Home 2024 Elections VA Dems: Youngkin a “spineless, failed governor…kissing up to Donald Trump…such an...

VA Dems: Youngkin a “spineless, failed governor…kissing up to Donald Trump…such an embarrassment…a lost soul”

Youngkin was never a "moderate," but now has gone all-out MAGA/extremist


The Virginia Dems are 100% correct about Glenn Youngkin, who started off as a supposed “moderate” (that was always b.s., obviously, to anyone who was paying the *least* bit of attention) and now has morphed into a a “spineless, failed governor…kissing up to Donald Trump…such an embarrassment…a lost soul.”

Also note: going forward, any journalist who refers to Youngkin as a “moderate,” “centrist,” “normie Republican,” etc. needs to be fired immediately. The guy’s full-out MAGA/extremist at this point. And really, any journalist who EVER called Youngkin a “moderate,” “centrrist,” “normie Republican,” etc. should not be a journalist.


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