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“Community leader, environmental advocate and life-long Democrat” Andres Jimenez Announces Candidacy For Mason District (Fairfax County) Supervisor

Yesterday, long-time Supervisor Penny Gross (D) announced her retirement after 27 years on the Board.


Yesterday, long-time Mason District (Fairfax County) Supervisor Penny Gross (D) announced that, after 27 years on the Board of Supervisors, she’ll be retiring. This morning, we have news of “community leader, environmental advocate, and life-long Democrat” Andres Jimenez throwing his hat in the ring for this seat. See below for his press release, which notes “the struggles that many are facing as we continue to recover from the pandemic, the fight for affordable housing and transportation solutions, and the critical decisions that must be made to combat the effects of climate change.” Good luck to Andres!

Andres Jimenez, community leader, environmental advocate, and life-long Democrat, today announced his candidacy for Mason District Supervisor.

“Mason District is home,” said Jimenez. “This is the community my wife and I chose to raise our children in, and this is where I’ve been proud to work as an advocate and public servant for many years. Now, I’m excited to be running to represent the great neighbors and residents of Mason District on the Board of Supervisors.

“We’ve seen much progress but I know there is more work to do. I know the struggles that many are facing as we continue to recover from the pandemic, the fight for affordable housing and transportation solutions, and the critical decisions that must be made to combat the effects of climate change.

“We must drive economic investment and revitalization toward our older commercial areas. And it’s critical that we invest in our workers, our schools and school staff, and the programs that make Fairfax County a great place to live, work, and raise a family.

“I’m excited for this opportunity, and I look forward to continuing to meet and speak with all Mason District residents and to help lift up every voice during this campaign and beyond.”

Jimenez, who currently serves as an At-Large Fairfax County Planning Commissioner and as the Executive Director for Green 2.0, has worked to connect and empower his community to opportunities for success his whole life. His record of public service spans two decades, from working with the New York City mayor’s office to the halls of the U.S. Capitol and beyond. He also serves as an active member of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and sits on the board of the Culmore Clinic, working to provide medical care and counseling at little to no cost for those in the Bailey’s Crossroads area.

His announcement comes following the news that the current and longtime Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross would not be seeking reelection next year.

“I want to thank Supervisor Gross for her decades of service to our community and our workers, particularly as the leader of the Board’s Personnel Committee and former chairwoman of the Environmental Committee,” Jimenez said. “She’s been a friend and a champion for so many, and I know we all have a great deal of admiration and thanks for her lifetime of service.”

Jimenez lives in Falls Church with his wife, Shanna, his two daughters, and three rescue pets.

For more information on his campaign, please visit AndresforMason.com, or email Andres@AndresforMason.com.


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