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WATCH >> In CNN Town Hall, Vice President Harris Says Trump’s Former Chief of Staff John Kelly is “Putting Out a 911 Call to the American People”

"Town hall was supposed to be a debate until Trump refused to participate"


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign:

WATCH >> In CNN Town Hall, Vice President Harris Says Trump’s Former Chief of Staff John Kelly is “Putting Out a 911 Call to the American People”

VP Harris: “Four-Star Marine General” John Kelly is “putting out a 911 call to the American people.”

Harris: “The people who know Donald Trump best … all Republicans by the way … have all called him unfit and dangerous.”

Town hall was supposed to be a debate until Trump refused to participate

Tonight, in a town hall hosted by CNN, in front of an audience of undecided and persuadable voters, Vice President Kamala Harris again underlined the dangers that a second Donald Trump term poses, citing his own aides’ own words.


  • Vice President Harris: “The people who know Donald Trump best, the people who worked with him in the White House, in the Situation Room, in the Oval Office, all Republicans by the way, who served in his administration, his former chief of staff, his national security adviser, former secretaries of defense, and his vice president have all called him unfit and dangerous. They have said explicitly he has contempt for the Constitution of the United States. They have said he should never again serve as President of the United States.”
  • Vice President Harris: “I think one has to think about why would someone who served with him, who is not political, a four-star Marine General, why is he telling the American people now? And frankly, I think of it as he’s just putting out a 911 call to the American people. Understand what could happen if Donald Trump were back in the White House. And this time, we must take very seriously those folks who knew him best and who were career people, are not going to be there to hold him back.”

Tonight’s town hall – which was supposed to be a debate until Trump refused to participate – comes as the Vice President directly addressed the latest reporting on Trump’s danger to democracy earlier today, calling it “deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous.” Her comments come as Trump has also said he wants “extreme power” as president and would use the military against his fellow Americans who he has called the “enemy from within.”



Vice President Harris: “I do believe that Donald Trump is unstable, increasingly unstable, and unfit to serve. And I don’t necessarily think that everyone has heard what you and I have heard repeatedly, which is the people who know Donald Trump best, the people who worked with him in the White House, in the Situation Room, in the Oval Office, all Republicans by the way, who served in his administration, his former chief of staff, his national security adviser, former secretaries of defense, and his vice president have all called him unfit and dangerous. They have said explicitly he has contempt for the Constitution of the United States. They have said he should never again serve as President of the United States. We know that is why Mike Pence is not running with him again, why the job was empty.”

“And then today we learned that John Kelly, a four-star Marine General who is his longest serving chief of staff, gave an interview recently, in the last two weeks of this election, talking about how dangerous Donald Trump is. And I think one has to think about why would someone who served with him, who is not political, a four-star Marine General, why is he telling the American people now? And frankly, I think of it as he’s just putting out a 911 call to the American people.”

“Understand what could happen if Donald Trump were back in the White House. And this time, we must take very seriously those folks who knew him best and who were career people, are not going to be there to hold him back. At least before, there were folks, who—we know what he would say—but they would restrain him. Imagine now, Donald Trump in the Oval Office, in the Situation Room, he who has openly admired dictators, said he would be a ‘dictator’ on ‘day one.’ The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has said he is a ‘fascist to the core.’”

“So I think that when the American people reflect, especially those who are undecided, on who you should listen to, don’t take my word for it. In fact, go online and listen to John Kelly—his voice—talking about what he thinks of Donald Trump two weeks before the election, because I think we all know, to your point, Anderson, it is close, but there are undecided voters who clearly, by being here have an open mind, want to talk in a way that is grounded in issues and facts. And when they hear these facts, I think it compels a lot of people to be concerned about the future of our country with Donald Trump at the lead. …”

“These are career people who have served in the highest roles in national security, who have served as generals in our military, who are highly respected, talking about the person who would be Commander in Chief. Not to mention what we know and what they’ve told us about how he talks about the military—servicemen and women—referring to them as ‘suckers’ and ‘losers,’ how he demeans people who have taken an oath to sacrifice their life for our country.”

“And I do believe, Anderson, that part of this is why even just this week, I traveled this state and others with Liz Cheney, former Congress member, who was a very high-ranking Republican, she has endorsed me. Her father, the former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney is voting for me. Over four hundred previous members of the administration from Ronald Reagan to both Presidents Bush to Donald Trump, even, have endorsed my candidacy. And the reason why, among them, is a legitimate fear, based on Donald Trump’s words and actions, that he will not obey an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. He himself has said he would ‘terminate’ the Constitution of the United States and wants to earn your vote to stand again behind the seal of the President of the United States. No one standing behind the seal of the president of the United States of America should be in that position, saying they want to terminate the Constitution of the United States.”


Paid for by Harris for President


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