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Ahead of JD Vance’s Rally in Radford, Virginia Leaders Slammed the Trump-Vance Project 2025 Agenda


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign:

Ahead of Vance Rally in Radford, Virginia Leaders Slam Trump-Vance Project 2025 Agenda

Today, ahead of JD Vance’s rally in Radford, Virginia leaders slammed the Trump-Vance ticket and underscored how their dangerous and extreme Project 2025 agenda would hurt Virginians’ freedoms, their livelihoods, and our democracy.

As Vance comes to Virginia for the first time as Trump’s Vice Presidential nominee, his and Trump’s Project 2025 agenda will be front and center – an agenda that Virginians have rejected time and time again – passing a national abortion ban, raising taxes by $2,500 on working families, and giving Donald Trump unlimited, unchecked power.

See just some of the comments from Virginians:

Senator Mark Warner: I hope JD Vance knows that in Southwest Virginia, actions speak louder than words. I’ve led the charge on rural broadband deployment so that no one has to move to San Francisco like JD Vance did to find a world-class job.

Senator Tim KaineJD Vance is campaigning in Virginia today. The Trump-Vance Project 2025 agenda is clear: give tax cuts to the rich, ban abortion & contraception, & decimate the federal workforce—hurting many Virginians. Vance can visit all he wants, but I know VA will reject their extremism.

DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker: As someone born and raised in Appalachia, I know two things about JD Vance: He forgot where he came from and he doesn’t care about working class people. Those of us who grew up in rural counties can forgive a lot of things like it says in the Good Book, but we can’t forgive a sellout. We know he is nothing but a fraud and a con artist who supports Donald Trump’s extreme Project 2025 agenda to ban abortion, slash Social Security and Medicare, and raise prices for working families while giving tax cuts to billionaires. His extremism isn’t welcome here in Virginia, and we’re going to make sure to defeat him and Trump in November – just like we did last time. This election is a choice between a ticket led by Kamala Harris who is fighting for Virginians and Donald Trump who is fighting against us.

Congressman Gerry Connolly (VA-10)I was in the Capitol on 1/6 when [there was] a deadly riot to overturn an election. JD Vance says he would have blocked the certification of the election and given into that mob. He even endorsed a rioter for Congress. No one with those values should be Vice President.

Congressman Don Beyer (VA-08): Trump picked JD Vance because he promised to do what Mike Pence wouldn’t on January 6th: overturn an election. Vance supports a national abortion ban with no exceptions. He’s with Trump fighting for the wealthy and big corporations. Virginians reject this extreme MAGA agenda.

Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (VA-07)Today, JD Vance will be campaigning in Virginia. I hope he’ll explain his wish to fire “every civil servant” and replace them with “our people.” Thousands of Virginians are federal employees. Their livelihoods and service as civil servants shouldn’t be political punching bags.

Congresswoman Jennifer McClellan (VA-04): J.D. Vance is in Virginia today, but Virginians don’t want the extreme Trump/Vance/Project 2025 agenda of raising costs on the middle class, banning abortions and undoing our rights. Virginia rejected Trump twice, and will do so again in 2024.

State Senate President Pro Tempore, L Louise Lucas: Since JD Vance is coming to Virginia today I am hoping reporters will ask @GovernorVA and other Republican leaders if they agree with his statements that social security is our “biggest roadblock to fiscal sanity”.  This matters to Virginians surviving on the money they earned.

Mayor Levar Stoney (Richmond): JD Vance is coming to Virginia today. Our message is clear: Vance and Trump have no business in our Commonwealth. Their racist and bigoted policies are not supported by our residents. We will reject the Trump/Vance ticket by electing Kamala Harris this November.

Senator Aaron Rouse: I hear that Trump’s running mate will be down in Radford today. I know Southwest VA and I know they’re not buying what he’s selling. Trump and Vance’s Project 2025 is about selling our government to the highest bidder — their billionaire friends — and leaving the rest of us behind. That’s not who we are in Virginia.

Delegate Josh Cole: I’m sorry we’re still on our high of our new presumptive nominee… and he brings his racist, anti-woman, for the rich-only agenda to Virginia…. They not like us… 🙁

Delegate Rae Cousins: Excited to work to elect @KamalaHarris as our next POTUS! I know that she will build on the accomplishments of @JoeBiden, including student loan debt relief, lowered prescription drug costs, building an economy for working people, and addressing the Black maternal health crisis.

Delegate Rozia Henson: JD Vance is stopping in Virginia, to push Trump’s Project 2025 agenda! […] In 2023, Virginia voters rejected a state abortion ban & we will reject Project 2025 this coming Nov election!

Councilman Liam Watson (Blacksburg): Look, I say this with all the love in my heart. If J.D. Vance is going to waste his time in the New River Valley today by spewing his tired, hateful rhetoric that paints Appalachians as lazy and ignorant…

…then he can get the hell out of my holler.

Jade Harris (DNC Delegate, VA-09): As a rural Virginian who grew up in Appalachia, I want to make something very clear. JD Vance is a sellout, an opportunistic class traitor, a liar, and he is NOT an Appalachian. He does not and cannot speak for us. His stunt at Radford today won’t change the truth about him.

Councilman Neal Osborne (Bristol): JD Vance will be making an appearance a couple hours up the road from us in SWVA. Gentle reminder that JD Vance isn’t from Appalachia, and his writings on Appalachian culture prove that point. However, if he was from Appalachia, he’d understand when I say, “bless his heart.”

Virginia Young Dems: Some things we know about JD Vance:

•He said Trump is “unfit to serve” as President

•He isn’t an Appalachian

•He is a sellout to the working class



Paid for by Harris for President

VA Legislative Black Caucus Announces That Every Member “who will serve as a delegate for the 2024 Democratic National Convention has pledged their support to Vice President Harris.”


From the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus (VLBC):

Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Statement on President Biden’s Endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Nominee 

Richmond, VA—President Joe Biden’s decades of public service have cemented him as one of the greatest leaders and patriots of our time. He stepped up to lead the nation out of a devastating pandemic and reinstated America’s economy as the strongest in the world.

In one term, this administration rehabilitated our national infrastructure, lowered prescription drug prices, expanded affordable healthcare, invested in our students, called for historical investments in our HBCUs, relieved millions of hardworking Americans of their student loan debt, passed the first federal gun safety law in decades, lowered unemployment to record rates, and passed the most comprehensive climate and pro-worker legislation in history.

President Biden continued to make history when he chose Kamala Harris to serve as Vice President and appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court. He put the country first when he made the decision to step aside and again when he confidently endorsed Vice President Harris to continue building upon this administration’s legacy. She is an accomplished champion of civil rights, environmental protections, reproductive justice, and economic policies which prioritize everyday Americans.

The Virginia Legislative Black Caucus is pleased to announce that every member of the VLBC who will serve as a delegate for the 2024 Democratic National Convention has pledged their support to Vice President Harris. These members include:

Speaker Don Scott
Senator Louise Lucas
Senator Mamie Locke
Senator Lashrecse Aird
Senator Jennifer Carroll Foy
Delegate Joshua Cole
Delegate Alex Askew
Delegate Michael Feggans
Delegate Rozia Henson
Delegate Charniele Herring
Delegate Jeion Ward

Today, we stand in awe of President Biden. During a time of chaos and uncertainty after the failed presidency of Donald Trump, President Biden and Vice President Harris put America on track and made our recovery from Covid the envy of the world. We honor Joe Biden’s decency and servant leadership. We join him in our unwavering support for Vice President Harris. MAGA extremism against a woman’s right to choose her reproductive healthcare was rejected in Virginia just last November. Virginia will reject MAGA and their extreme Project 2025 agenda again.

Video: DNC Launches Mobile Billboard Ahead of JD Vance’s First Solo Rally in VA to Hold Him and Trump Accountable for Their Plans to Ban Abortion Nationwide


From the DNC:

As JD Vance parachutes into Radford, Virginia today, the DNC is launching a new mobile billboard that will circle the rally site highlighting the stakes for Virginians as Donald Trump and JD Vance push their extreme Project 2025 agenda, which seeks to ban abortion nationwide without exceptions for rape or incest. In the 2023 Virginia legislative elections, Virginia voters turned out decisively to reject Governor Glenn Youngkin’s extreme abortion ban. Virginia voters will do the same to reject Donald Trump and JD Vance.

A reminder: if Trump and Vance win this election, they will implement a national abortion ban that will override the will of Virginia voters.

Here are the facts about Donald Trump and JD Vance when it comes to their plans to restrict our fundamental freedoms: 

  • After overturning Roe v. Wade, Donald Trump owns every single abortion ban and policy that’s ripped away essential reproductive health care from women across the country.
  • Vance was caught on leaked audio expressing how he would like for abortion to be illegal nationally.
  • Trump has doubled down on taking credit for extreme state abortion bans, bragging that he “broke Roe,” saying he “was proudly the person responsible” for overturning it and it is “working the way it’s supposed to.”
  • Vance supports banning abortion nationally, criticizes exceptions for rape and incest, admitted he’s open to banning women from crossing state lines for reproductive care, and compared abortion to slavery.
  • Vance suggested that women should stay in violent marriages for the sake of their children.
  • Trump and Vance have deep ties to Project 2025, an extreme second term agenda created by those who know Trump best, that plots to ban abortion nationwide and punish women who get abortions.

DNC Spokesperson Addy Toevs released the following statement: 

“Ahead of JD Vance’s first solo campaign rally, it’s important to remember that Virginians have already rejected an extreme abortion ban once, and they will do it once again in November. The Trump-Vance ticket’s extreme, anti-abortion, anti-women message has proven to be unpopular with voters in Virginia and across the nation. Add that on top of their dangerous Project 2025 agenda which would make the ultra-wealthy richer, raise costs for working families, and gut Medicare and Social Security, and you see how Trump and Vance’s plans are a direct affront to what voters in Virginia and across the country care most about. This year, Virginians will choose Democrats’ vision for the nation over the Trump-Vance ticket’s anti-freedom, anti-women future. We’re doing the work to win everywhere – community by community, block by block.” 

Watch the mobile billboard video here

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11)’s Statement for Today’s House Oversight Hearing with the U.S. Secret Service 


UPDATE 12:08 pm – Here’s video of Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11)’s questioning of the head of the US Secret Service. As you can see, Rep. Connolly got VERY frusrated and exasperated with the lack of a clear answer by Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to his questions about whether or not the ubiquity of guns make the Secret Service’s job harder or easier…

From Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11)’s office:

Connolly Statement for Today’s House Oversight Hearing with the U.S. Secret Service 

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Gerry Connolly, a senior member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, released the following statement in advance of today’s House hearing with the U.S. Secret Service.

Today’s hearing has been called to examine the troubling details surrounding the attempted assassination of a former U.S. President and to safeguard the well-being of all our nation’s leaders. On Saturday, July 13, an attempt was made on the life of former President Donald J. Trump. This reprehensible act led to a tragic loss of life—Corey Comperatore, a father, husband, and first responder, was killed in the attack, and two other bystanders were injured in this senseless act of violence.

Political violence is never justified. I have lived through the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert F. Kennedy, the shootings of George Wallace and Ronald Reagan, and the attempted shooting of Gerald R. Ford. The recent attempt on the former President’s life is a stark reminder that we are again living in a time of increased political violence in this country. I have direct personal experience with the effects of this trend towards political violence. Last year, an individual entered my District Office armed with a metal baseball bat. This individual asked for me before attacking two of my staff members, severely injuring one of them. This violence is part of a broader trend, with an alarming increase in attacks and threats against Members of Congress. In 2022, as many of you are aware, former Speaker Pelosi’s husband was assaulted in their home in California. U.S. Capitol Police reports more than 8,000 threat investigations in 2023—up from 902 in 2016. [1]We must take action to reverse this trend; political decisions in the U.S. should be made at the ballot box, not at the end of a gun.

I am deeply concerned about the normalization of political violence in this country, a trend I attribute to multiple factors. First, we have become accustomed to violent political rhetoric, fostering a climate of rising intolerance and potential violence. We cannot ignore the statement that there were “very fine people” on both sides of the violence perpetrated by white supremacists in Charlottesville in 2017, nor the support many of my colleagues have shown for the idea that the violent insurrectionists involved in the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol are “political prisoners.” Endorsing immunity for those who engage in political violence only encourages more political violence.

We must also address both the ubiquity of guns in the hands of dangerous or at-risk people in America. Today, there are more guns than people in this country. In the recent attack against the former President, police reported that the 20-year-old shooter gained access to the weapon from his father. We must ensure better safeguards are in place to prevent guns getting into the hands of people who should not have them. Mental health also plays a significant role in this disturbing trend, as evidenced by the attack on my office last year in which the perpetrator was suffering from a mental health crisis. These issues will continue to fuel the increased prevalence of political violence in the United States if not addressed.

In this time of heightened political violence, we want to ensure the Secret Service is doing everything in its power to keep Presidential candidates and their families safe. This is a matter we take seriously, and this is not the first time the Committee has asked to hear from the Secret Service. In 2014, following several troubling security lapses during the Obama administration, the Committee called on the Director of the Secret Service to appear for sworn testimony to ensure the agency was doing everything in its power to protect the President and his family. At today’s hearing, we want to obtain a better understanding of the attempt made on the former President’s life, specifically, how the shooter was able to obtain access to a rooftop in proximity to the former President, what the process was for securing and setting a perimeter, and what measures will be taken for the remainder of the year to ensure candidates and their families will be kept safe.

Unacceptable incidents like this one highlight the fact that we are an increasingly polarized nation experiencing heightened political tensions. I look forward to hearing from the Secret Service today about what they plan to do to prevent future attacks like the attempted assassination of the former President. However, we must bring down the temperature of the political climate in this country and prevent future political violence. That starts with ensuring we engage in respectful, thoughtful debate about the future of this country. I hope this incident gives each of us pause and a reason to reflect on how to address the epidemic of political violence plaguing our nation.

Leading Advocacy Groups Throw Support Behind Vice President Kamala Harris to Take on Donald Trump


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign. And yes, it feels very good to say that!

Leading Advocacy Groups Throw Support Behind Vice President Harris to Take on Donald Trump

In a show of force, some of the most significant advocacy groups and organizers aligned with the Democratic Party have thrown their full support behind Vice President Harris as the Democratic nominee for president to take on Donald Trump.

With the endorsements from these groups and the many to follow, Vice President Harris will have the organizing force of the entire backbone of the Democratic Party behind her as she campaigns to defeat Trump.

See endorsements below:

AAPI Victory FundWe will fight with all of our might to make @VP Kamala Harris the first South Asian and Black woman ever to serve as President of the United States. #WeStandWithKamala

American Federation of Teachers: The @aftunion Exec. Council just voted to endorse @KamalaHarris for president, subject to ratification by delegates to the 2024 AFT convention. Harris is fighting to restore Roe, fighting for families,for student debt relief and is a powerful advocate for workers.

Asian American Action Fund: Kamala Harris has consistently demonstrated her dedication to the values we hold dear: equality, opportunity, and justice for all. Her track record speaks volumes about her capability to lead our country towards a more inclusive and prosperous future. We are proud to stand with her and are confident in her ability to address the needs and concerns of the AANHPI community and all Americans.

ASPIRE PACWe are proud to endorse Kamala Harris for President. She is the most qualified candidate and the right person to lead our country forward. We must all do our part to ensure she becomes the first AANHPI President of the United States.

BlackPACWe at BlackPAC stand with Kamala Harris and look forward to sharing her story and vision for America with the millions of voters we are engaging in battleground states across the country.

Brady PAC: Vice President Harris built the strongest gun violence prevention presidential administration in history. …  This November, our lives are on the ballot. We must vote for Kamala Harris to free America from gun violence.

CASA in ActionNow, with President Biden stepping down, we join his voice in calling for Vice President Kamala Harris to be quickly named as the Democratic candidate for President. Voter turnout powerhouse CASA in Action is fighting ready to turn out an historic number of voters: canvassers throughout our four states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia, and Maryland will join with volunteers and staff to mobilize voters to the booths. Our members are excited to welcome the first woman President – and first woman of color – President; embracing a new America led by Black, immigrant, indigenous, afro-descendant, Latine working class people.

Collective PAC: We are ready to stand firm and tall with our candidate of choice, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Congressional Black Caucus PACThe Congressional Black Caucus PAC joins President Biden in fully supporting Kamala Harris as our party’s nominee. She has been instrumental in delivering the accomplishments of the last 3.5 years and has led on lowering maternal mortality rates, protecting reproductive freedoms, and ensuring economic opportunities for all.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus BOLD PACMake no mistake, Latinos nationwide will bear the brunt of the consequences of a second Trump presidency, just like they did in the past. BOLD PAC will remain laser-focused on doing what it takes to ensure that Trump remains a one-term president. Vice President Harris is the leader we stand behind in this critical moment.

Congressional Progressive Caucus PACOur members are united around a common goal: defeating the existential threat to our democracy and livelihood that is Donald Trump and MAGA extremism. And following a vote by the entirety of the Progressive Caucus, our members overwhelmingly agree that Kamala Harris is the candidate to do just that.

Emerge AmericaAs an organization that centers women of the New American Majority—Black, Brown, and Indigenous women and women of color, as well as young, LGBTQ+, and unmarried women—Emerge will continue to support the leadership of Vice President Kamala Harris, who co-founded our organization over 20 years ago. Vice President Harris is a champion for women and a fighter for our rights. She has been a leader for this country on important issues, from abortion rights to voting rights to the economy, and is best prepared for this moment.

EMILY’s ListWe’re proud to endorse @kamalaharris as the next president of the United States because we know she is a qualified accomplished leader. She is the only candidate positioned to win against Trump in November, and the best voice to define the stakes in this election! #allinforkamala

End Citizens UnitedWe at @StopBigMoney/@LetAmericaVote join President Joe Biden in supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in her campaign for president.

Equality PAC: There is no one more prepared to take on the position as President than Vice President Harris. From her days as Attorney General of California, Vice President Harris has staunchly defended the LGBTQ community, making sure our rights were not only protected but enshrined into law. We look forward to working with her in the next administration, alongside a new Pro-Equality Majority in the House, to pass the Equality Act and ensure all LGBTQ Americans have equal rights under the law.

Gen-Z for ChangeWe look forward to working alongside Vice President Harris to advance an agenda that young people deserve – from comprehensive climate change legislation to universal health care to a pathway to citizenship.

Grassroots Dems HQThe HQ thanks President Biden for his decades of steadfast service to our nation. We follow President Biden’s endorsement of Vice President Harris with great pride, and look forward to mobilizing volunteers and voters across the nation in support of her historic campaign.

Higher HeightsThis election holds significant implications for the rights and well-being of Black women and women in general. The policies and priorities of the next administration will shape the landscape of reproductive rights, economic security, social justice, and overall equality for years to come. Ensuring that these issues are addressed and that Black women’s voices are heard in the political process is essential and it’s precisely why Higher Heights for America exists, and it’s precisely why Vice President Kamala Harris is the only qualified and winning choice for President of the United States.

Human Rights Campaign: We are deeply grateful to President Biden for his more than 50 years of public service and his longtime support for the LGBTQ+ community. Today’s announcement reflects what President Biden has done his entire career and will be core to his legacy: putting the needs of Americans and his country above his own. …  The Human Rights Campaign could not be prouder to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris and commit to channeling our resources and supporters to work to elect the first Black and South Asian woman president of the United States.

Indian American Impact FundAs one of Kamala Harris’s most vociferous supporters from the very beginning of her political career, Impact is thrilled to throw our support behind her candidacy for president. Harris possesses an extraordinary ability to unite our nation at a time when the stakes have never been higher. We are ready to leverage our extensive network of resources to mobilize South Asian voters, confident that they will be instrumental in delivering the White House to Kamala Harris in November.

IndivisibleEverything we care about is on the ballot this November: our bodily autonomy, economic and climate justice, and the fate of democracy itself. We can and will use our people power to win: to elect Kamala Harris, expand our majorities, and reclaim our rights and democracy.

Jewish Democratic Council of AmericaWe applaud President Biden’s record of success delivering for the American people, and commend his leadership in passing the torch to Vice President Harris, who has a strong record of standing with Jewish Americans. We proudly endorse VP Harris for President.

Latino Victory FundLatino Victory enthusiastically endorses Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party’s nominee for president and urges Latino delegates to close ranks around her nomination.

LPAC: The Board of LPAC Proudly endorse Vice President @KamalaHarris  in this election. She has been a champion for LGBTQ rights, and she will be an outstanding leader for all Americans.

MoveOn: Vice President Harris is tested and respected, and her voice is critically important at this moment. MoveOn and our members have her back and believe that those who share our commitment to winning this election and protecting our futures will do everything in their power to lift her up and stop Trump in his tracks.

NewDem Action FundNew Dems are honored to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for President today. Along with President Biden, Vice President Harris has been a strong leader and fierce advocate in fighting for Americans’ fundamental freedoms, our democratic institutions, and hardworking American families.

Nikki Haley Voters PACA tough former prosecutor, the Vice President comes from the centrist wing of the Democratic Party, not it’s left most fringe…For Haley voters, all of this puts the Vice President in a sweet spot for them to register their ongoing opposition to [former] President Trump

Nuestro PACNuestro PAC proudly endorses Kamala Harris for President of the United States. She will fight for the American people and bring our nation together. It’s time to unite behind Vice President Kamala Harris and defeat Trump. #KamalaHarris2024

People’s ActionWe thank President Biden for putting the people first, and for leading the most progressive administration in modern history. Our movement is committed to defeating Trump and building with Kamala Harris.

PODER PACPoder PAC honors @POTUS distinguished career and profound impact on our nation. We extend our deepest gratitude for his unwavering commitment to public service. Poder PAC follows in his footsteps and endorses @VP  for President

Reproductive Freedom for All: Our country is stronger because of President Biden, and we are deeply grateful for all he has done for our fundamental rights. Now, we are proud to endorse Kamala Harris. There is nobody who has fought as hard for abortion rights, and she is the candidate who can defeat Trump.

Somos PACWe need a President who will put working people FIRST by providing us with the tools and opportunities we need to build a good life for ourselves and our families. That is why we at Somos PAC are proud to announce our support for Vice President Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

SEIU: SEIU is proud to endorse VP @KamalaHarris as our nominee for President. As a woman of color & the child of immigrant parents, VP Harris is not only a historic choice to lead the ticket – she is prepared. She brings decades of public service fighting for workers across industries.

UnidosUS Action FundAs the largest Latino civil right organization in the country, we believe in an America where economic, political, and social progress can be a reality for all. We are confident that under Kamala Harris’s leadership, we will move closer to this vision. We urge all Latinos and all Americans to support Kamala Harris for President, as we continue to fight for a brighter future for our nation.

United Farm WorkersThe United Farm Workers is proud to endorse VP Kamala Harris for President. Dime con quien andas, y te digo quien eres. Kamala Harris stood with farm workers as CA’s Attorney General, as US Senator, and as Vice President. There is work to be done, and we’re ready. Sí, se puede!

Voters of Tomorrow: As vice president, Kamala Harris has been one of Gen Z’s fiercest champions. Harris has presented a clear vision for our future — a vision that will undoubtedly fire up young people this election to defeat Donald Trump.

Young Democrats of AmericaThe Young Democrats of America are proud and honored to endorse Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States of America.


Paid for by Harris for President

Monday News: “Biden’s selfless decision to drop out sets stage for an entirely different election”; “In Kamala Harris Trump again confronts his worst nightmare” (Prosecutor vs. Felon); “A Candidate, Not a Cult Leader”; Sen. Tim Kaine’s Advice for Kamala Harris


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, July 22.

President Joe Biden Makes the Right Calls; Decides NOT to Seek Reelection, Endorses VP Kamala Harris for the 2024 Democratic Nomination


GREAT decisions by President Joe Biden on both counts: 1) stepping aside, after doing an incredible job in 2020 (saving our democracy) and in 2021-2024 (passing numerous pieces of HIGHLY consequential pieces of legislation, helping Ukraine fight off Russia’s invasion, strengthening NATO and our other alliances after Trump’s disastrous term in office, etc.); 2) endorsing VP Kamala Harris to be the Democrats’ 2024 nominee. And yes, “it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”


I’ll post reactions below, as they come in…

Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA), a senior member of the House of Representatives and the President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, released the following statement:

“President Joe Biden will be remembered among the most consequential presidents in American history. His decision today to put country above all else has only cemented that fact.

Joe Biden delivered us from the darkness of his predecessor’s time in office. His presidency has bettered the lives of countless Americans. He dragged us out from the depths of the pandemic, leading an economic recovery that outpaced the world. With war raging in Europe, he has forged renewed strength and vigor in the transatlantic alliance and has overseen the most consequential years for NATO since its founding 75 years ago. And, with the ugly threat of authoritarianism rearing its head again, he has held the democratic world together in strength and unity.

I had the distinct honor of working for Joe Biden on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. I wrote bills and speeches for him, traveled with him, and spent time with his family in Delaware. I know now what I knew then – Joe Biden, and the entire Biden family, are patriots in the truest sense of the word. They are good, honorable people whose dedication to their country is matched only by their dedication to each other as a family. They have served us nobly over the years, and I am personally grateful for their sacrifice and their service.

President Joe Biden, a man I revere, has today made a deeply difficult decision the only way he knows how – with the American people at heart. We owe him a debt of gratitude.”


DPVA Chair Susan Swecker shared this statement following President Biden’s announcement that he is withdrawing from the presidential race:

President Joe Biden has been one of the most transformative and effective presidents in history. In 2020, he ran with a promise to restore the soul of our nation, and he did just that. He has–and will continue to–deliver on his campaign promises that have changed the lives of millions of Americans by leading us out of the pandemic, rebuilding our economy, and reestablishing America’s position as a trusted global leader.

President Biden has never been in politics for himself. Though his decision not to run is painful for so many of us, it represents his greatest quality: unwavering patriotism and service to the American people. Joe Biden’s decision to step aside is one that we deeply respect and we thank him for everything that he has done and will continue to do.



Video: On MSNBC, Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04) Calls Idea of a “Mini Primary” a “Fantasy”; Says If Joe Biden Steps Aside, Democrats Have to Go with Kamala Harris


What Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04) said!

“I think a world in which Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are not on the ballot is fantasy. I think given how close we are to when early voting starts in some states, in September, how close we are to when we have to certify who the nominee of the Democratic Party is, the idea that we’re going to have some sort of mini primary is a fantasy. 15 million people voted in open primaries and we don’t have time – and no one’s even explained how it’s going to work – if the president steps aside, that we go with anybody other than Kamala Harris, and to do so would be a mistake. She has been a partner by his side from day one, working very closely with this Administration. We have a succession plan if, god forbid, something happens to the president, she’s ready to step in because she’s already been doing the job as vice president.

But again, we need to be spending the next 110 days talking about the fact that Donald Trump said he would be a dictator on day one (he wasn’t kidding), that he now has a playbook of very extreme policies that the Republican Party is trying to implement right now. And the only thing standing in their way is a Democratic Senate and President Biden and Vice President Harris. Tthat’s what we need to be talking about.”

UPDATED 2:06 pm: President Biden announces he’s stepping aside!

Don’t Buy the Lie that Trump and Vance Are “Populists”


By Kindler

Words matter, and there are few more severely abused words in American politics today than “populist” – today more than ever as rich Republican hucksters use it to fool working class folks into voting against their economic interests.

That term originally applied to the US Populist Party of the 1890s, whose platform included, as Wikipedia explains:

“…collective bargaining, federal regulation of railroad rates, an expansionary monetary policy…a Sub-Treasury Plan that required the establishment of federally controlled warehouses to aid farmers…bimetallism, a graduated income tax, direct election of Senators, a shorter workweek, and the establishment of a postal savings system. These measures were collectively designed to curb the influence of monopolistic corporate and financial interests and empower small businesses, farmers and laborers.”

To my immense frustration, this term, despite its positive progressive vibes, has been increasingly hijacked by the right wing – with the assistance of the clueless and the cowardly in media and academia who are desperate to find any way to avoid referring to fascists as, well, fascists.

Instead, anyone in a political setting who claims to be against some sort of poorly defined “elites” in favor of “the people” is cast as a populist, as if all campaigns that label someone “elite” were the same even when they support radically different policies. So even rich, corrupt, exploitative elites like Donald Trump, J.D. Vance and their cynical donors are thereby given a hand to achieve their con job against the American people.

Ultimately, the Populist Big Lie could be what determines the 2024 election – either by being widely exposed or widely swallowed. Indeed, it may be the only advantage Trump gains from his running mate, J.D. Vance, an elitist posing as a man of the people who, unlike Donny, had sufficient gray matter to write a best-selling book to spread this right-wing mythology.

Like clockwork, soon after Trump chose Vance, we were treated with headlines like “J.D. Vance pick unnerves GOP’s business elite, thrills populists” (WaPo) and “In J.D. Vance, Trump is going all in on populism — and elevating an heir apparent” (Politico). In fact, it doesn’t take a whole lot of shoe leather journalism to find tons of evidence that the corporate elite are not by any means abandoning Republicans. Quite to the contrary, choosing former Silicon Valley venture capitalist Vance seemed to act as a kind of bat-signal for a gang of tech billionaires – Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen etc. – to announce that they will be dumping millions into the election to try to buy it for Trump.  How very populist of them!

The nicest thing you can say about any media outlet trying to tell you how sad the GOP’s plutocrat donors are because of the Trump/Vance ticket’s phony populism is that they don’t understand how coalition politics works. Surely many of the right-wing billionaires would prefer a Mitt Romney as the face of the party, but for 7 years now, they have made their bed with Trump because they don’t know how else to market their agenda of tax cuts for the wealthy and ending government regulation to their increasingly rural, blue collar, evangelical base.  To put it bluntly, they stopped running Romney types because they couldn’t sell them anymore to the yokels.

The part of the story that is genuinely underreported is how much the plutocrats are still getting for their big bucks. The MAGA Supreme Court throttling the power of federal agencies to regulate gives away the story as does the Project 2025 blueprint to weaken the agencies and civil servants even further.  Project 2025 proposes a castrated federal government under cover of a strategy best described 20 years ago in journalist Thomas Frank’s book, What’s the Matter with Kansas? As Frank described – focusing on then-prominent propagandists like Rush Limbaugh – wealthy Republican elites convince working class whites to vote against their economic interests by distracting them with all-out cultural warfare.

You could call this “cultural populism”, but a more descriptive, if less polite, term for it would be…fascism. It’s about whipping disaffected white people into a frenzy against a scary Other – immigrants, “the Left”, LGBTQ people, etc. Yes, that’s the “populism” that they’re going with.

The increasingly infamous Project 2025 manifesto for a second Trump administration seeks to hypercharge this political bait-and-switch by pushing to decimate the government and civil service, which will free corporations and the wealthy to do whatever the hell they want to us. But they’re not openly making the case in the name of corporate interests but rather to protect the poor masses against so-called “liberal elites” imposing “wokeism” on us – whatever the hell that non-word actually means.

Project 2025 makes clear its goal is to “take on the Administrative State and reform our federal government” but rarely does it describe that endpoint as the windfall for corporate America that it would represent. Rather it deflects attention from its plutocratic goals with over the top, comic book pronouncements like:

“The long march of cultural Marxism through our institutions has come to pass. The federal government is a behemoth, weaponized against American citizens and conservative values, with freedom and liberty under siege as never before.”

Yes, fellow citizens, that is why Exxon Mobil needs more tax cuts and less regulation!

In case you had any doubts about Trump’s lack of interest in ever doing a damn thing to help the common man, take a look back at what he actually did as president. He appointed one of the richest Cabinets in history, including the likes of billionaire Betsy DeVos and millionaires Wilbur Ross, Steve Mnuchin, Linda McMahon and quite a few more.

He passed only one significant piece of legislation – namely, a tax cut that overwhelmingly favored the wealthy. He appointed three members of the Supreme Court and many lower court judges who are now doing everything they possibly can to give massive corporations more “liberty” to have their way with workers, consumers, the environment, you name it.

This is not a “man of the people” – he is a huckster who gained his status as a wealthy elite by exploiting others through every means he could think of, from running a fake university to refusing to pay contractors to creating decades worth of false valuations for property to fool both the government and investors.

If that’s what you want, vote for the bastard – but don’t try to sell him and his cronies to us as populists. A narcissist is the exact opposite of a populist. They don’t work for the forgotten man, they only work to endlessly boost their own egos, wealth and power.

So please call the media to account every time you see them trying to promote the Populist Big Lie. And don’t let the Republican con men get away with selling this snake oil to any more people than they’ve already suckered.

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Video, Photos From Sen. Tim Kaine’s Visits to Staunton, Waynesboro Yesterday (Including Kaine Leading a Crowd in a Rendition of “This Land Is Your Land”)


Since Virginia Republican US Senate nominee Hung Cao was too terrified to debate Sen. Tim Kaine yesterday, Kaine spent his day in Staunton and Waynesboro instead – visiting small businesses, meeting with people and even leading a crowd in a rendition of “This Land Is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie. In short, not only is Tim Kaine a highly effective and respected US Senator, he’s also one of the most down-to-earth and personable ones as well. Let’s make sure we reelect this guy by a HUGE margin in November!

Thanks to Jennifer Lewis for this video of Sen. Tim Kaine in Waynesboro yesterday, leading the crowd in a rendition of “This Land Is Your Land.” Coolest U.S. Senator ever?