Home African Americans Isle of Wight NAACP Calls For The Immediate Resignation Of The Town...

Isle of Wight NAACP Calls For The Immediate Resignation Of The Town Of Windsor’s Chief of Police


From the Virginia NAACP:

Isle of Wight NAACP Calls For The Immediate Resignation Of The Town Of Windsor’s Chief of Police

“After watching the press conference held by Windsor’s officials on April 14, 2021, we were appalled by the statements and subsequent actions by town officials as well as the Chief of Police.

Please see the attached letter [see below] to local and state officials outlining the Isle of Wight NAACP’s reasons demanding the resignation of Chief Rodney Riddle and Officer Daniel Crocker as well as the community’s first set of requests to the Town of Windsor’s officials.” – -Valerie Butler, President of the Isle of Wight Chapter of the NAACP 


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