Home Guns Audio: VA LG Winsome Sears Says What Happened in Highland Park, IL...

Audio: VA LG Winsome Sears Says What Happened in Highland Park, IL Shows That “there are laws about how murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder and yet we have murders”

Sears also says "What happens in Chicago [sic] happens here...look at what happened here in Richmond, same thing"


See below for audio of the latest words of…er, the polar opposite of wisdom…from gun nut (and all around kook) Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears (R) on the HIghland Park gun massacre. According to Sears – who on June 1 went on the same faaar-right radio show to defend her decision to speak at the NRA convention in Texas just days after the Uvalde school massacre – had this to say just two days after the horrific massacre (using an assault weapon) in Highland Park, Illinois (and not, it was NOT in Chicago, as both the radio host and Sears kept falsely stating; Highland Park is 25 miles north of Chicago, a similar distance as Annapolis is from DC).

“What happens in Chicago [sic] happens here…look at what happened here in Richmond, same thing…Again, you hear that this person has mental issues…It’s like a movie, the guy walks up to the top of a building and sets himself up and shoots people down below. This is craziness. There’s something very wrong. And how is that the police could have been called to his home…they took all of the knives…and then he was still able later to get a gun? How does that happen?…It’s the same thing that happened in Buffalo…And then this boy, the one in Chicago, uh, Highland, he was able to go purchase guns on his own – on his own. They have red flag laws. And I was just thinking, when you think about murder in general, there are laws about how murder, murder, murder, murder, murder, murder and yet we have murders. Do you know why? Because when people are determined to do something, they don’t care what the law says, they are going to figure out a way to do it…especially if they’re sick…There are problems and we’ve got to take care of them…Violence is everywhere we go. We need to get the mental issues taken care of…We’ve got to get our children to learn to be productive, successful adults…Fatherless homes, that’s a problem…[note: in the Highland Park case, the shooter had a father in the home].”

So…yeah, that’s Virginia’s Lt. Governor – the same person who also said “the mother is not having a lizard, she’s having a human being” and whose decision to speak at the NRA convention in Texas just days after the mass shooting in Uvalde Virginia Democrats called “utterly disgusting,” “shameful,” and an “abomination.” This is the type of person when right wingers turn out in droves, and when Democrats do NOT turn out in droves…


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