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As Supreme Court Threat to Roe v Wade Looms, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia Announces Endorsement of Jennifer McClellan for Governor

If you want Virginia women to maintain their reproductive health and freedom, vote Democratic!


As the 6-3 right-wing U.S. Supreme Court announces that it will take up a case that could end up gutting Roe v Wade, the importance of keeping the Virginia governorship and General Assembly in Democratic hands – and not turning them over to strongly ANTI-reproductive-freedom Trump Republicans like Glenn Youngkin, Winsome Sears and Jason Miyares – is made crystal clear. In that context, here’s a press release from NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia, announcing the group’s endorsement of Democrat Jennifer McClellan for governor.

NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia Endorses Senator Jennifer McClellan for Governor 

Richmond, Va. – Today, NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia PAC, the political action arm of the Commonwealth’s leading reproductive freedom advocacy organization, announced its endorsement of Senator Jennifer McClellan for Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

“NARAL Virginia is thrilled to throw our support behind a proven reproductive freedom champion and partner – Senator Jennifer McClellan. She is a champion among a crowded field of champions. But what sets her apart is her deep commitment and narrow focus to ensuring reproductive freedom is a true reality for each and every Virginian. Senator McClellan is the right person to meet this important moment in our Commonwealth’s and nation’s history and we look forward to helping her win the Democratic nomination for governor,” says NARAL Pro-Choice Executive Director Tarina Keene. 

Throughout her 16-year legislative career, Jennifer McClellan has fought to defend and increase access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare services, including abortion and birth control. 

In 2020, her leadership led to the passage of the first proactive abortion rights bill to ever pass in Virginia and in the South. The Reproductive Health Protection Act (SB733) repealed five of the most egregious and medically unnecessary barriers to abortion care including the targeted regulations on abortion providers (TRAP), mandatory waiting periods, state-mandated biased counseling, forced ultrasounds, and bans on certain medical professionals from providing abortion early in pregnancy. 

This year, she continued her winning streak by making Virginia the first state in the South to repeal the ban on abortion coverage on the state’s health insurance exchange (SB1276)

Senator McClellan is a champion among champions when it comes to her commitment to ensuring each and every Virginian has access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare. With the potential to become the first Black woman governor in the country, Senator McClellan’s candidacy is groundbreaking and her record proves that she not only has the ability to pass legislation but she also represents and fights for Virginia’s most marginalized and impacted communities. 

Virginia is long overdue for a governor who represents inclusivity and opportunity, but more importantly, represents a community that has been underserved and overlooked. As the descendent of civil rights leaders, McClellan is the candidate who understands what it means for a community to be explicitly targeted and denied the right to vote, to live free from fear, and to control one’s body. 

This is a monumental moment in our Commonwealth’s 400-year history. For a state that birthed slavery, we have the opportunity to elect Virginia’s and our nation’s first Black woman governor. Jennifer McClellan is undeniably ready and qualified to be Virginia’s next leader. 

The strength of the Democratic primary field and the unified commitment to reproductive freedom is a testament to the years of advocacy and work to elevate this critical issue in the Commonwealth.  Senator McClellan stands out among a dynamic pack in the gubernatorial primary. NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia PAC believes Democratic candidates – former Governor Terry McAuliffe and former Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy – are solid supporters of reproductive freedom. Their experience and leadership in the fight for reproductive freedom also make them worthy contenders of our support. 

NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia will use the full force of its grassroots organizing and mobilizing power to ensure Senator Jennifer McClellan wins the Democratic nomination and will advance to the General Election to be Virginia’s next pro-reproductive freedom Governor. 


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