Home 2019 Elections Obenshain’s Miscarriage Bill the Focus of New Campaign Ad

Obenshain’s Miscarriage Bill the Focus of New Campaign Ad


From the Mark Herring for Attorney General campaign:



Family’s emotional story, internal polling show Virginians won’t stand with Obenshain’s radical record


In a new, emotionally-packed web ad, a Virginia family reacts to Mark Obenshain’s politically-driven measure that would force families going through the trauma of a miscarriage to report that miscarriage to the police. The ad features Virginians Lorilie and James Neckel from Leesburg sharing their deeply personal story of trying to build their family for five years and the torment they would have experienced if Senator Mark Obenshain’s callous bill had become law.


Click here to view the ad


“When I read that Obenshain sponsored this bill requiring women to register a miscarriage with the police, I just thought that was the craziest thing I’ve ever heard; it blew my mind,” said Lorilie Neckel. “To even think of trying to go through an investigation at that time is just ridiculous.”


“At that time in our life, it was very personal issues that we were dealing with and it was very hard times. I couldn’t imagine Lorilie being treated as a criminal going through this time,” said Lorilie’s husband, James Neckel. “I can’t believe someone would sponsor a bill like this for political gain. It doesn’t make sense to me.”


“Senator Mark Obenshain has pushed a truly radical record in the General Assembly without considering its effects on Virginians,” said Democratic candidate for Attorney General Mark Herring. “For Mark Obenshain, it's all about pushing his own personal political views onto others. His record is totally out of the mainstream and when Virginians find out more about his record, there is no way they will support his brand of radical politics.”


A recent internal polling memo shows that Mark Obenshain’s bill to force women to report miscarriages to the police is so unpalatable that it will sink his campaign. The memo shows that the race moves from a toss-up to an eight-point lead for Herring after voters hear about Obenshain’s record of assault on women’s health issues. 


Mark Obenshain’s campaign is based on avoiding his radical right-wing record on social issues because he knows that his record is far outside of the Virginia mainstream. His record includes one of the strongest anti-women legislative agendas in Virginia history:


·         Led the charge to stop the campus health center at James Madison University from dispensing emergency contraceptive pills. [The Washington Post, 04/24/03; Richmond Times Dispatch, 04/22/03; The Washington Post, 04/24/03; Harrisonburg Daily News-Record, 02/18/04]

·         Voted in 2004, along with Ken Cuccinelli, to defeat “a ‘contraception is not abortion’ bill. [SB 456, 2004]

·         Co-Patroned the “Personhood” bill that would outlaw all abortion and many common forms of birth control. [HB 2797, 2007; SB 1207, 2011]

·         Voted in 2012 for a “Personhood” bill that would criminalize contraception. [HB 1, 2012]

·         Introduced in 2009 a bill that would require women to report miscarriages to police within 24 hours. [SB 962, 2009]

·         Mark Obenshain voted in favor of the 2012 transvaginal ultrasound bill, calling it “common sense legislation.” [HB 462, 2012; SB 484; World Virginia, 2/08/12]

·         Sponsored a 2012 bill to outlaw abortions after twenty weeks, also known as the Virginia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act or Fetal Pain Act. [SB 637, 2012]



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