Home Education Video: Fairfax County Public School Board Votes to Change Name of JEB...

Video: Fairfax County Public School Board Votes to Change Name of JEB Stuart High School


I watched this debate for a while last night, including citizens’ comments (some were dressed as Civil War reenactors) – for and against changing the name of JEB Stuart High School in Fairfax County – and the Board debate over a substitute motion to not decide the issue last night. In the end, the School Board voted (7-2 with two abstentions) to do the right thing, which is to change the name from a Confederate general to something far more appropriate for a diverse county in the year 2017. Great work by the students who pushed for this change and also those on the School Board (e.g., Sandy Evans, Pat Hynes, Dalia Palchik, Ryan McElveen, Ilryong Moon, Jane Strauss) who listened. Republican Tom Wilson was particularly crazy last night, rambling about how great JEB Stuart was, that there was even a NY Times obituary – WTF?) and right-wing Republican Elizabeth Schultz didn’t surprise. The people I don’t get are Democrats Megan McLaughlin, Karen Corbett Sanders and Tamara Derenak Kaufax — with Democrats like that (at least last night), who needs Republicans? I’ll post more video from the debate later, when it’s available…

UPDATE: Here’s the full video…


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