Home VA GOP Audio: On Right-Wing Radio This Morning, VA GOP Chair Predictably Claims Dems...

Audio: On Right-Wing Radio This Morning, VA GOP Chair Predictably Claims Dems in “Disarray” and “Meltdown” After Ousting Eileen Filler-Corn as Leader

Meanwhile, the right-wing radio host interviewing Anderson signals the VA GOP's nasty line of attack on Del. Don Scott.


Check out the following audio and transcript of VA GOP chair Rich Anderson and right-wing radio/WRVA host John Reid this morning discussing the VA House Dems’ leadership fight and the ouster of Eileen Filler-Corn as Leader.  It’s VERY telling (and very predictable) regarding the Republicans’ “framing” of this situation…which is that: a) Dems are supposedly in “self-imposed meltdown,” “disarray,” “despair,” etc.; b) Dems are supposedly “in the process of pulling out by the roots seasoned leadership within their party and trying to replace it with newcomers who have little practical experience beyond a couple terms in the House of Delegates.” Unfortunately, we all should expect to hear a LOT more of this kind of talk in coming weeks/months.

Also, note John Reid’s characterization of Del. Don Scott as “an African-American delegate who’s new to the General Assembly who spent a few years in prison for coke dealing.” That is also VERY telling about where Virginia Republicans’ collective heads are at…and it really ain’t pretty. I mean, what does the fact that Del. Scott is African American have to do with anything? And yes, Del. Scott committed a crime years ago, served his time, paid his debt to society, and…Republicans are never going to let him move on from that? Note that Rich Anderson didn’t disagree with Reid’s characterization or push back in any way? Gross.

P.S. Of course, it’s gotta be said, it’s ALSO not pretty that House Dems handed this “disarray” narrative – for no good reason – to Virginia Republicans on a silver platter this time around. And the question remains: WHY???

Reid: “The Democrats in the House of Delegates got rid of Eileen Filler-Corn, the first female, Jewish Speaker – I mean, those things don’t matter to me, but she was the Speaker of the House of Delegates at the start of the year, and now she’s out as the Minority Leader. And they’re apparently contemplating an African-American delegate who’s new to the General Assembly who spent a few years in prison for coke dealing if I understand correctly, I’m not sure I really know the details of that. What is going on with the Democrat [sic] Party right now?”

Anderson: “Well, the Democrat [sic] Party is in disarray, it’s in despair, they’re disunited. They tried to keep that behind closed doors in House Room 2 which is their caucus room, but it obviously spilled out very much in a public way and signaled their disorganization, the fact that they are in the process of pulling out by the roots seasoned leadership within their party and trying to replace it with newcomers who have little practical experience beyond a couple terms in the House of Delegates is very telling…it’s sad to see a major political party in self-imposed meltdown; that is the case and that sets the predicate as we move…into the general election phase of the campaign.”


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