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Mark Herring Issues Detailed Agenda to Benefit Virginia Women; Long List of Endorsements


I just got off a conference call with Sen. Mark Herring’s AG campaign, in which he proudly announced the kickoff of “Women for Herring”, including over 100 women leaders from all across Virginia who are supporting Herring’s campaign for Attorney General, as well as a comprehensive, detailed, positive policy agenda (click here and see on the “flip” for more on that) that will help Virginia women in the problems they face in their everyday lives. Herring emphasized that “equal opportunities and rights for women and men are critical to the well being and progress of everyone – individuals, families and communities” in Virginia. Herring promised that as AG he’ll “pursue an agenda that provides equal opportunity for women, respects women’s rights to make their own healthcare decisions, and provides security for Virginia’s families.  

Herring also blasted Bob McDonnell and Ken Cuccinelli for doing the “exact opposite” in their “attacks on women’s reproductive rights;” “unnecessary regulations that will force healthcare clinics to shut down;” to “mandatory, invasive ultrasounds that Republicans tried forcing onto women;” to “making health care less accessible for women and more expensive for women.” In sum, Sen. Herring declared that “this extreme, punitive, and out-of-touch agenda that Virginia Republicans have made their top priority is wrong and it’s going to stop when I’m Attorney General.” He added that “Virginians are ready for an Attorney General who puts the law first and who stands up for their rights” and promised, “that’s the kind of Attorney General I’ll be.”

Sen. Barbara Favola, Chair of the Women’s Reproductive Health Caucus in the Virginia State Senate, added:

…I know that Mark is the candidate for Attorney General who has the strength and the courage to take on the extreme agenda of Ken Cuccinelli and the Republicans. I know Mark…we have worked together, I know how effective he is, and I know where his values are. Virginia’s women can trust Mark Herring because he’s…always been there for us. The last two General Assembly sessions, he fought to ensure that women could keep control of their reproductive health choices…Mark is the only candidate for Attorney General who’s been an outspoken opponent of the TRAP regulations…putting medically unnecessary, extremely costly and burdensome regulations on women’s health care clinics across the state…

…I fought with Mark on the floor of the Senate to ensure that we won the expansion of Medicaid…Mark was very influential in getting us there. Mark knows that issues of women’s health care are family and economic issues…he was raised by a mother and sister, so he understands how women fit into the economic fabric of our society and how important it is to have fair policies…

As Chair of the Women’s Reproductive Health Caucus, I fully support Mark Herring for Attorney General, because I know he has our backs, I know we can trust him, we as women who care about economic equity and access to health care and privacy in our health care decisions. I know he’ll have our back, I also know he’s very effective…for those reasons, I am wholeheartedly behind his candidacy.

Finally, domestic violence victims’ advocate Gena Boyle thanked Mark Herring for “setting the bar high with a policy agenda that will protect victims of sexual and domestic violence and improve the lives of all Virginia women.” Boyle added that she’s “pleased the policy agenda includes commonsense measures to reduce gun violence,” including “universal background checks” as well as “closing a loophole in Virginia law that currently allows some convicted of domestic violence to purchase a firearm.” In Boyle’s view, “These measures will be very crucial for addressing domestic violence homicides in Virginia…the evidence is clear that domestic violence and firearms is a lethal combination.” Boyle pointed out that protecting women from violence is certainly about “increased penalties for perpetrators,” but also about giving “our first responders the tools they need in the field,” and supporting projects to support prevention programs. Boyle explained that she’s supporting Mark Herring because, “unlike some in the legislature and in statewide office, he has always supported laws that provide protections for all victims of domestic violence, not just those married to or living with a perpetrator.” Boyle concluded the AG can play a very important role on these issues, and that she’s “very excited that Mark is in the race, because I trust him to keep Virginians and their families safe, and because women and especially victims of violence deserve a champion like him.”

More broadly, I’d point out that Mark Herring’s campaign for Attorney General has consistently been putting out substantive policy proposals. That’s impressive, but not surprising, given Sen. Herring’s deep knowledge of the issues facing Virginia. For instance, a few weeks ago, Sen. Herring’s campaign unveiled its three-point, LGBT “Equality Agenda,” which called for: a) Prohibiting Discrimination In State and Local Government; b) Protecting Children And Ensuring Safety In Our Schools; and c) Promoting Strong Families. That plan was well received by members of Virginia’s LGBT community, as it demonstrates strong leadership on the issues facing LGBT Virginians, a commitment to their equality and protection from discrimination, and a dramatic change of pace from the homophobic Attorney General currently besmirching the office.

Now, Mark Herring’s issued an impressive series of policy proposals that will benefit all Virginia women. You can read all about them here, but in brief, they include: a) “Repealing Extreme Policies And Expanding Healthcare;” b) “Protecting Virginia Families;” c) “Combating Sexual and Domestic Violence;” and d) “Creating Jobs and Ensuring Paycheck Fairness.”

How will Mark Herring use the AG’s office to promote these goals? On goal “d,” for instance, Herring will “use the resources of the [AG’s] office to support women-owned and minority-owned businesses and work to put them on a level playing field when competing for state contracts.” And on goal “b,” Herring will – among other things – “establish a ‘Designer Drug Task Force’ that includes law enforcement, prosecutors and forensics experts to implement solutions so that Virginia can stay one step ahead of the drug manufacturers.” That’s just a flavor of what Mark Herring will do as Virginia’s next Attorney General. Needless to say, it will be a HUGE breath of fresh air after the divisive, corrosive, far-right-wing ideologically-driven tenure of Ken Cuccinelli.

Finally, it’s important to stress to anyone who might be skeptical about these promises that it’s not just talk. In fact, Mark Herring has been fighting for these issues in the Virginia General Assembly for years now, knows the issues inside out, and understands how to turn ideas into legislation.

All of that makes Mark Herring superbly qualified not just to be Virginia’s next AG, but to be a great AG. I’m very much looking forward to it, as are the 100+ Virginia women leaders/current and former elected officials from all across the state who are endorsing Mark Herring’s campaign.

If you have any doubt about Mark Herring’s commitment to women’s equal opportunity, right to make their own healthcare decisions, and security for them and their families, you don’t have to take his word for it; just ask Sen. Mamie Locke (D-Hampton), Sen. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth), former Sen. Patsy Ticer (D-Alexandria), Del. Eileen Filler-Corn (D-Fairfax), Arlington County Commissioner of Revenue Ingrid Morroy, former Del. Katherine Waddell (R-Richmond/Chesterfield), and the many others who have signed on to support Mark Herring’s candidacy.

Virginia News Headlines: Wednesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, April 24.

*The deficit is falling fast. Can Washington accept victory? (It’s not “Washington,” it’s “Republicans.”

*As Israel adds claims, U.S. evaluating whether Syria used chemical weapons (It looks like Syria has crossed President Obama’s “red line” on use of chemical weapons. Now what?)

*What would the Koch brothers do to the Los Angeles Times? (“A newspaper isn’t just a business; it’s also a civic trust. The money men who have been plunked down on the Tribune board should remember that as they sell off the civic chronicles of some of America’s great cities.”)

*S.E.C. Is Asked to Require Disclosure of Donations (“The Securities and Exchange Commission may soon make publicly traded corporations disclose all of their political donations, and business groups are already preparing a counterattack.”)

*Budget Cuts, Minus the Inconvenience (“Republican leaders blame all the sequester pain on President Obama. Just read their Twitter feeds.”)

*Ken Cuccinelli’s Crazy Ambition (“Virginia’s AG is running for governor in 2013, but don’t rule out a bigger run in 2016”)

*Today’s top opinion: Mr. Bolling regrets

*Virginia opens Shanghai trade office

*McAuliffe releases abridged taxes, reports $8.2 million in income in 2011

*Indicted chef seeks info on McDonnell family conduct

*Dominion seeks approval today for gas-fired power plant in Brunswick (Until Dominion gets serious about energy efficiency and renewable energy, the answer to any such request shouldn’t just be “no” but “HELL NO!”)

*Anti-abortion group runs radio ad against McAuliffe

*Cosgrove has GOP challenger in Va. Senate special election

*In Democratic primary feud, Dance pledges to reject Republican campaign donations

*Arlington streetcar plans will proceed despite federal rejection (Great news that Arlington can apply for funding under the federal “New Starts” program, which could potentially pay for a bigger chunk of the project. Go streetcar!)

*The value of The Tide (Speaking of streetcar systems that deserve funding!)

*McDonnell: Low Bids, Smaller Toll Hikes

*Nationals suffer unkind flashback (“Washington manages just five hits and fall to .500 or worse for the first time since the final day of the 2011 season after enduring its eighth loss in 11 games.”)

*Washington Capitals clinch Southeast Division, No. 3 seed with 5-3 win over Jets

Chopra campaign launches “Women for Chopra”


( – promoted by lowkell)

ARLINGTON, VA – Today, Aneesh Chopra’s campaign for Virginia Lt. Governor launched Women for Chopra, a grassroots group of women supporters across the Commonwealth. In an announcement to supporters, Kate Hanley, former Chair of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and former Secretary of the Commonwealth described the new initiative:

“This year, so much is at stake for the women of Virginia. Over the past four years, we’ve seen attack after attack on women’s rights. It’s absolutely critical that this year we elect leaders who will stand with us and fight for equality and opportunity. That’s why I am supporting Aneesh Chopra for Lt. Governor, and that’s why I’m so excited to announce the launch of Women for Chopra.”

Along with Hanley, the campaign announced an initial list of Women for Chopra supporters, including:

Kim Adkins, Mayor, Martinsville

Kristin Cabral, Grassroots Leader, McLean

Victoria Cochran, Grassroots Leader, Blacksburg

Rohini Chopra, Women for Chopra Chair, Arlington

Kerry Devine, City Councilmember, Fredericksburg

Linda DiYorio, Grassroots Leader, Wytheville

Eileen Filler-Corn, Delegate, Springfield

Libby Garvey, County Board Member, Arlington

Dr. Joyce Glaise, Former Councilmember, Danville

Penny Gross, Supervisor, Fairfax County Board

Patty Haling, Grassroots Leader, Charlottesville

Kate Hanley, Former Chair, Fairfax County Board, Reston

Eucharia Jackson, Grassroots Leader, Henrico

Andrea Jackson, Grassroots Leader, Waynesboro

Ernestine Jenkins, Grassroots Leader, Woodbridge

Barbara Kanninen, Grassroots Leader, Arlington

Lovely Lall, Grassroots Leader, Leesburg

Sue Langley, Grassroots Leader, Vienna

Jen Little, Vice Chair, School Board, Mathews County

Abby Raphael, School Board Member, Arlington

Dr. Amelia Ross-Hammond, Councilmember, Va. Beach  

Molly Snyder, Grassroots Leader, Front Royal

Kristin Szakos, Vice Mayor, Charlottesville

Shannon Taylor, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Henrico

Patsy Ticer, Former State Senator, Alexandria

Margi Vanderhye, Former Delegate, McLean

Kristen Umstattd, Mayor, Leesburg

Trish White-Boyd, Grassroots Leader, Roanoke

In launching the program, Chopra outlined why the fight for women is a top priority for him:

“I would never be in the position I am today if it were not for the women in my life. My mother, who worked her way into the middle class while raising a family, my grandmother who made sure I learned the importance of education, my wife who is a source of strength, and my daughters who are a source of inspiration — these are all reasons I am fighting for the women of Virginia. Ultimately, though, I’m fighting for women not because they are our mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives, and daughters, but because they are Virginians and we believe in equality and opportunity for all.”

Learn more about Women for Chopra at http://teamchopra.org/women

Video: Ken Cuccinelli Nearly Derailed Virginia Budget Over His Extreme Agenda


See the press release from the Democratic Party of Virginia on the "flip."

New DPVA Video: Virginians Can't Afford to Give Cuccinelli Extreme Agenda Power over  VA Tax Dollars


Richmond, VA – Virginia Senator Louise Lucas and DPVA Executive Director Lauren Harmon released the statements below today on Ken Cuccinelli’s record of threatening Virginia’s mainstream budget process with his extreme ideological agenda and how dangerous it would be for him to have the budgetary power of Virginia’s Governor.

“In 2008 I served with Ken Cuccinelli in the Senate when, instead of focusing on jobs, education or transportation, he very nearly derailed the entire budget with an amendment aimed at defunding women’s health provider Planned Parenthood,” said Lucas.

“Nevermind that Planned Parenthood provides birth control, cancer screenings, HIV prevention, and other health care services to Virginia women, or that none of the money Cuccinelli tried to strip out of the budget went to abortions. Ken Cuccinelli could not help himself when he had the opportunity to inject his extreme ideological agenda into the budget. And as a result he very nearly divided us to the point where we failed to meet our obligation to the people of this Commonwealth to spend their tax dollars wisely in a state budget.”

Harmon continued, “Last week at the Shad Planking Cuccinelli said, ‘We want to keep the Virginia budget balanced. It's one of the things we do better than the federal government.’

“He’s right that Virginians have historically enjoyed balanced budgets that protect their priorities, but he failed to mention that one of the times the General Assembly nearly failed to pass the budget on time was due to his extreme agenda.

“Virginia women can’t afford to let Ken Cuccinelli make decisions about their health care.

Today the Democratic Party of Virginia also released a new web video highlighting Cuccinelli’s flattering remarks about the state budget at last week’s Shad Planking, and casting them against news accounts of how he nearly killed the Virginia budget by attempting to defund women’s health care.

EPA: State’s Keystone Analysis “Insufficient” in Several Key Areas


Cross posted from Scaling Green

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has weighed in on the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline analysis done by the State Department, and it’s not impressed. At all. A few key problems, in EPA’s view?

  • Greenhouse gas emissions: EPA points out that if “GHG intensity of oil sands crude is not reduced, over a 50 year period the additional C02-e from oil sands crude transported by the pipeline could be as much as 935 million metric tons.” Yet, EPA notes, somehow the State Department’s analysis “nevertheless concludes that regardless of whether the Project permit is approved, projected oil sands production will remain substantially unchanged.” That doesn’t appear to add up.
  • Alternative rail transport: The State Department’s analysis assumes that, regardless of whether or not Keystone XL is built, tar sands oil will find its way to market – by rail or by alternative pipeline routes.  This finding, EPA points out, “supports [State’s] overall conclusion that approval of the permit will not by itself substantially affect GHG emissions or contribute to climate change.” Yet, EPA appears to be suggesting, the assumptions behind this core finding of State’s report are questionable, and require “further investigation of rail capacity and costs, recognizing the potential for much higher per barrel rail shipment costs than presented.”
  • Pipeline safety:  EPA argues that “the 2010 Enbridge spill of oil sands crude in Michigan,” demonstrates that “spills of diluted bitumen (dilbit) may require different response actions or equipment from response actions for conventional oil spills,” such as the need for “dredging of bottom sediments…to protect public health and welfare and the environment.” Given this evidence, EPA urges further measures be required to “prevent and detect oil discharges,” as well as to mitigate any impacts in the event of a spill.  This process should include “an independent engineering analysis to review TransCanada’s risk assessment of the potential impacts from oil discharges to surface and groundwater resources, as well as TransCanada’s current proposals for placing mainline valves along the pipeline route and installing leak detection equipment.”
  • Alternative pipeline routes: EPA is concerned that the State Department’s report “does not provide a detailed analysis of the Keystone Corridor Alternative routes, which would parallel the existing Keystone Pipeline and likely further reduce potential environmental impacts to groundwater


The bottom line is that EPA finds the State Department’s Keystone XL analysis to be “insufficient.”  Perhaps the fact that a key portion of the State Department’s analysis was prepared by firms with “deep oil industry ties” might have something to do with this?

Virginia News Headlines: Tuesday Morning


Here are a few Virginia (and national) news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, April 23.

*Of Course Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Is Not an Enemy Combatant (“John McCain and Lindsey Graham’s ludicrous, harmful campaign to get him declared one.” McCain and Graham are a menace to our constitution and legal system.)

*How The NRA Has Made It Harder To Connect Criminals To Their Weapons (And the NRA is a menace to our nation.)

*Here’s Why Tsarnaev Was Charged With Using a ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction’ (If we’re going with this loosey-goosey definition, why aren’t assault rifles considered WMDs?)

*America’s double-barreled standard (“A country resolute against terrorism is somehow helpless against gun violence.”)

*Lawmakers stoking fear of immigrants (And of course those “lawmakers” are Republicans. Shocker, huh?)

*Boston suspects don’t seem to be tied to terror groups, officials say (Based on their utter incompetence, it’s hard to believe they’re a member of any terror group, at least not one that has any clue what it’s doing.)

*Flights delayed along East Coast as furloughs begin (Thanks Republicans!)

*‘This Is CNN?’ Stewart Destroys His Favorite Target After A Chaotic End To A Terrible Week In Boston (And rightfully so; that network is utter trash.)

*Furloughs underway, but uncertainty remains for many workers

*Bolling regrets getting out so soon (“But he says he’s unlikely to re-enter race for governor”)

*Speaker Howell’s new PAC for pro-transportation delegates

*In web ad, Cuccinelli presses McAuliffe on tax records

*Abortion foes to air first ad of governor’s race (Here’s what you need to know about this extremist “Susan B. Anthony List” organization.)

*Democrats push Ken Cuccinelli to appoint special prosecutor in Star Scientific case

*Cuccinelli’s run for governor of Va. tests core elements of GOP makeover (“Even supporters worry that Cuccinelli is too forthright about his views.”)

*Former Goochland Board of Supervisors chairman to run against Ware for House of Delegates

*Locals join jog to support Boston Marathon bombing victims

*Cardinals 3, Nationals 2: St. Louis maintains mastery over Washington

Press Release – Former Goochland Supervisor Running for House of Delegates


( – promoted by lowkell)

Goochland, VA — The former Chair of the Goochland Board of Supervisors, William E. Quarles, Jr., is running to be the next Delegate from the 65th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.

The seat, currently held by Lee Ware (R), has not seen a Democratic challenger in ten years. According to Quarles, this has resulted in Mr. Ware growing increasingly comfortable in his position, a sentiment he has heard from countless voters across the district.

“Mr. Ware may feel entitled to this seat. But as much as he would have us believe otherwise, this isn’t his seat. It’s the people’s, and they deserve better,” Quarles said at a recent campaign stop.

Quarles has also cited Ware’s out of touch positions on women’s rights, healthcare, the environment and education as reasons the district desperately needs new leadership in the House of Delegates.

Quarles, a lifelong resident of the area, grew up in Goochland and Louisa Counties. After he graduated from Virginia Union University, he began his career teaching science and math in Richmond and Louisa public schools. He has spent the last thirty years as a member of the chemistry and training management team at the North Anna Nuclear Power Station, recently retiring to pursue other avenues of public services.  

He also owns and operates a company that conducts training in management and safety for nuclear power plants and other businesses.

In addition to his professional credentials, Quarles’ has extensive experience as a community leader.

He was elected to the Goochland County Board of Supervisors and served there for eight years, the last three as Chair. He was appointed by then-Governor Tim Kaine to the Emergency Medical Advisory Board and was an active Board Member on the Capital Region Workforce Partnership Consortium. Currently, Quarles serves as the Vice President of the Goochland Education Foundation, which provides support for deserving students and teachers in the county.

This state-wide election will be held on November 5, 2013. Also on the ballot will be candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General.

District 65 spans all or parts of Fluvanna, Powhatan, Chesterfield and Goochland Counties.

# # #

For additional information, contact: Leonore Jordan, Campaign Manager, 703-599-4878

You can also visit our website, find us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.  

Nevada’s Free Market Mental Health Care: Here’s Your Free Bus Ticket


Court Judge/Gov. Brian SandovalEvery time I think I couldn’t be more shocked by the depths of how little Republican elected officials care about the weakest & most vulnerable in our society, people like Gov. Brian Sandoval (R-NV) come along and prove me wrong:

San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera today announced a formal investigation into whether the State of Nevada improperly “dumped” psychiatric patients to his city and across California.

In a letter to the director of Nevada’s Department of Health and Human Services sent this morning, Herrera demands that the state turn over documents related to its aggressive practice in recent years of discharging mental patients to Greyhound buses and transporting them across the country. The letter, copied to Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval and Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto, cites a Bee investigation detailing how the Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas bused roughly 1,500 patients to other cities and states from July 1, 2008 through early March 2013.

A Bee examination of Greyhound bus receipts found Rawson-Neal bused 500 patients to California during that period; roughly 30 of them were transferred to San Francisco. One of the patient’s clients, James Flavy Coy Brown, recently turned up suicidal and confused at a Sacramento homeless services complex after he was discharged via Greyhound to Sacramento, with no prepration for his housing, care or treatment.

Two things. First, after multiple mass shootings involving mentally ill shooters, including Virginia Tech, this is how Nevada is treating people suffering from mental illness? Second, remember this the next time you hear a Republicans say we need stronger mental health care, not stricter gun control laws. This Republican governor is dumping mentally ill people out of his state like human trash.  

Meet the (Far-Right-Wing Extremist) Women Behind “Women for Ken” Cuccinelli


Curious about the women behind the new group, “Women for Ken” Cuccinelli? American Bridge has the eye-opening facts.

A closer examination of the list reveals that the comparison is apt – among the list of Cuccinelli supporters one will find some of the same women who rushed forward to defend Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock, who called a pregnancy resulting from rape “something that God intended.” It’s not surprising that they place Cuccinelli in the same company.

Many of these women have been affiliated with the organizations and candidates who are most adamant about denying women the opportunity to make decisions about their own body or curtailing their access to health care. The list also includes the sponsor of the Virginia legislation that would have required women to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound before they could have an abortion.

For instance, there’s Virginia Del. Kathy Byron (R), who sponsored the “transvaginal ultrasound” bill, and who claimed that abortion is “incompatible with ‘a nation founded with words proclaiming that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are unalienable rights.'” There’s also Marjorie Dannenfelser, who strongly defended Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin after their crazy comments about rape being a “gift from god” and about “legitimate rape.” Then there’s Christine “I’m not a witch” O’Donnell’s former spokesperson Diana Banister. ‘Nuff said on THAT one! And just to top it off, there’s Nancy Pfotenhauer, who obnoxiously claimed that northern Virginia (the economic engine of the state, also increasingly its population center) is not part of “real Virginia,” and who was the top lobbyist for Koch Industries from 1996 to 2001.

So, when you hear that there’s a group called “Women for Ken,” don’t be fooled. Yes, these are women, and yes they support Ken Cuccinelli, but in no way, shape or form do their extremist, radical views agree with the vast majority of Virginia women. Nor would their views, if they (god forbid) ever became law, do anything but harm the lives of Virginia women. Let’s just hope that by November, the number of Virginia women supporting Ken Cuccinelli is not much bigger than the membership of this crazy “Women for Ken” group.

The Report on Torture and a Glimpse of the Dark Spirit


Last week, while the nation’s attention was riveted on the events in Boston, a bi-partisan report on torture was issued. (Republican Asa Hutchinson was one of the heads of the group that produced the report.)

The report confirmed what we all should already know, but that political dissimulation has kept unofficial: the United States engaged in the practice of brutal torture, sanctioned at the highest levels of the U.S. government in a manner unprecedented in our history. This, despite there being no evidence that such practices serve any useful purpose.

If the purposes are not utilitarian, the reasons must lie elsewhere. And here we see the dark spirit. Forget the issues of American law, and international treaty, violated by those during the Bush presidency. Look at the place our leaders were coming from. Torture is as far as you can get from “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Torture, for which there is no practical reason, is an expression of the kind sadistic cruelty that stains the darkest pages of human history. This is the spirit that finds expression in dungeons, on the rack, in the chambers of the Gestapo. And here it found expression through the people nominated by the Republican Party and re-elected by half the American people.

And prosecuted by no one, including a successor who said we must look forward and not backward.

Is there in America a crisis at the level of the spirit? One need look no further.

Andy Schmookler, an award-winning author, political commentator, radio talk-show host, and teacher, was the Democratic nominee for Congress from Virginia’s 6th District.  He is the author of various books including Out of Weakness:  Healing the Wounds That Drive Us to War.