Home Social Issues Insane Email from Insane Organization (subject line: “Blood-splatter”)

Insane Email from Insane Organization (subject line: “Blood-splatter”)


I encourage everyone to click on their link and leave the exact OPPOSITE comment that these nutjobs want you to leave. Namely: urge the Virginia Department of Health to ditch the outrageous, selective persecution of women's family planning/health clinics in our state. It's totally unjustified, inexcusable, you name it. By the way, from everything I've heard, the comments were indeed real, despite Victoria Cobb's insane conspiracy theories. Also, what's the deal with this “billion-dollar abortion industr,” “pro-abortion groups,” “blood-splatter” and obligatory Gosnell reference verbiage? Personally, I don't know a single person who's “pro-abortion;” to my knowledge, there's no “abortion industry” at all, let alone a “billion-dollar” one; how does the subject line (“blood-splatter”) relate in any way to the text; etc. I guess this crazy talk works with the fanatics, but still…do these people have no decency? OK, yeah, that was a rhetorical question.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Victoria Cobb – President <victoria.cobb@familyfoundation.org>
Date: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 7:08 PM
Subject: Blood-splatter
To: xxxxx

xxxx —

I learned that pro-abortion groups delivered 4,844 comments to the Department of Health yesterday!

No one knows if the comments are real, from Virginians, or just a clever publicity stunt by the billion-dollar abortion industry, but that doesn't matter.

You and I know that perception is reality — and on perception they are winning.

They will do ANYTHING  to stop a law that would force abortion centers to comply with health standards that protect women.

The Department of Health has received fewer than 2,000 comments in favor of retaining the law that protects women from predatory abortionists like Kermit Gossnell and his house of horrors.

But, we can change this!

Will you protect women from the billion-dollar abortion industry by telling Virginia's health officials that you support health standards in abortion centers?

The comment period ends Thursday evening at 11:59 p.m and we have no time to lose.

Leave your comments right now with the Department of Health, and be sure to forward this email to everyone in your church, and everyone you know >>


For Families and For Virginia,

Victoria Cobb


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