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Sen. Tim Kaine: “The attack on the Capitol was an attack on all Americans…[We] must stand together if we are to restore our democracy.”

Yesterday, "goaded" by Trump, "right-wing insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol"


See below for a press release from Sen. Tim Kaine’s office, as well as video from last night at the U.S. Senate, where Kaine said:

“We should be coming together today, after acts of violence, as the United States Senate to affirm the votes of all who cast ballots in November,. Instead we’re contemplating an unprecedented objection that would be a massive disenfranchisement of American voters.”


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine released the following statement upon the certification of the Electoral College results:

“Today’s certification makes official what we have known since November: that at noon on January 20th, President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris will lead our nation to a healthier, fairer, more prosperous future.

“But we all must condemn—in the strongest possible terms—the attempt yesterday to rob the American people of their duly elected leaders. Goaded by the President and abetted by some of my fellow Senators, right-wing insurrectionists stormed the U.S. Capitol in support of an effort to overturn the presidential election results and install an unelected government. We know exactly how we got to this point. What will the Republican leaders who have enabled the outgoing President do to restore peace, law, and order after this four-year flirt with authoritarianism?

“Today, we are reminded that democracy must be nourished if we are to keep it. The attack on the Capitol was an attack on all Americans. In response, all Americans must stand together if we are to restore our democracy.”


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