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Video: PW County Board Chair Democratic Nominee Deshundra Jefferson Condemns Supervisor Jeanine Lawson (R)’s Refusal to Listen to Constituents and Misuse of Taxpayer Funds


Check out the following video and press release from the Deshundra Jefferson for Prince William Board of County Supervisors Chair campaign. Also, for more on right-wing Republican Jeanine Lawson, see VA10 GOP Nomination Decided Today; DPVA Says “These candidates…are just an embarrassment to Virginia” (One of the leading candidates, Jeanine Lawson, was endorsed by Elise Stefanik and “has pledged to ‘remain relentless dedicated’ to restricting access to reproductive health care.”); VA02 and VA10 GOP Candidates (Jen Kiggans and Jeanine Lawson) Endorsed by Far-Right Rep. Elise Stefanik (R), Who “aided Trump in his efforts to overturn the election results”; Video: Two Republican Prince William County Board Members Freak Out, Walk Out When Joint Meeting with School Board Turns to Subject of “Implicit Bias” (Supervisor Lawson: “I’m offended that you find that I need to be trained”); Video: Prince William County Supervisor Has No Idea Who the Great African-American Sociologist, Civil Rights Activist, Writer, etc. W.E.B. DuBois Was; An Open Letter to Brentsville Supervisor Jeanine Lawson; etc. And make sure, if you live in Prince William County, to vote for Deshundcra Jefferson starting on September 22!

Deshundra Jefferson Condemns Supervisor Lawson’s Refusal to Listen to Constituents and Misuse of Taxpayer Funds

Today, the Democratic nominee for the Chair of the Prince William Board of County Supervisors Deshundra Jefferson joined a broad group of concerned county residents at a “town hall” regarding a proposed workforce housing development in the Town of Haymarket and Prince William County.

Instead of hosting a balanced discussion of the project and ideas to increase affordability in Prince William County, Supervisor Lawson, the Republican candidate for Chair of the Board of County Supervisors, stated that she had already staked out a positon well before listening to public comments from veterans, retired teachers, and faith leaders who advocated for the need of this type of project.

Jefferson issued the following statement following the event:

“I came to listen and learn more about this project. We need to consider this project along with a broader effort to increase affordability. We absolutely need a housing trust fund and an affordable housing ordinance. We also need to address overcrowding in the schools.

“We also cannot rush to say yes – or no – or pit one critical goal against another.

“It doesn’t seem like the Republican candidate is truly willing to engage much on this topic. It is misleading to host an event billed as a town hall when she has already taken a position on the project.

“If you’re not going to consider constituent input first, then is this really a town hall or is this really an attempt to hold an opposition rally using taxpayer dollars?”

After hearing from constituents, Lawson acknowledged that she had little interest in considering their input stating, “You can certainly lobby me but I don’t see myself changing.”

The proposed housing development would provide 240 units of workforce housing targeted to serve residents including firefighters, police officers, teachers, and local government employees. The project site lies on U.S. 15 near Haymarket Elementary School.


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