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Thursday News: “Kamala Harris is taking power back from the [badly-in-need-of-reform] press corps”; “The Trump Campaign Endorses a Racist Theory”; “J.D. Vance’s Weird Thoughts on Older Women Exposed in New Audio”; “Virginia’s elections are accurate and secure — despite Youngkin’s efforts”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, August 15.

NEW: CPI Report Shows Core Inflation Hits A Three-Year Low After Poll Shows Harris Beating Trump on the Economy


From the DNC:

NEW: CPI Report Shows Core Inflation Hits A Three-Year Low After Poll Shows Harris Beating Trump on the Economy

Just days after new polling showed voters trust Vice President Harris more than Donald Trump on the economy, today’s strong CPI report shows core annual inflation is the lowest it’s been in over three years – reaffirming the Biden-Harris administration’s record of delivering on their promise to lower costs and bolster the economy from the bottom up and middle out so that every American family can thrive.

Just this week, the Biden-Harris administration also announced their new “Time is Money” government-wide initiative that will crack down on greedy corporations’ scams and tricks that pad their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans’ time and money. This is the latest action the administration has taken to combat corporate greed and price gouging, including work to take on credit card companies and Big Pharma and slash junk fees for countless Americans. Meanwhile, congressional Republicans want us to go backward, siding with union-busting CEOs and special interest lobbyists over working Americans.

The Biden-Harris administration is working to lower inflation and drive down costs for hardworking Americans, and voters are noticing: 

Heather Long, Washington Post: “I just keep staring at this chart. Inflation below 3% for the first time since March 2021! Core inflation drops to 3.2% –>lowest since April 2021.”

Washington Post: “Inflation dropped in July to its lowest level in three years on an annual basis, setting up the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates soon to take pressure off the economy.”

A new poll finds that voters trust Vice President Harris more than Trump on the economy.

Axios: “Voters trust Harris more than Trump on economy: poll”

The Hill: “More voters say they trust Vice President Harris to handle the economy than they do former President Trump, according to a poll released Monday by the Financial Times and the University of Michigan Ross School of Business.”

This week, the Biden-Harris administration is launching “Time Is Money,” a new government-wide effort aimed at cracking down on greedy corporations’ scams and tricks that pad their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans’ time and money. 

White House Fact Sheet: “Today, President Biden and Vice President Harris are launching “Time Is Money,” a new government wide effort to crack down on all the ways that corporations—through excessive paperwork, hold times, and general aggravation—add unnecessary headaches and hassles to people’s days and degrade their quality of life.

“Americans are tired of being played for suckers, and President Biden and Vice President Harris are committed to addressing the pain points they face in their everyday lives. The Administration is already cracking down on junk fees—those hidden costs and surcharges in everything from travel to banking services—that hit people in their pocketbooks. Now the Biden-Harris Administration is taking on the corporate practice of giving people the run around, wasting their precious time and money.”
JD Vance and Donald Trump’s Project 2025 agenda includes giving handouts to the ultra-wealthy and big corporations while leaving behind hardworking Americans again.

Vanity Fair: “Donald Trump Wants to Give His Favorite Corporations Another Giant Tax Cut in a Second Term: Report”

Trump: “You’re all people that have a lot of money … You’re rich as hell. … We’re gonna give you tax cuts.”

CBS News“Two years after Trump tax cuts, middle-class Americans are falling behind”

The Guardian“Donald Trump’s $1.5tn tax cuts have helped billionaires pay a lower rate than the working class for the first time in history.”

Axios“Sixteen Nobel prize-winning economists are jumping into the presidential campaign with a stark warning: Former President Trump’s plans would reignite inflation and cause lasting harm to the global economy if he wins in November.”


Audio: Asked About Project 2025’s/Trump’s Plan for Mass Firing of Federal Employees, Youngkin Misdirects, Obfuscates, Downplays, Lies, Doubles Down…


It’s really impressive how Glenn Youngkin never lets up with his smarmy, faux-“sincere”-but-actually-completely-dishonest routine, while simultaneously gaslighting the public on the dire threat of Trumpism and Project 2025 (“Trump’s promise to purge the civil service could devastate Virginia’s 140,000 federal workers. Youngkin claims they can just find jobs elsewhere.”) – including to the federal workforce and the Virginia economy. Case in point? Check out Youngkin’s response, below, to a question earlier today at a press “gaggle.” It’s HIGHLY revealing; that is, if you can separate Youngkin’s misdirection, bulls*** and lies from reality.

Question: “Governor you spoke about federal employees returning back to the office what about uh the proposal to
have over 100,000 employees moved out of the state and out of the region?”

Youngkin’s rambling response: “Yeah, so first of all I think that’s a complete mischaracterization [editor’s note: it’s definitely not a mischaracterization at all!] and I hope you correct it when if you write something on this. First of all, we could sit around and play… games [editor’s note: this is not a “game”; Project 2025 and the threat of Trumpism are deadly serious] on both sides on what they’re going to propose and what they’re not going to propose. And the reality of course is it’s all speculative [editor’s note: it’s definitely NOT “all speculative”]. Second of all, to think that should there be any movement in workforce, that there aren’t enough jobs in Virginia to absorb that supply of talented workers is a complete mischaracterization [editor’s note: so basically Youngkin’s doubling down on support for firing potentially hundreds of thousands of federal workers, while minimizing the potentially disastrous impacts!]…in fact we have 300,000 jobs in Virginia that are available…we have a hugely talented workforce…my biggest challenge…is keeping keeping people in Virginia as opposed to moving away because of lower taxes in other states and lower cost of living [editor’s note: this is misdirection and also has no relevance to the question being asked]. And so what I would really appreciate that people would pay as much attention to the reality of the migration out of Virginia that has happened over the course of the last 10 years. What we need to fix, as opposed to speculating on one candidate’s proposals – which by the way I think are totally misunderstood [editor’s note: they are NOT ‘totally misunderstood,” except maybe by dishonest politicians like Youngkin who actively WANT people to misunderstand Trump’s/Project 2025’s extremist proposals] – and another candidates proposals that people seem to be ignoring.”

The Brilliant Norm Ornstein Nails It on the “Mainstream” Press’ “irresponsible and reckless” Behavior; They’ve “failed so often and somehow refuse to even consider their shortcomings”


Under fascist Elon Musk’s ownership, Twitter is obviously becoming more and more dystopian, more of a disaster for democracy, more of a cluster**** in every way. And yet we still do get brilliant exchanges such as the following, between James Fallows and Norm Ornstein, responding to the arrogant/clueless/dismissive/condescending/defensive post by NPR’s David Folkenflik arguing that it “just can’t be the stance for any journalist who cares about the profession or the nation to take” that  – as Jeff Jarvis astutely/correctly put it:

“What ‘press’? The broken and vindictive Times? The newly Murdochian Post? Hedge-fund newspaper husks? Rudderless CNN or NPR? Murdoch’s fascist media? No. [Kamala Harris] can choose many ways to communicate her stands with others outside the old press and with the public directly. The old press can and should be bypassed.”


“The press needs Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris doesn’t need the press. Their motive in whining for what they take as their birthright (hello, A.G.) is to salve their editorial egos and earn them attention (and money). They have not earned this role; they have forfeited the privilege by their behavior.”

Sad to say, but Folkenflik STILL has not provided a serious, substantive response to this. Nor has he responded to James Fallows, who nails it:

“I agree w this whole long thread from @NormOrnstein.

3 great institutions have catastrophically failed to “meet the moment” under pressure of Trump era.

—Repub party, for obvious reasons.
—Sup Court, ditto.
—Mainstream political press, in ways that keep being pointed out and keep recurring. As Norm details.”

And yet you will pretty much NEVER get an acknowlegement from the “mainstream political press” that they have, indeed, “catastrophically failed to ‘meet the moment’. Instead, you get – just as with Folkenflik – “wagon circling,” condescension, extreme arrogance, cluelessness, defensiveness, or just complete LACK of response (as well as complete LACK of needed course correction). In this case, many smart, good-faith people are making serious, substantive critiques of the “mainstream media,” yet the “mainstream media” just keeps failing. How so? Check out the brilliant Norm Ornstein’s Twitter thread, which spells it out very well. Oh, and stop trusting the “mainstream media” to give you accurate coverage of U.S. politics, or economics for that matter, because honestly, at this point, you’d probably be better informed if you completely ignored these assholes. With that, here’s Norm Ornstein’s Twitter thread (bolding added by me for emphasis):

  • “David, I understand why journalists want to take this stance. But the fact is we have had no reflection, no willingness to think through how irresponsible and reckless so much of our mainstream press and so many of our journalists have been and continue to be
  • “Watch how often the White House press briefings end up as embarrassing zoos. Consider for example at O’Keefe’s shouting at and hectoring the press secretary. Far too many questions have little to do with what Americans care about, and more reflect the egos of the reporters.”
  • Watching the farce of a faux press conference with Trump, with not a single question about what should’ve been the big story of the day, an alleged $10 million bribe from Egypt, and few questions about what is most important, the stakes of the election and Trump’s approach to governance.”
  • “I do think that sometime in the near future Harris should do not a press conference with campaign reporters who will not distinguish themselves with what is important but ask a flurry of gotcha and horse, race questions, but one or two in-depth one on one interviews.”
  • There are many good journalists who could do this really well. @yamiche @lawrence @GStephanopoulo @JohnJHarwood @AliVelshi @sbg1 to pick a few. But what I have seen over the past two weeks is a bunch of whining by self important narcissistic journalists who think it’s all about them.”
  • “For Kamala Harris, this first period as the Democratic nominee is about defining herself and rallying the party and other voters sick about Trump, carrying through the convention. The Interviews should come after that.”
  • “In the meantime, I watch with dismay as a press corps monomaniacally obsessed with Joe Biden’s mental condition almost completely ignoring the mental state of Donald Trump. His slurring, disjointed and embarrassing two hours with Elon Musk does not even get front page treatment.”
  • “While there are stories and even some powerful editorials about Trump’s unfitness for office or plans for mass deportation, takeover of the civil service, promise of retribution, dictatorship on day one and invocation of the insurrection act, they are piecemeal at best, often relegated to less prominent places “
  • Which means most voters have no clue what a second Trump term would actually be like. The stakes of this election should be the core of coverage. Including of course, what a Harris presidency would be like and what it would do. I would be far more sympathetic to the push for more access by Harris if that were the case.”
  • “Instead, we get the same insipid focus on the horse race and the polls, while normalizing abnormal behavior and treating this like a typical presidential election, not one that is an existential threat to democracy. The press does not have to side with Harris to do its job. It is falling so far short. “
  • “What frustrates me as much as anything is that the centers of excellence I have so long admired and relied on, including the Post, the Times, the Journal, most news networks, the real opinion leaders that frame coverage for most of the other outlets, have failed so often and somehow refuse to even consider their shortcomings. End”

Former VA Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling (R) Predicts: “2025 could be a big year for Virginia Democrats”


Former Virginia Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, who used to be a relatively sane conservative but has gone full Trumpster of late, is NOT optimistic about Virginia Republicans’ chances in 2025. Check it out (my comments in bold/blue/parentheses):

Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears and Attorney General Jason Miyares have both been non-committal on whether they will run for Governor in 2025. (Maybe because neither really sees a path to victory against Abigail Spanberger?)

Just as well. I don’t honestly see either one of them being able to compete with Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee.  (Agreed. Spanberger would “smoke” either of these right wingnuts.)

In 2021, Republicans changed the playbook, nominating a multi millionaire who had never been involved in politics before. Unfortunately, I don’t see another Glenn Youngkin on the horizon. (Correct: Youngkin was really a unique case, very unlikely to be repeated by Virginia Republicans.)

This all means that 2025 could be a big year for Virginia Democrats. If Spanberger is elected, and Democrats control both houses of the General Assembly, it could be another liberal free for all in the Old Dominion. (Moronic but predictable comment about a supposed “liberal free for all,” when in fact what Democrats did in 2020-2021 was pass POPULAR and EFFECTIVE policies that will move Virginia forward. And that’s exactly what they’ll do again if they win a “trifecta” in November 2025.)

This all begs the question – who do you think would have the best chance of defeating Spanberger in 2025? (Uh…dude, your party’s a bunch of far-right-extremist wackos/nutjobs; why do you think any of them would have a shot against someone as formidable as Abigail Spanberger?)

With Only 83 Days Until Election Day, Harris-Walz Campaign Launches Additional $90 Million Paid Media Buy for Remainder of August


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign:

Team Harris-Walz Launches Additional $90 Million Paid Media Buy for Remainder of August

Paid Media Campaign Across Television, Radio, Digital Platforms, and Constituency Media Targeting Battleground Voters

With only 83 days left until Election Day, Team Harris-Walz is launching a $90 million paid media buy for the last three weeks of August — a historic sum over a short period of time, and a testament to the campaign’s relentless effort to reach the voters who will decide this election. The August advertising flight represents the most aggressive stretch of paid media for the entire cycle.

Bookending the Democratic National Convention, this paid media buy will continue Team Harris-Walz’s commitment to meeting voters where they are about the stakes of this election. This historic buy will touch on four key areas of focus for undecided voters: Vice President Harris’ personal story and background; her lifelong commitment to fighting for the people and standing up to powerful interests; her long standing focus on the everyday needs of Americans; and the stark contrast between her record and Donald Trump’s dangerous, extreme agenda. Running an aggressive paid media campaign to the tune of $90 million over the course of just a few short weeks will ensure these key messages help cement the choice for battleground voters ahead of Get Out the Vote efforts starting in the fall.

This $90 million paid media buy will target voters in every battleground state and expand the campaign’s reach into markets like Marquette, Alpena, Toledo, Erie, and Youngstown – markets where the Trump campaign is ceding the airwaves as their candidate spends this crucial stretch consumed by personal grievance and his latest conspiracy theories instead of communicating with the voters who will decide this election.

“On the heels of our historic launch, we know that the more voters hear during the month of August about the differences between Vice President Harris’ long-standing history of delivering common-sense solutions for the American people — from her early days as a prosecutor to the present — and Donald Trump’s dangerous, extreme and out-of-touch Project 2025 agenda, the more they will know that Vice President Harris is the only candidate fit to lead our country over the next four years,” said Harris-Walz Principal Deputy Campaign Manager Quentin Fulks. “It is precisely through efforts like this that we will break through a crowded media environment early and make clear the choice and stakes of this election for the voters who will decide it.”

Ads will be targeted to high-impact programming that reaches the voters Team Harris-Walz needs to reach to win 270 electoral votes. That includes local broadcast and cable programming and non-political programming like The Bachelorette, Big Brother, The Daily Show, Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta, and The Simpsons. The buy also includes a historic investment into targeting voters on digital platforms and Connected TV. Additionally, as a part of this buy, Team Harris-Walz is launching a seven-figure general market radio advertising campaign to expand reach with target voters across the battleground states.


Paid for by Harris for President

Wednesday News: “Ukraine hammers Russian airbases as Kyiv’s incursion triggers panic”; Musk, Trump Held “dumbest climate conversation of all time”; Trump Campaign Not Even Trying to Hide Its Virulent Racism; “Here’s What Scares Republicans Most About a Harris Win”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, August 14.

VA Senate Democrats “Deeply Troubled” by Delay in SOL Score Release, Call for Immediate Action


From the VA Senate Democratic Caucus:

RICHMOND, VA – In response to growing concerns about the delayed release of the Standard of Learning (SOL) exam scores for Virginia’s schools, a representative from the Virginia Department of Education has announced that the scores will be released in the upcoming weeks. With the start of the 2024 academic year just around the corner, educators across Virginia face the challenge of planning for their students without this crucial data.

The Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus is deeply troubled by this delay and the potential negative impact on our public schools. With insufficient time to analyze and incorporate these results, our educators are being put at a severe disadvantage, which could affect students’ learning outcomes from the very start of the school year. Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Senator Mamie Locke, Senate Finance and Education Chair Senator Ghazala Hashmi, and Senator Stella Pekarsky have issued the following statements:

“The Virginia Department of Education’s failure to release test scores promptly is a disservice to our educators and students. I find it particularly concerning that Governor Youngkin, who has been vocal about education, is not launching an investigation into this delay. The lack of urgency in addressing this issue suggests a troubling indifference to the well-being of Virginia’s students,” said Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Mamie Locke.

“Parents, educators, and students deserve a real answer as to why VDOE had failed for a second year in a row to release SOL results in a timely manner. Assessments of student learning are meaningful when they are used appropriately to evaluate strengths and challenges. Educators will begin their school year again in the dark about the students in their classrooms. Parents are left hanging as they consider what supports and resources their student may need in order to have a successful academic year. We’ve never seen these delays before in Virginia, and they harm student learning.”, stated Senator Ghazala Hashmi, Chair of the Senate Finance and Education Committee.

“Timely access to data is critical for making informed decisions in education. The delay in releasing these scores is not just an administrative oversight; it’s a failure that could set back our students’ academic progress. We need transparency and accountability from the Department of Education to ensure this doesn’t happen again,” added Senator Stella Pekarsky.

Video: New Ad Points Out That Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02) “has repeatedly voted to restrict access to abortion, including for servicewomen, and she even voted to punish doctors for reproductive care”


From House Majority Forward:

Washington, D.C. – House Majority Forward is launching a new television ad in VA-02 calling on Rep. Jen Kiggans to stop opposing abortion.

The ad comes after House Majority Forward placed over $17 million in television and digital reservations for July and August.


‘Delivering’ Transcript:

“I’ve delivered around 3,000 babies during my career and I know the care my patients need.

“When politicians restrict care and ban abortion it puts my patients in danger.

“Jen Kiggans has repeatedly voted to restrict access to abortion, including for servicewomen, and she even voted to punish doctors for reproductive care.

“Now Kiggans could be the deciding vote for a total abortion ban, no exceptions.

“Politicians should never be allowed to limit our health care choices. Tell Jen Kiggans to stop opposing abortion.”

Tuesday News: “Zelensky says ‘war is coming home’ to Russia”; Under Biden, “Violent crime is plummeting”; Tech Glitches, Slurring, Wild Lies as “Elon Musk Throws a Trump Rally”; “Losing Makes Trump Crazier, and Being Crazy Makes Him Lose”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, August 13.