Seriously, if you EVER (at least since it becames crystal clear, if you were paying literally ANY attention at all, in 2021 and 2022 that he was MAGA all the way) called Youngkin a “moderate,” “mystery date,” “normie Republican,” etc., you should have lost all credibility as a news organization, “journalist,” etc. Top culprits in this: the WaPo’s Virginia “journalists,” and pretty much the entire US and Virginia political press corps. Check out the latest:
President Donald Trump is expected to sign a long-awaited directive Thursday to officially wind down the Education Department, following weeks of steadily winnowing the agency’s staff and spending.
Several Republican governors — including Greg Abbott of Texas, Mike Braun of Indiana, Ron DeSantis of Florida, Bill Lee of Tennessee, Brad Little of Idaho, Glenn Youngkin of Virginia, Kim Reynolds of Iowa and Mike DeWine of Ohio — are expected to be in attendance, according to a White House official.
So…nope, Youngkin’s no “moderate,” nor has he EVER been a “moderate” in any way/shape/form since he entered politics in 2021 (note: yes, he WAS a non-MAGA-sounding guy when he was at the Carlyle Group – even praising Communist China’s “unique system,” saying China was “incredibly helpful”; also sounding very “woke” as a champion of diversity, ESG, “lowering carbon footprint,” etc. – but then he entered politics and went hard right, because he cynically – and accurately? – calculated that this was the path to POWER for himself in the Trump/MAGA GOP)
P.S. Anyone who actually believed in 2021 that Youngkin was pro-public-education, let alone better than Democrats on this issue, just…WTF????????