Home 2020 Elections Video: Hampton Roads Chamber Debate Between Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02) and Scott...

Video: Hampton Roads Chamber Debate Between Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02) and Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor (R)


See below for video of today’s Hampton Roads Chamber debate between Rep. Elaine Luria (D-VA02) and Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor (R). The debate takes place a day after a new poll, from CNU’s Wason Center, showed Luria leading Taylor by 7 points…and 9 pts among those very/somewhat enthused to vote. As with their previous debate, on Tuesday evening, we can expect a lot of lashing out and lying from Taylor, because that’s what he does. So, in sum, VA02 absolutely should reelect Elaine Luria, and hopefully put an end to Taylor’s failed political career.

P.S. For more on “Petitiongate,” see Scott “Petitiongate” Taylor’s Election Fraud Reaches Major Milestone: He’s “now been under investigation longer than he served in Congress”, A Second Scott Taylor Campaign Staffer Stands Trial For Election Fraud , EMILY’s List Statement on Former Rep. Scott Taylor (R)’s Latest Sexist Comments, etc.

UPDATE: Damn, Taylor is so, so wrong about fracked gas, energy/enviro issues in general. He simply has no clue, nor does he have any interest in talking about the climate crisis, just likes ranting about the Green New Deal. What a doofus. As an added “bonus,” he’s also horrible on health care and every other issue, such as the minimum wage/labor issues.

UPDATE #2: BTW, why on earth are people in the audience at this debate not wearing masks?

UPDATE #3: Taylor has a habit of calling everything he disagrees with “in-SANE!” He’s just absurd.


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