Home 2022 Elections Jennifer Lewis: As One of Only 18 Votes Against NATO Membership for...

Jennifer Lewis: As One of Only 18 Votes Against NATO Membership for Sweden and Finland, Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA06) “voted against democracy,” “showed his loyalty to Vladimir Putin”


From VA06 Democratic nominee Jennifer Lewis, who’s running against the horrendously bad, far-right, seditionist, and apparently pro-Putin Rep. Ben Cline (R-VA06) in a deep-red district. In this case, as Lewis says, Cline “was one of only 18 No votes against NATO membership for two long standing  democracies and allies [Sweden and Finland].” As Lewis says in her statement:

“Cline joined 17 of his Republican friends in voting no—including such extremists as Madison Cawthorn, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and Matt Gaetz. Cline rejected an opportunity to strengthen NATO and showed his loyalty to Vladimir Putin. He voted against democracy.”

The bottom line: “These votes [by Rep. Cline] are a slap in the face to the veterans and active-duty service members Cline claims to support, who have worked closely with troops from other NATO countries in our common defense.” Appalling, but sadly not surprising coming from this guy, who badly needs to be replaced this November…


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