Home 2022 Elections After Winning Republican Primary in June, VA02 Nominee Jen Kiggans Scrubbed Virulently...

After Winning Republican Primary in June, VA02 Nominee Jen Kiggans Scrubbed Virulently Anti-Choice/Anti-Trans Language From Her Website

As the Virginian-Pilot and Daily Press said about Kiggans, "she apparently decided that the path to victory is the selling of her soul.”


As you might have seen yesterday, the Virginian-Pilot and Daily Press – the largest local newspapers serving VA02 (Hampton Roads), which is represented by Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02) – absolutely RIPPED Luria’s Republican opponent Jen Kiggans.  A few highlights from their dual editorials were:

  • “It’s reckless to speculate about the legal justification behind the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Monday execution of a search warrant at the Florida home of former President Donald Trump without seeing the warrant itself. Not that it’s stopped some prominent Virginia Republicans from plunging head-first into those murky, brackish waters.”
  • “In going off half-cocked, Youngkin and Kiggans have some distasteful company.”
  • “That’s the team Kiggans aspires to join. After announcing her bid for Congress, she apparently decided that the path to victory is the selling of her soul.”
  • “How else can she defend voting to spend $70 million in taxpayer funds on a ridiculous ‘forensic audit’ of Virginia’s 2020 election, a baseless scheme advanced by high-profile wackadoodle state Sen. Amanda Chase?”

The truth hurts, of course – or at least it SHOULD hurt Kiggans, politically speaking, this November. By the way, Kiggans hasn’t just gone off the far-right deep end with regard to the Republican Party’s cult leader, Donald Trump. Kiggans also has said or done the following:

So obviously, Kiggans is not a person who should hold ANY public office, let alone be elected to the US House of Representatives. The big question is, will VA02 voters know who Kiggans really is (an extremist), and vote accordingly? Or will Kiggans succeed in pulling the wool over voters’ eyes?  On that latter question, Kiggans is certainly trying to do just that! For instance, if you compare her current website to her pre-GOP-primary website, the differences are striking!  Check it out:

After winning the Republican primary in Virginia’s Second Congressional District, Jen Kiggans deleted her extreme anti-choice and anti-trans views from her website’s issues page.

  • In her section on abortion, Kiggans has attempted to to muddy her 100% anti-choice stance, by: removing her pledge to pass “pro-life legislation”; editing a claim that she stood up to attempts to expand access to abortions and force taxpayers to pay for abortion in Virginia; inserting a previously unmentioned claim that she supports expanding access to contraception; deleting a claim that she was a champion for women “impacted by abortion”; etc.
  • Kiggans’ issues page also previously included a section titled “transgenderism in our schools” where she highlighted her anti-trans votes and claimed that she needed to “protect our children from transgender policies.”  Her current website, in contrast, has completely removed her anti-trans positions!

Is someone like Kiggans, who attempts to pull the wool over voters’ eyes by hiding their extremism, a person anyone can or should trust with their votes?  Of course not. The good news is that VA02 voters have a superb alternative, namely reelecting Rep. Elaine Luria, who has served her country – fighting to defend its democracy from all enemies, foreign AND domestic – with honor and integrity her entire life as a Navy Commander and U.S. Congresswoman. This November, VA02 voters should send Rep. Luria back for another term in Congress by a HUGE margin, and send Kiggans back to…work on updating her website and her resume? LOL


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