Home 2021 Elections Video: Glenn Youngkin Says “slavery was abhorrent, BUT…”

Video: Glenn Youngkin Says “slavery was abhorrent, BUT…”

Youngkin's entire attitude is repulsive, and should be rejected overwhelmingly by Virginia voters this November. No ifs, ands or "BUTs about it!


See below for an instant classic (great catch by American Bridge!) by the Virginia Trump Republican Party’s 2021 nominee for governor, Glenn Youngkin:

Slavery was abhorrent, but it doesn’t mean that we have to actually drive division into our schools so that we are bucketing kids into different groups and labeling them. And this is exactly what Martin Luther King was talking about when he said we absolutely don’t want to judge people based on the color of their skin but rather the content of their character.”

So, as usual with Youngkin – and just like his heroes Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, etc. – you know he’s lying if his lips are moving. In this case, he’s wildly dishonest by setting up a bizarre, false “straw man” that on the one hand, “slavery was abhorrent,” BUT (ugh, you know it’s gonna be bad as soon as someone adds the word “but” after a statement that should end right there with a PERIOD) on the other hand, “we” shouldn’t “actually drive division into our schools.”

Now, in this clip, Youngkin doesn’t say what specifically he’s referring to when he talks about “driv[ing] division into our schools,” but previously he and his far-right ticketmates have ranted over and over again about the right-wing-boogeyman-du-jour, “critical race theory” (a heretofore obscure academic field of study that has little if any relevance to Virginia’s schools), and more broadly over teaching ALL of American history – the good, the bad, the ugly – including horrors in our history like slavery, “Jim Crow,” lynchings, etc. Because for the Glenn Youngkins of the world, clearly the less Americans know about what actually went on in this country’s past, the better…to maintain the system as it is, not make it more fair and equitable, etc. It’s a repulsive attitude, and should be rejected overwhelmingly by Virginia voters this November. No ifs, ands or “BUT”s about it!

P.S. “Oh by the way,” as Youngkin says repeatedly as a verbal tic every time he speaks, this is NOT “exactly what Martin Luther King was talking about when he said we absolutely don’t want to judge people based on the color of their skin but rather the content of their character.” Utter idiocy…twisted, bizarre, WTF???


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