We are building the campaign that will not only win this nomination but will defeat Donald Trump in November,” said Samantha Steelman, Pete for America Organizing Director for Super Tuesday States. “To compete in all the states on Super Tuesday, you need a massive network of grassroots volunteers. For months, we have had a team that has been building that organization by harnessing the energy and grassroots momentum behind Pete and turning it into real organizing work. This ramp-up will provide more staff and resources to train, resource, and guide our 25,000 volunteers in Super Tuesday states that will push our campaign across the finish line on March 3rd.”

Pete’s message of belonging has inspired a grassroots campaign across the country. That is how our campaign has built up volunteer leadership teams that are working in every single congressional district in all Super Tuesday states. These volunteer-led teams have already hosted nearly 2,000 events and more than 25,000 volunteers, many of which have door knocked, phone banked, attended an event, or taken another volunteer action in in Super Tuesday states alone in the last month.

Pete for America has had staff and Regional Directors dedicated to empowering these thousands of supporters for months. And now the campaign is expanding its staff in Super Tuesday states to further support its volunteers and give them the additional resources, materials, and training needed to organize their communities. These trainings to date have included toolkits on how to reach out to their networks effectively, how to host organizing meetings, and more. They’ve resulted in a sophisticated and scalable volunteer army that can organize effectively at scale in advance of the Super Tuesday contests.

In addition to staff on the ground, Pete for America is also activating and ramping up activity in coalition groups like Students for Pete and Veterans & Military Community for Pete. The campaign has over 80 Students for Pete chapters in Super Tuesday states including at the University of Virginia, the University of Mary Washington, and George Mason University. Chapter leaders have been trained on all aspects of the campaign, including digital organizing, field, and policy advocacy. As part of  this ramp up, Pete for America is engaging student groups to have organizing meetings to welcome new staff. Veterans & Military Community for Pete has more than 1,600 active members in Super Tuesday states that will ramp up organizing activities as well.

In addition to organizing on the ground, Pete for America is also organizing online in Virginia. The campaign has 150+ digital captains, with a presence in every Super Tuesday state who are engaging supporters and bringing them into its relational organizing program. The campaign’s digital Welcome teams and Local teams will be finding and identifying new supporters online, welcoming them into the Pete community, and then connecting them to local resources both online and on the ground to get involved – translating online support to offline action.



Mike will hold a campaign event and speak at the Democratic Party of Virginia’s Blue Commonwealth Gala

RICHMOND, VA — On Saturday, February 15, Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg will be in Richmond, Virginia where he will hold a campaign event and speak at the Democratic Party of Virginia’s Blue Commonwealth Gala, the party’s largest fundraising event of the year. This will be Mike’s sixth visit to Virginia since launching his campaign.

Mike announced his campaign in Virginia, and was most recently in Norfolk on February 7, where he rolled out his plan on military families and veterans. In his previous visits to the Commonwealth, Mike met with staff and supporters in Arlington, spoke alongside former Governor Terry McAuliffe in Richmond, and released his clean energy policy in Alexandria.

“I launched my campaign for president in Norfolk for a simple reason: To defeat Donald Trump in November, we need to beat him in swing states like Virginia,” said Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg. “In 2019, I was glad to help Democrats take full control of the Virginia legislature for the first time in 26 years — and we’ll use the same blueprint to win in 2020. Our plan to unite and rebuild America starts with keeping the Commonwealth blue and I look forward to talking more about our vision for the country on the Democratic Party of Virginia’s big night.”

Virginians head to the polls on Super Tuesday, March 3. Mike’s campaign has more than 80 staffers on the ground and six offices throughout Virginia, with more to open in the coming weeks.


WHAT: Mike Bloomberg 2020 Organizing Event

WHO: Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg

WHERE: Hardywood Park Craft Brewery, 2410 Ownby Lane, Richmond, VA 23220

WHEN: Saturday, February 15, 2020

  • 4:30 PM EST: Doors open to public, press
  • 5:15 PM EST: Estimated start time


WHAT: Speech at Democratic Party of Virginia’s Blue Commonwealth Gala


  • Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg
  • Virginia Democrats

WHERE: 1500 East Main St., Richmond, VA 23219

WHEN: Saturday, February 15, 2020

  • 6:00 PM EST: Doors open to public, press
  • 7:00 PM EST: Estimated start time


Mike Bloomberg 2020 Announces Manassas Office and Grand Openings Events

Bloomberg 2020 Now Has Seven Offices Open Across Virginia

RICHMOND, Va — Mike Bloomberg 2020 announced this week a new office in Manassas, and the grand opening events for its offices in Danville and Richmond in advance of Virginia’s Democratic presidential primary on Super Tuesday. These offices will be critical in continuing the campaign’s momentum in Danville, Richmond, and Manassas.

With less than a month until the primaries in Virginia on March 3rd, Mike Bloomberg 2020 has the organization necessary to build on the momentum behind Mike. It has more than 80 staffers in Virginia and now seven offices, making it the largest campaign presence in the Commonwealth from any candidate for President this cycle.

This Saturday, Mike will return to Virginia for the Democratic Party of Virginia’s Blue Commonwealth Dinner. This is the DPVA’s largest fundraiser of the year, when Democrats from all over the Commonwealth come together in Richmond. This will mark his sixth trip to Virginia as a declared presidential candidate.

Office opening events for the Bloomberg 2020 campaign include:


WHAT: New Manassas Office Opening


  • Bloomberg 2020 staff and volunteers

WHERE: Manassas Field Office, 9303 Grant Ave. Manassas, VA, 20110

WHEN: Friday, February 14, 2020

  • 5:30pm



MEMO: Interested Parties
FROM: Melissa Gallahan, Bloomberg 2020 Virginia State Director
DATE: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
RE: Bloomberg 2020 Strategy for Virginia Primary

As Super Tuesday approaches, it is imperative that campaigns build the infrastructure needed to compete in multiple states at the same time. Particularly in Virginia, it is critical to have an organization with the resources to engage every community in the Commonwealth. As we approach March 3rd, it has become increasingly clear the only candidate capable of beating Donald Trump is Michael Bloomberg.

Since entering the race for the Democratic nomination more than 70 days ago, Mike Bloomberg 2020 has built the only organization capable of both mobilizing and persuading voters in the general election to defeat Donald Trump. With more than 2,100 staff across the country – including more than 80 here in Virginia – our campaign is meeting voters where they are and making the case as to why Mike Bloomberg is the best positioned candidate to defeat Trump, and why Mike is the most qualified to serve as president of the United States.

With less than 30 days remaining until Virginia’s Super Tuesday primary, we are confident that our campaign in Virginia is in a prime position to secure a significant delegate count here. Here’s how we are getting it done

Mike Will Get It Done in Virginia

A major Super Tuesday state, Virginia has a total of 124 delegates up for grabs. According to the rules set out by the Virginia Democratic Party, 78 are won based on vote totals in the various congressional districts, with 21 delegates pledged to whomever wins the state. In order to win delegates, candidates must hit a 15 percent threshold in each district. There are also 25 unpledged delegates, including the 14 Virginia members of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), nine members of Congress, Governor Ralph Northam, and former Governor Terry McAuliffe. This system means campaigns must follow our strategy in order to succeed: invest early, hire staffers on the ground throughout the commonwealth, open offices everywhere, engage with voters constantly, build an organization committed to going everywhere and speaking to everyone.

Our strategy is working. In the past few weeks, Mike has seen a continued rise in national polls and large crowds in recent campaign stops. Our national standing, significant investment in staff and resources, and Mike’s record, uniquely positions us for success on Super Tuesday.


In addition to having the largest nationwide campaign, at well over 2,100 people, Mike Bloomberg 2020 currently has more than 80 staffers on the ground across Virginia — making it the largest campaign of any candidate for president. This includes a state director, deputy state director, senior advisor, organizing director, deputy organizing directors, regional organizing directors, training director, political director and political associates, communications director, deputy communications director, operations director, deputy operations director, deputy digital director, and others.

This unprecedented investment enables our campaign to reach communities most campaigns do not have the resources to engage. Over the last week alone, more than 500 people took action with the campaign, reaching out to voters where they are. After a successful visit from Mike Bloomberg, a statewide Weekend of Action, and a Gun Violence Prevention Bus Tour, the campaign is in the strongest position possible heading into the last few weeks before Super Tuesday.


Organizing and communicating Mike’s message in every single congressional district requires a first-of-its-kind push to build campaign infrastructure across the commonwealth ahead of Super Tuesday. As part of its effort to engage voters, the campaign is physically expanding at a rapid rate. Just last week alone, we opened three new offices in Arlington, Charlottesville, and Roanoke. Other offices the campaign plans to open will be in Richmond, Daville, and Hampton Roads. By the March 3 primary, the campaign plans to have over 6 offices open across the commonwealth.


In addition to boots-on-the-ground traditional organizing, Mike Bloomberg 2020 is putting the resources early into television and digital ads. This allows the campaign to introduce Mike and his record to voters across the commonwealth and to communicate his message on critical issues – including gun violence, climate change, and health care. Our campaign has already been running ads in the commonwealth highlighting the stories of Virginians who were affected by gun violence.

Walking the Walk on What Virginia Voters Care About

On the issues most important to Virginia Democratic primary voters, Mike has the strongest record and best message to win:

  1. Defeating Donald Trump
  2. Ending Gun Violence
  3. Improving Health Care
  4. Fighting Climate Change

Mike’s committed investment in general election states and his disciplined commitment to beating Trump is unparalleled in the history of American politics. Mike Bloomberg 2020 already has the best organization to defeat Donald Trump and win Virginia in the general election. In these final weeks leading to Super Tuesday, our campaign will continue to work hard, invest our efforts, and mobilize voters for Mike all over the commonwealth of Virginia.


February 12, 2020

Valerie Biden Owens to Travel to Virginia

On Saturday, February 15, Valerie Biden Owens, Joe Biden’s sister and longtime advisor, will launch the Virginia portion of the “Soul of the Nation Early Vote Kickoff Tour.” Biden Owens will travel Virginia on the “Soul of the Nation” bus and deliver remarks at a Soul of the Nation kickoff event in Newport News. She will then deliver remarks at the Democratic Party of Virginia’s Blue Commonwealth Gala.

Details are subject to change


Soul of the Nation Kickoff with Valerie Biden Owens in Newport News, VA (NEW)

Doors Open: 12:45 PM ET
Event Start Time: 1:00 PM ET

Where: Doris Miller Community Center, 2814 Wickham Ave, Newport News, VA 23607

Event Attendance: Members of the public who wish to attend can RSVP HERE.

Democratic Party of Virginia’s Blue Commonwealth Gala with Valerie Biden Owens in Richmond, VA

Doors Open: 6:00 PM ET
Event Start Time: 7:00 PM ET

Where: Main Street Station, 1500 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219

Event Attendance: Members of the public who wish to attend can RSVP HERE.


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