Home Virginia Politics Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning

Virginia News Headlines: Friday Morning


Here are a few national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, March 28.

*6 Million and Counting! (And that doesn’t count the millions more covered under expanded Medicaid, or however many are covered under their parents’ plans through age 26, or the rest of us who benefit from no preexisting conditions restrictions and the many, many other advantages under the Affordable Care Act.)

*Obamacare Fails to Fail (“The reality is quite different: enrollments have clearly surged in the final month.”)

*Report Details Claim by Ally: Christie Knew of Bridge Lane Closings (If so, Christie’s 2016 presidential hopes are almost certainly toast.)

*Putin is living in a fantasy world (“Obama pursues the right response to Russia’s 19th-century behavior.”)

*Tilting at windbags over Russia (“I had no idea so many Republicans were nostalgic for the Cold War. President Obama should dust off the zinger he used in a campaign debate against Mitt Romney: ‘The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.'”)

*With Deadline Near, Health Signups Show Disparity (“With the first open enrollment period set to end Monday, the Affordable Care Act looks less like a sweeping federal overhaul than a collection of individual ventures playing out unevenly, state to state, in the laboratories of democracy.”)

*New Data on Jet’s Speed Shifts Search Area 700 Miles

*McAuliffe says he did not approve PAC solicitation

*Va. governor’s PAC to tone down fundraising appeal (A very wise move; don’t give Republicans any free/easy political ammo to attack you with!)

*Medicaid debate continues to stall Virginia budget (Not sure how it ever gets unstalled, given GOP “Obamacare Derangement Syndrome” and all.)

*Deeds report: Officials didn’t act on mental-health reforms (“Recommendations on Virginia’s emergency psychiatric care went unheeded for nearly two years.”)

*McAuliffe vetoes National Guard prayer legislation

*Out-of-county anti-taxer prompts confrontation in Chesterfield (Totally not surprising that it involved the Koch-brothers-financed, Orwellian-named “Americans for Prosperity.”)

*Warner sponsors bill to expand health care options (“Warner’s Expanded Consumer Choice Act, co-sponsored by Sen. Mark Begich, a Democrat from Alaska, would provide for a new, lower-cost health coverage option for consumers, set up a process to allow coverage plans to be offered regionally and across state lines, and ease unnecessary reporting requirements for employers.”)

*The damage of short-term loans (“Public records show that, over the past four years, five of the most generous short-term lending companies have combined to donate more than $1 million to the state Republican and Democratic parties, top state lawmakers – including House Speaker Bill Howell, Democratic Sen. Dick Saslaw and Republican Sen. Tommy Norment – and affiliated political action committees.”)

*Chorus builds on Beach arena

*Virginia Beach to explore braking light rail at Town Center

*George Mason professor attacked with pepper spray during lecture

*Pursuing dual passions for environmental law – and Bach (Nice profile of Arlington Democratic activist and environmentalist Jason Rylander.)

*Another dose of rain, wind and chill before March makes a lamblike exit


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