The following video, of Pete Snyder speaking to a crowd of Travis Hackworth supporters, is…odd, let’s just say. Here’s what Snyder had to say:
“No matter what happens on May 8…I’m a true conservative…I’m a team player…I hope I’m leading the ticket, but no matter what, we are going to duke it out and fight. Chuck mentioned that Democrats only see race and color. I saw some color up here…black and blue [signs], black and blue again and again and again, and that’s what Travis and I are going to do together, we are going to beat up the Democrats, make them that black and blue.”
I mean, it sounds like Snyder’s trying to make a joke of some sort, but is it funny? Particularly in the context of what happened on January 6 and everything else going on in the country right now? Sure seems like a weird comment to make.