Home National Politics Video, Highlights: 2020 U.S. Census Data Released; Virginia Became More Diverse Over...

Video, Highlights: 2020 U.S. Census Data Released; Virginia Became More Diverse Over Past Decade, Population Growth Mostly in Urban/Suburban Areas


See below for video and highlights from the US Census Bureau, which is releasing 2020 data today…super important for many reasons, including of course redistricting.  A few things I’ve noticed so far (I’ll keep updating this…):

  • According to the Census data, Virginia went from a “Race and Ethnicity Diversity Index” score of 53.4% in 2010 to 60.5% in 2020.
  • The “Second-Most Prevalent Race or Ethnicity Group By County: 2020” shows that in Virginia, Black/African-American is the second-largest racial or ethnic group in large swaths of Virginia, with “Two or More Races, Non-Hispanic” and “Hispanic or Latino, of any race” second-most-prevalent in western Virginia.
  • In Virginia, looks like growth from 2010 to 2020 was mostly in “blue” NoVA, the Richmond area, Hampton Roads, while “red”/rural areas (SWVA, Southside) mostly appear to have lost population
  • According to Chaz Nuttycombe, Loudoun County’s population increased 33.43% over the past decade, from 315,479 in 2010 to 420,959 in 2020.
  • According to Nate Cohn of the NY Times, “White, non-Hispanic population falls to 57.8%, per Census data, 2 points lower than expected. Hispanic share at 18.7, a tenth of a point higher than expected…When you couple this with the sweeping decline in the rural population, it’s a pretty decent set of data for Democrats in redistricting”
  • According to Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report: “Early read: based on the strong urban and weaker rural numbers I’m seeing, this is a *much* more favorable Census count than minority advocacy groups/Dems had feared.”


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