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Video: Asked By Reporters About Being Called a Racist, Extremist Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Whines, “you wouldn’t tell me you were going to ask me that question”

Journalist responds: "Say it with me. We. Don’t. Provide. Questions. In. Advance.”


The other day, far-right extremist/seditionist Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) – while ranting about the “1619 Project” and “Critical Race Theory” – was (accurately) called a racist by a fellow member of Congress (New Jersey Democratic Rep. Donald Norcross). By the way, other than his obsession with preventing schools from teaching kids about ALL of America’s history, also check out Video: Racist New Bob Good (R-VA05) Ad “Superimposes a Photo of…Cameron Webb over video of fires and looting…tells voters to ‘look past [Webb’s] smooth presentation” and Virginia Republican Bob Good’s campaign ad labelled ‘racist dog whistle’ by DCCC aide, plus of course Good’s horrendous voting record in Congress (e.g., his opposition to voting rights and to the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021).

Along these lines, Good was asked yesterday – by @ABC13News reporters – about Rep. Norcross calling him a racist. Good’s response?

“I tell you what I’m disappointed about. I asked you what you’re going to ask me about. And I wasn’t troubled that you were going to ask me that, but you wouldn’t tell me you were going to ask me that question. And you knew you were going to ask me that question. And it’s disappointing that my own local ABC13 station; I’m good friends…”

Also, according to reporter Kristen Mirand, Rep. Good also called the ABC13 reporters “dishonest.”

So…several things here. First of all, as another reporter (Jay O’Brien of CBS12 in Florida) correctly explained: “Say it with me. We. Don’t. Provide. Questions. In. Advance.” Because providing elected officials with questions in advance is simply not how journalism in a free country is supposed to work. Second, why couldn’t Good just answer the question? How hard is it to explain whether or not you’re a racist? Unless, of course…you ARE a racist/bigot, which Good sure seems to be? Finally, note that Good is horrendous on everything and has zero credibility. For just a few examples of what I’m talking about, see Audio: Far-Right Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) Says “I am thankful to have Marjorie Greene in the Congress, I think she stands for a lot of great things.”; Charlottesville Dems Call For Rep. Bob Good (R-VA05) to Resign, Saying He “Emboldened” “White Supremacists” Who Attacked the US Capitol; Virginia NAACP: “Representatives Ben Cline, Bob Good, Morgan Griffith, and Robert Wittman…must directly respond to the Black Virginians they represent”; Professor Larry Sabato: “Great job, voters in VA-5. You elected a real loony toon.” (Good: “This looks like a group of people that gets it. This is a phony pandemic”); etc.

With that, here’s the video of Good continuing to disgrace his office, his district and himself.


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