Home 2021 Elections Audio: 2017 Dem LG Candidate Gene Rossi Interviews 2021 Dem LG Candidate...

Audio: 2017 Dem LG Candidate Gene Rossi Interviews 2021 Dem LG Candidate Del. Hala Ayala


See below for audio of yesterday’s interview by 2017 Democratic Lt. Governor candidate Gene Rossi of 2021 Democratic Lt. Governor candidate Del. Hala Ayala. Among other things, Del. Ayala discusses the top priorities she’d have if she’s elected LG (#1 is improving our health care system, #2 is investing in communities and infrastructure to support high-paying jobs, #3 is equity/justice including criminal justice reform); her family background (she says she’s “very diverse…I’m Afro/Latino, Lebanese and Irish); the importance of cybersecurity for business, schools, etc.

For more information on Hala Ayala’s Lt. Governor campaign, see her website. Also note that Ayala is one of six Democrats who are listed on VPAP as having filed for Lt. Governor, the others being Del. Elizabeth Guzman (see her Blue Virginia interview here), Sean Perryman (see his Blue Virginia interview here), Del. Sam Rasoul (see his announcement video and press release here), Paul Goldman (see here for his announcement) and Xavier Warren (see here for his announcement).


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