Home 2021 Elections Terry McAuliffe Raises $4.1 Million in Q1 2021, Has $8.5 Million Cash...

Terry McAuliffe Raises $4.1 Million in Q1 2021, Has $8.5 Million Cash on Hand

McAuliffe "Has Raised $10.3 Million To Date - More Than Any Gubernatorial Candidate At This Point in The Cycle in VA History"


See below for a press release from the Terry McAuliffe for Governor campaign on his 1Q21 fundraising numbers (all of which are due today, by the way, so we should have a bunch more press releases to share). One other report so far is from the Jennifer Carroll Foy for Governor campaign, who raised $1.8 million in Q1 2021 and has $2.3 million cash on hand…about one quarter of what McAuliffe’s campaign has.

Terry McAuliffe Raises $4.1 Million in Q1 2021, Has $8.5 Million Cash on Hand; Terry Has Raised $10.3 Million To Date – More Than Any Gubernatorial Candidate At This Point in The Cycle in VA History

Terry for Virginia Continues to Build Broad Coalition of Support and Has Received 13,000+ Donations in Q1, With 92% of Donations $100 Or Less

Nearly 16,500 Donors, Including from All of Virginia’s 133 Cities and Counties, Have Contributed to Terry’s Campaign This Cycle

MCLEAN, VA – Terry McAuliffe today announced he raised $4.1 million in the first quarter of 2021, continuing to grow his broad and unmatched coalition of support, and enters the second quarter with $8.5 million cash on hand. To date, Terry has raised over $10.3 million, the most of any gubernatorial candidate at this point in the cycle in Virginia history. In the first quarter of 2021, Terry for Virginia received more than 13,000 contributions, with 92% of donations being $100 or less. To date, nearly 16,500 donors, including from all of Virginia’s 133 cities and counties, have contributed to Terry’s campaign. Terry officially announced his candidacy for governor on December 9, 2020.

Terry has continued to build an unmatched, broad, and diverse coalition of support for his campaign, including endorsements from more than 250 community leaders and elected officials such as Governor Ralph Northam, Congresswoman Elaine Luria (VA-02), and campaign Co-Chairs Senate President Pro-Tempore L. Louise Lucas, House Majority Leader Charniele Herring, and Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney. Major national labor organizations, including the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME)Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA), and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA) are also supporting Terry’s bid for Governor.

“I am so proud of the unmatched, broad, and diverse coalition of support we are continuing to build across the Commonwealth. Virginians share a vision of creating a stronger, more equitable post-COVID economy that invests in workers, addresses inequities in health care and education, and gives everyone a path to a better, brighter future. We have tackled big challenges together before, and I know we can do it again and make real progress for the Commonwealth” said Terry McAuliffe. “By building on the incredible progress Democrats in Virginia have made over the past eight years, and working with my good friend President Joe Biden, we will build back stronger and more equitably from this COVID crisis and continue to move Virginia forward.”

Since launching his campaign in December, Terry has focused on sharing his message of rebuilding a stronger, more equitable post-COVID economy with voters across the Commonwealth. He has released big, bold plans to strengthen Virginia’s education system and dramatically increase teacher pay, help secure Virginia’s economic recovery from COVID-19reform our criminal justice system to create a more equitable Virginia, ensure Virginians have access to regular nutritious meals, address the broken, predatory system of prescription drug pricingboldly confront the gun violence epidemicmake Virginia the best state in the nation for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Healthcare (STEM-H) and computer science education, tackle the housing crisis in the Commonwealth and invest in Virginia’s workforce to create a more equitable post-COVID economy, ensure Virginians have access to high-quality, affordable health caretackle climate change and secure Virginia’s clean energy future by 2035, and lift up Black Virginians as the Commonwealth rebuilds equitably from the COVID-19 pandemic.

To learn more about Terry’s vision for Virginia, visit www.TerryMcAuliffe.com.


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