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Ramadan: No on transportation


( – promoted by lowkell)

Today in Richmond, Governor Bob McDonnell and legislators from across the commonwealth are gathering for the signing of an historic transportation compromise bill.  While the legislation is not perfect, legislators from both sides of the aisle and all parts of the state came together to address our critical transportation issues.

But one Northern Virginia legislator won’t be there: Delegate David Ramadan, who voted against the compromise legislation every chance he had.

Retired Air Force Major John Bell, Ramadan’s Democratic challenger, today expressed his disappointment with Ramadan’s failure to act on one of the issues most important to his constituents.  “While this compromise is just a starting point, Northern Virginians deserve representation that puts their best interests ahead of a narrow ideological agenda,” said Bell.  “Unlike David Ramadan, who fought this transportation compromise tooth and nail, I will go to Richmond and work across the aisle to move Virginia forward on transportation, education and growing our economy.”

Ramadan was one of only two Loudoun County Republicans to vote against the bill, which was overwhelmingly supported by Northern Virginia legislators from both parties.

Michael Mann’s Fundraising Letter for Mark Herring



Over the past three years, Ken Cuccinelli has consistently abused his powers as Attorney General.

Take it from me; I’ve been at the receiving end of it. For two years, Cuccinelli spent over half a million taxpayer dollars in a lawsuit against me and the University of Virginia for our climate science research.

Luckily, Mark came to my defense, calling Cuccinelli out for manipulating the law to persecute me just because he doesn’t believe in climate change. The courts agreed. I’ve described the entire ordeal in my recent book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars.

Mark has what we so desperately need in the Attorney General’s office: integrity. With less than a month until the primary, he needs to let voters know – on TV and in person – that he’ll hold the political extremists accountable. But to do it, he must raise $10,000 by midnight tonight.

We have 13 hours, so don’t wait.

Click here to donate $5 or more and join me in supporting Mark before the deadline at midnight tonight. He’ll bring integrity back to the Attorney General’s office.

It’s mindboggling that Virginia has an Attorney General who thinks you can use the law to persecute people you disagree with. And what Cuccinelli did to me wasn’t unique. He’s filed briefs against the federal government for passing healthcare reform, against the EPA for regulating greenhouse gasses—he’s even tried to stop Virginia colleges and universities from adopting nondiscrimination policies.

Cuccinelli’s made a mess of the Commonwealth, trampling over science and voters’ rights with his personal vendettas. We simply can’t afford another four years. Mark has the passion and experience to fix this mess and he has a track record of protecting the rights of Virginians—not taking them away.

We need Mark’s help, but he can’t get to the Attorney General’s office without our support.We’re up against some powerful people, but if we work together, I know we can do this.

Click here to donate $5 or more so that Mark can reach his $10,000 goal before midnight tonight.

Thanks for standing with Mark.

Michael Mann
Distinguished Professor, Penn State University*
Director of Penn State Earth System Science Center

Video: President Obama Calls IRS Targeting Scandal ‘Outrageous’


I completely agree, this is unacceptable. Tim Kaine adds:

I am very concerned about allegations the IRS targeted certain groups seeking tax-exempt status on political grounds, including a Virginia-based organization. There’s no excuse for ideological discrimination in our system. The Administration should take swift action to get to the bottom of this to ensure those responsible for misconduct are held accountable and establish appropriate safeguards to prevent this from ever happening again.

Mark Warner adds:

These appalling actions by the IRS are completely unacceptable. We need a quick but thorough investigation, and those who are found to have been responsible for this betrayal of the public trust should be fired.

Herring, Waddell Kick of Week of Focus on Cuccinelli’s Extreme Anti-Women’s Health Agenda


Herring, Waddell Kick of Week of Focus on Cuccinelli’s Extreme Anti-Women’s Health Agenda

Bipartisan leaders highlight Cuccinelli’s efforts to ban common forms of birth control 

Richmond, VA – Today on a media conference call, Delegate and Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Charniele Herring and former Republican and Independent Delegate Katherine Waddell discussed how extreme and dangerous Ken Cuccinelli’s “personhood” agenda is to the health of Virginia women.

“We’ve seen some 'personhood' bills that seek to outlaw abortion by defining life as beginning at 'conception,'” said Herring. “What Cuccinelli did was take it a step further by introducing a bill that defined it as beginning 'at the moment of fertilization.'”

“The practical result of that would have been to ban any birth control that prevents a fertilized egg from resulting in a pregnancy. That includes highly common forms like the birth control pill.”

Waddell continued, “Recognizing a woman’s constitutionally-protected right to make those decisions isn’t about partisan politics – it’s about keeping women healthy and keeping Virginia’s economy growing.

“Ken Cuccinelli’s personhood legislation was a particularly vicious attack, not only on abortion rights, but also on Virginia women’s access to many forms of FDA-approved birth control. The stakes are too high to sit on the sidelines and let Ken Cuccinelli force his extreme agenda on Virginia women and their families.”

Today’s call kicked off a week of activities aimed at educating Virginians about Cuccinelli’s extreme record on women’s health before Republicans finalize his nomination for Governor this Saturday in Richmond.

“This week, as Republicans prepare to finalize Ken Cuccinelli's nomination to be their candidate for Governor, we’re probably going to see a pretty blatant attempt at an extreme makeover for Cuccinelli,” continued Herring. “That’s why the Democratic Party of Virginia, as well as concerned Virginia Republicans and independents, are ready to take action to make sure the people of this Commonwealth know how extremely dangerous Ken Cuccinelli’s agenda is to the health of Virginia women.”


Background on Cuccinelli’s Extreme Personhood Agenda


Cuccinelli Cosponsored Personhood Bill in 2007

In February 2007, Sen. Cuccinelli cosponsored legislation introduced by Del. Bob Marshall that would prove that “the right to enjoyment of life” guaranteed by Article 1, § 1 of the Constitution of Virginia applies to “preborn human beings from the moment of fertilization.”  The bill failed in the House. [HB 2797, 2/5/07]

American Congress Of Obstetricians And Gynecologists: Personhood Defined at Moment of Fertilization Would “Deny Women Access To The Full Spectrum Of Preventive Health Care, Including Contraception”

In February 2012, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released a statement: “Although the individual wording in these proposed measures varies from state to state, they all attempt to give full legal rights to a fertilized egg by defining “personhood” from the moment of fertilization, before conception (ie, pregnancy/ implantation) has occurred. This would have wide-reaching harmful implications for the practice of medicine and on women's access to contraception, fertility treatments, pregnancy termination, and other essential medical procedures.” [American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2/10/12]


American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: Under Personhood Law Defined at Moment of Fertilization “Most Effective and Reliable Forms of Contraception such as Oral Contraceptives” Could Be Banned 

In February 2012, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists issued a statement: “These ‘personhood’ proposals, as acknowledged by proponents, would make condoms, natural family planning, and spermicides the only legally allowed forms of birth control. Thus, some of the most effective and reliable forms of contraception, such as oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other forms of FDA-approved hormonal contraceptives could be banned in states that adopt ‘personhood’ measures.” [American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2/10/12]

Hormonal Birth Control Makes It Less Likely For A Fertilized Egg To Attach To The Uterus


According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “hormonal birth control methods work by releasing hormones to prevent ovulation. The cervical mucus thickens, making it hard for a sperm to reach the egg. The endometrium thins, making it less likely that a fertilized egg will attach to it.” [American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, June 2012]

Virginians For Life: HB 2797 Would “Dismantle The Tragic Roe V. Wade Decision”

In February 2007, the Petersburg Progress-Index published a letter to the editor from Bob Kline, a member of Virginians for Life. The letter praised the Virginia Life at Conception Act, saying that it “would dismantle the Tragic Roe v. Wade decision that legalized the murder of innocent children on demand.” [Petersburg Progress-Index, letter to the editor, 2/5/07]

Virginians For Life: HB 2797 Would End Planned Parenthood’s “Lucrative And Grisly Trade In Human Flesh”

In February 2007, the Petersburg Progress-Index published a letter to the editor from Bob Kline, a member of Virginians for Life. The letter said: “I believe the 20,000 unborn babies who die every year in Virginia deserve our continued sacrificial efforts. Planned Parenthood fully understands that a Virginia Life at Conception Act can end their lucrative and grisly trade in human flesh.” [Petersburg Progress-Index, letter to the editor, 2/5/07]

Cuccinelli's Bill Similar to Mississippi Personhood Bill that Defined Life As Beginning From Fertilization

In November 2011, the Huffington Post reported: “Mississippi voters Tuesdaydefeated a ballot initiative that would've declared life begins at fertilization, a proposal that supporters sought in the Bible Belt state as a way to prompt a legal challenge to abortion rights nationwide.” [Huffington Post, 11/8/11]

Cuccinelli Pushed for Passage of 2012 Personhood Bill 

In February 2012, the News and Advance reported, “Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and Mat Staver, dean of Liberty University's law school, spoke at a rally Wednesday supporting the “personhood” bill making its way through the General Assembly. They urged a crowd on Capitol Square to contact state senators who will soon vote on House Bill 1, passed by the House of Delegateson Tuesday. The measure extends fundamental rights claimed in the Declaration of Independence to unborn children, both Cuccinelli and Staver said. ‘This personhood bill recognizes a scientific reality. Life begins at conception,’ said Cuccinelli, a candidate for governor. ‘Make sure you talk to your senators. Advocate for this issue.’” [News and Advance, 2/16/12]

National Infertility Association: Under Personhood Bill, In-Vitro Fertilization “Will Be Unlawful”


In February 2012, Barbara Collura, executive director of the National Infertility Association issued a press release that said: “Even though assisted conception is currently lawful in Virginia and even mentioned in Virginia Code Section 20-156, HB1 is designed to change that and to make any action that risks a microscopic embryo unlawful.  So, Section 7's supposed exemption for assisted conception is really no protection at all; IVF as practiced to the standard of care will be unlawful.” [RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association, 2/16/12]

AP: Personhood Bill “Would Effectively Outlaw All Virginia Abortions”


In February 2012, the AP reported: “Del. Bob Marshall's House Bill 1 would effectively outlaw all Virginia abortions by declaring that the rights of persons apply from the moment sperm and egg unite.” [AP, 2/15/12]

Cuccinelli Opposed Abortion “Even In Cases Of Rape Or Incest”

In August 2002, the Washington Post reported that Cuccinelli “imbued the campaign with his antiabortion message. Cuccinelli opposes the procedure even in cases of rape or incest.” [Washington Post, 8/7/02]



Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia

Prof. Michael Mann: “Real honor” to endorse Mark Herring for AG for his “brave stance” on climate


From the conference call a few minutes ago, here’s what Sen. Herring and Professor Michael Mann had to say. Bolding added by me for emphasis. This makes me very proud to be supporting and consulting for the Herring for Attorney General campaign!

Sen. Herring:

The reason I asked you all to join on the call today is because I think it’s important to talk about the incident that happened a few years ago in which Ken Cuccinelli led a witch hunt against Dr. Mann. This is important…first of all, it was one of two incidences early in Cuccinelli’s term that made me really start to consider running for Attorney General…it’s a clear example of what the wrong person with the wrong priorities who wants to push an extreme agenda can do in this office, and why it’s important that we Virginians elect someone who will put people first.

It is a crystal clear example that Ken Cuccinelli will disregard the law, disregard education, disregard research, disregard a professor, and disregard the reputation of both one of the finest institutions in the state – UVA – and the state as a whole, all to push his own extreme ideology.

I think Dr. Mann’s work is important, I believe in science, and believe that climate change is man made, and leaders need to start stepping up to the plate to address this problem. I also believe the Office of Attorney General is about problem solving and not politics. It should be about helping to keep Virginians safe, and not push an extreme agenda.

But that’s not what Ken Cuccinelli has done, and that’s not what the clones lining up to replace him believe. They are willing to use the office for scoring political points with the most extreme, right-wing faction of the Republican Party. And they believe that if you don’t agree with someone, you can just sue them and tie them up in litigation. That’s not the type of Attorney General I’ll be. I’ll get the politics out of the office and put the law first.

See the “flip” for Professor Mann’s statement, including his strong endorsement of Mark Herring for AG, based on the “brave stance that [Herring] took very early on, when my colleagues and I at the University of Virginia were subject to what the Washington Post called a witch hunt by the Attorney General.”

Dr. Mann:

Well, it’s a pleasure to be supporting Senator Herring. He was, in fact, one of the very first politicians who came out to defend me and the University of Virginia several years ago when Ken Cuccinelli engaged in this assault on us, on the University of Virginia, and on the scientific establishment in general…

What [Cuccinelli] did was completely unacceptable. Many have called it an abuse of power. It was an effort to discredit me, to attack me, through using a loophole of Virginia law to issue a civil subpoena based on the claim that because my…research on climate change and his view that the science of climate change is somehow fraudulent…

This was an excuse for him to use…to go after me, to go after the University of Virginia, it cost taxpayers in the state presumably hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars to pursue this witch hunt. That’s money that could have been better spent in dealing with the very real work that has to be done to help Virginia adapt to climate change…the threat of sea level to Virginia’s coast line, to the naval fleet in Norfolk (the national security community is very concerned about that).

There are real things, important things that we could be doing, and that Virginians could be doing, and that their politicians could be helping them with. But instead, Cuccinelli went on this partisan witch hunt in an effort to discredit me and my science, because he doesn’t accept the reality of climate change even though it is the overwhelming consensus of the world’s scientists that climate change is real. Just the other day we passed 400 parts per million CO2 in our atmosphere for the first time in millions of years.

And, so, it’s a wake-up call that this is a real problem. We need to do something about it. We need a good-faith, honest debate among our policymakers about how to contend with this problem. But we can’t continue to bury our heads in the sand, as people like Cuccinelli would like to do. So, like I said before, it’s a real honor to be endorsing and supporting Senator Herring, because of the brave stance that he took very early on, when my colleagues and I at the University of Virginia were subject to what the Washington Post called a witch hunt by the Attorney General.

Climate Hero Michael Mann: “Why the Attorney General Matters in Virginia”


( – promoted by lowkell)

The following by former UVA Professor Michael Mann is cross posted from Daily Kos.

Michael Mann is a Professor at Penn State University and director of the Penn State Earth System Science Center. He is a co-founded of the award-winning climate science blog “RealClimate.org” and author of  the recent book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars: Dispatches from the Front Lines about his experiences in the center of the debate over human-caused climate change. (You can follow Dr. Mann on twitter (@MichaelEMann) and Facebook).

This past week, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere exceeded 400 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in at least 4 million years.

Here’s a simpler, starker way to put it: pollution in the air, the kind that captures greenhouse gases and makes our planet warmer, just reached the highest level ever in recorded history.

The culprit, as scientific research has overwhelmingly demonstrated, is the burning of fossil fuels, a practice that, unfortunately, shows no signs of decline.

Global temperatures will continue to rise and we will see increasingly dangerous climate change in the form of extreme weather events and rising sea levels.

The data couldn’t be clearer. The causes are obvious. The consequences for our children and grandchildren are severe and imminent.

Why then, the lack of urgency for developing clean energy technology and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases?  Why isn’t this a priority for our communities, our government and our society?

The answer is simple: Politicians like Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

I’m sure you’re wondering: what in the world does the Virginia Attorney General have to do with any of this?

That’s a great question, one that I probably couldn’t have answered myself until Cuccinelli spent $500,000 in taxpayer money to attack me and the University of Virginia for our climate research. I describe the entire ordeal in my recent book The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars.

In 2010, Cuccinelli demanded thousands of emails exchanged between me and my colleagues. His authority, he claimed, derived from a state law designed to prevent Medicaid fraud, implying, of course, that our research was made up.

Our climate change research offended Cuccinelli, thanks to his ideology-driven denial of, well, science. Therefore, he used his legal power as Attorney General to orchestrate a witch-hunt meant to smear and discredit me, and by extension, my work.

Lacking any legitimate claim against me, Cuccinelli’s court filing largely ignored actual climate science, but when it was mentioned, Cuccinelli relied on Internet conspiracy theories and disinformation from big oil and coal lobbyists.

Ultimately, though, sanity prevailed and Cuccinelli failed. But now, Cuccinelli’s radical, irrational and fear-based brand of politics has created a template for a like-minded Attorneys General, looking to stamp out opposition by providing a legal basis for attacking environmental rights and voting rights at the state level.

Cuccinelli’s potential successors have actually said the Attorney General has not gone far enough in using the office to promote political extremism. They are basically clones of Ken Cuccinelli, and their victory would mean more attempts to silence opponents and roll back voting rights and environmental protections.

In contrast, Democratic State Senator Mark Herring was the very first elected official to defend me during Cuccinelli’s smear campaign. He showed the kind of integrity and intellectual honesty sorely missing from the Attorney General’s office. And now he’s running for the very same office Cuccinelli abused over the last four years.

Mark’s election would serve as a clear, unequivocal rejection of Cuccinelli’s style of politics and a return to thoughtful, responsible governing. But it would also be a tremendous blow to the political extremists on a national level. Remember, the far right-wing Tea Party planted its roots in Virginia in 2009, which quickly bloomed into a resounding victory in 2010 and dangerous policy from the likes of Cuccinelli in the years since.

When you consider all of these factors, you can quickly see the importance of Virginia’s 2013 elections.

So if you care about climate change…

If you care about governing based on reason and fact…

If you want to stop the political extremists before they can gain their footing once again…

If you believe it’s wrong for law enforcement to try to silence opposition…

Than you should you care about the Virginia Attorney General’s race and you should care about electing Mark Herring.

Chopra campaign releases first TV ad


(Good stuff by Aneesh Chopra’s campaign! – promoted by lowkell)

Today, Aneesh Chopra released the first television ad of his campaign for the Democratic nomination for Virginia Lt. Governor. The 30-second ad focuses on Chopra's commitment to fighting for Virginia's middle class.
In the ad, which begins airing today, Chopra outlines his priorities for strengthening the middle class. These include ensuring women earn equal pay for equal work, raising the minimum wage, and ensuring college is affordable for Virginia students and families.
The ad also highlights Chopra's experience as Virginia's Secretary of Technology for Governor Tim Kaine and as U.S. Chief Technology Officer for President Barack Obama.
"I'm excited to take my campaign of fairness, equality, and opportunity to Virginia voters with this ad," Chopra said. "I am the proud son of parents who worked hard to get into the middle class. I know how difficult it can be for families that are struggling to get in — or stay in — the middle class. I stand with them and will work each day to ensure all Virginians have a fair shot at success."

Virginia News Headlines: Monday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, May 13.

*IRS kept shifting targets in tax-exempt groups scrutiny: report

*The GOP’s politics of dysfunction

*Multiple Gunmen Open Fire During New Orleans’ Mother’s Day Parade, At Least 12 Injured

*Bush’s Secretary of Defense Mocks GOP Attacks On Obama’s Handling Of Benghazi

*To His Face: Amb. Pickering Refutes Darrell Issa’s Claim That He ‘Refused’ To Testify At Benghazi Hearing

*Va. transportation bill to get ceremonial signing

*Cuccinelli touts tax plan in his second ad

*Va. towns express concerns about Cuccinelli, McAuliffe tax plans

*McAuliffe: Reform Virginia’s Standards of Learning Tests

*VA Equality Group Gearing Up for Gubernatorial Election

*Complex ballot process determines GOP nominees

*4 new companies make T-D Top 50 list

*Good news  for transit riders (“New funding for bus and rail agencies will preserve existing service and encourage innovations.”)

*Most endangered Va. places, sites released

*Stop stalling on Chesapeake fly ash

*Discretion is not a dirty word (“Zero-tolerance policies remove discretion from the decision-making that leads to discipline. Everybody gets the same punishment. The problem is that such policies remove judgment – and sometimes common sense – from the equation.”)

*Manassas considers new projects, weighs largest tax increase in years

*New York Rangers force Game 7 with 1-0 win over Washington Capitals

*D.C. area forecast: A last gasp of cool weather early this week, then summer is on

Video from Alfonso Lopez’s 2nd Annual “Politics in the Park” Event


Here’s some video from Del. Alfonso Lopez’s 2nd annual “Politics in the Park” fundraiser event, held earlier this evening at Barcroft Park in Arlington. The event was very well attended – probably 150 people or more – and Del. Lopez raised around $20,000 for his own campaign as well as other Democratic House of Delegates campaigns. See the “flip” for video of speeches by Lt. Governor candidate Aneesh Chopra (introduction by Del. Lopez) and Attorney General candidate Mark Herring (also introduced by Del. Lopez). Note that neither Chopra’s nor Herring’s Democratic opponents attended the event. Also note that Chopra won the LG straw poll with 88% of the vote, and Mark Herring won the AG straw poll with 67% of the vote.

Video: Former Sec. Def. Gates Slams Benghazi Critics as Having “Cartoonish” View of Military


With regard to critics of the Obama administration for not doing more to respond to the attack on our consulate in Benghazi, former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates had the following to say. This much sums up my views perfectly.

“It’s sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces…The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm’s way, and there just wasn’t time to do that.”

“Frankly, had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were.

“We don’t have a ready force standing by in the Middle East, and so getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible.”

I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances.

“To send some small number of special forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, would have been very dangerous.”