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Terry for Virginia Releases New Digital Ad “Allegiance” On Trump’s Insurrectionist Rally for Glenn Youngkin and Youngkin’s Dangerous Agenda for Virginia


From the McAuliffe for Governor campaign:

Terry for Virginia Releases New Digital Ad “Allegiance” On Trump’s Insurrectionist Rally for Glenn Youngkin and Youngkin’s Dangerous Agenda for Virginia

MCLEAN, VA – Terry for Virginia today released a new digital ad “Allegiance” on Donald Trump’s insurrectionist rally for Glenn Youngkin and Youngkin’s dangerous agenda for Virginia. The ad features footage of attendees at the Youngkin-Trump rally pledging their allegiance to a flag that was present at the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6. Youngkin thanked the host of this rally for organizing it and has refused to condemn the event, proving once again that he is all in on Donald Trump’s dangerous, divisive, conspiracy theory-focused agenda.

At the Trump rally in support of Youngkin’s campaign, Trump promised Youngkin will “do all of the things we want a governor to do” and “straighten out Virginia.” Glenn Youngkin has fully embraced Trump’s dangerous, anti-democracy agenda, and last week’s rally solidified his priorities for the Commonwealth.


Glenn Youngkin: John, thank you for hosting this event on the thirteenth.
Event Host 1: She’s carrying an American flag that was carried at the peaceful rally with Donald J. Trump on January sixth.
Event Host 2: I pledge allegiance to the flag.
Donald Trump: Glenn Youngkin – he’ll straighten out Virginia. Do all of the things that we want a governor to do. We’re gonna take it all back. Take back Virginia.


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