Home Fairfax County At Today’s Fairfax Dems “Road to Richmond” Event, VA Senate Majority Leader...

At Today’s Fairfax Dems “Road to Richmond” Event, VA Senate Majority Leader Saslaw Says Youngkin’s Anti-Abortion Budget Amendment Will Only Pass “over my dead body”

Fairfax County Chair Jeff McKay hits Youngkin for only having time to "monitor the situation and pray" when a 6-year-old takes a gun and shoots his teacher.


Thanks to the Falls Church City Democratic Committee (and its Chairwoman, Cindy Cunningham) for these highlights from today’s Fairfax Democratic Committee “Road to Richmond” event. I’ll add more as I see them, but for now:

  • Fairfax County Chair Jeff McKay “[said Youngkin] had time to launch an investigation into the FFX County schools over an administrative mailing situation but only had time to ‘monitor the situation and pray’ when a 6-year-old takes a gun & shoots his teacher.”
  • Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08) said “The country will look to Virginia in 2023 to see what will happen in the country in 2024.”
  • VA Senate Majority leader Dick Saslaw (D) “[said] Governor Youngkin’s budget amendment for $50,000 to pay for prosecuting people who get an abortion in violation of the abortion ban Youngkin wants to enact, will come out of the Senate ‘over my dead body.'”



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