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Video, Photos From Sen. Tim Kaine’s Visits to Staunton, Waynesboro Yesterday (Including Kaine Leading a Crowd in a Rendition of “This Land Is Your Land”)


Since Virginia Republican US Senate nominee Hung Cao was too terrified to debate Sen. Tim Kaine yesterday, Kaine spent his day in Staunton and Waynesboro instead – visiting small businesses, meeting with people and even leading a crowd in a rendition of “This Land Is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie. In short, not only is Tim Kaine a highly effective and respected US Senator, he’s also one of the most down-to-earth and personable ones as well. Let’s make sure we reelect this guy by a HUGE margin in November!

Thanks to Jennifer Lewis for this video of Sen. Tim Kaine in Waynesboro yesterday, leading the crowd in a rendition of “This Land Is Your Land.” Coolest U.S. Senator ever?

Sunday News: “The 2016 Republican convention let extremists in. In 2024, they took the stage”; Trump Spews Nonsensical, Extremist, “divisive rhetoric in first rally since assassination attempt”; “Biden continues to resist Democratic calls to end re-election campaign”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, July 21.

Video: At Funeral for “Liberal Women of Chesterfield County – and Beyond” Founder Kim Drew Wright, Rep. Abigail Spanberger Says, “I’m standing here today as a member of Congress and a candidate for governor because of Kim”


Thank you to Kim Drew Wright’s husband Wen for sharing the video of Kim’s funeral the other day at Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond. See below for the video, which I’ve uploaded to YouTube so everyone can watch it easily, and for the transcript of remarks by Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07), who was a close personal friend of Kim’s.  For those of you who don’t know about Kim, here are a few links just to give an idea.

  • The Power of Women Supporting Each Other | Kim Drew Wright | TEDxGraceStreetWomen (“What happens when women support each other unconditionally? Join, Kim Drew Wright on her spoken word journey through ‘Women Will,’ as she describes the highs and lows of founding a grassroots group, the Liberal Women of Chesterfield County & Beyond, which won political ground and gained international attention, while surviving her daughter’s on-set of PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) along with her own diagnosis of breast cancer. She gave her TEDxGraceStreetWomen talk during the last week of a 20-week chemotherapy treatment. Kim is an inspiring example of what showing up to support others looks like.”)
  • These liberal women are angry, engaged and ready to vote (“Kim Drew Wright wanted a balm for her post-election pain. Instead, she made a movement.”)
  • Kimberly “Kim” Drew Wright Obituary (“Kimberly “Kim” Drew Wright, 53, of Chesterfield, Va., passed away peacefully after a courageous battle with breast cancer on Friday, July 5, 2024…Kim formed Liberal Women of Chesterfield County, a grassroots political organization. She was a fierce advocate for justice, for the PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) community, and for the power and beauty of humans supporting each other, especially women lifting each other up. She loved her political activism, along with traveling, being an avid writer, and a published author. Above all else she loved her husband and children. Nothing was more important to her than her family.”)

By the way, although I didn’t know Kim personally, I followed her activities in the news and on Facebook. Also, as someone who also got heavily involved in political activism back in 2005 (starting up the blog “Raising Kaine,” then cofounding the “Draft James Webb” movement, etc.), in reaction to the reelection of another appalling Republican president – George W. Bush – I certainly felt a connection to what Kim was doing, in some ways similar and in other ways very different to the things many of us were doing back in 2005, 2006…2008, etc. The main thing is, the NEED for political activism and involvement never really goes away, as there are always BAD things to fight AGAINST, as well as GOOD things to fight FOR – and that will never change, I don’t think, as long as there are forces for evil in this world, such as we see now with the Trumpist/far-right-“populist” movement…

So…deepest condolences to Kim’s family and her many, many friends. No question, Kim lived a highly consequential life, one in which she made a difference for the better on many levels – including politically, as a leader of the “resistance” to the first (and hopefully the LAST!) Trump administration. For that, as well as for her grace and courage  facing a devastating illness (and her willingness to share, honestly and with a sense of humor, what she was going through), I say THANK YOU to Kim – and to everyone she inspired to fight for our democracy, for our planet, and for a better future for everyone.

With that, here are Rep. Spanberger’s remarks at the funeral:

“I remember the first day I ever saw Kim Drew Wright. And I do mean SAW her – she was a whirlwind, she was an organizer, she was this person who moved through an extraordinary crowd. And it was an extraordinary crowd. Some of you might have been there. It was a few months after the 2016 election. It was a meeting for this new group. It was at a church. The parking lot was so full that people were parked up and down the road. And when you walked in there were people everywhere and there were snack tables all along the walls. It seemed people had had brought food and they had brought their nervous energy and everyone was buzzing about in a bit of a frenzy fueled by Costco rollup seven layer dips and an assortment of homemade cookies, breads and desserts.

And there she was, this woman calling us to attention. There were so many of us that she stood on a on a table or maybe it was a chair, but she stood there so we could see her, so we could hear her. She was powerful, she was beautiful, she was confident and importantly, she was everything we needed her to be in that moment. Just as she would be more than we ever needed in the months and years to come. She welcomed us. She spoke of the emotions permeating the room and then she went about telling us what she was building – this group, this extraordinary group of women, of people committed not just to reacting but to acting, taking action to make change in our politics, in our elections, in our representation, taking control.

And then she did something I will never forget something that had a power to it I didn’t fully understand in that moment. She pulled out a PowerPoint presentation, and she presented a PowerPoint of logos. She presented us with the proposed logos and branding for the Liberal Women of Chesterfield County. And thankfully, she and others later consented to adding that nice little ‘and beyond’ to account for all of us from Henrico and Richmond and Powhatan and everywhere else that wanted to be part of the movement. She was creating the LWCC logo, she explained, would be our unifying symbol; it would be the car sticker in the parking lot that makes someone feel welcome, it would be the tote bag that started a conversation between strangers at the grocery store. It would be the t-shirt that became our armor fortifying us, uniting us, bonding us and messaging to everyone that we were taking action.

And she would be our leader, she would unite us in belief that we could make change. She would laugh at the reality of the challenges before us – winning back the House of Delegates, flipping the Seventh District, creating community, building friendships and giving purpose to so many people. We believed in her and she made us believe in us. Kim made me believe that with an army of women clad in their LWCC armor, that I could do anything, that we could do anything. And I’m standing here today as a member of Congress and a candidate for governor because of Kim! Because, frankly, it’s likely that quite a few of you here today really didn’t think we could flip that congressional seat. You didn’t think we could do it, but with a leader like Kim she made us believe. And importantly, she kept us grounded, she laughed, was self effacing.

She recognized even as she became this major activist and organizer highlighted in the paper and on TV, that what made her special and important to us is how extraordinarily earnest and human she was. Through her writing and through her humor, she shared herself, she inspired us, she made us laugh. And when she got sick, she showed us what strength really is, what grace really is and at times what joy really is.

A couple years ago, I played in the Congressional softball game, which is an annual event that raises money for breast cancer research and funds awareness campaigns about breast cancer detection, particularly in younger women like Kim. I was going to play in her honor. So in advance of the game where she and other women were honored by all of us players, she did an interview  with the local TV station. It was a serious interview about her diagnosis, her experiences, the importance of awareness and detection. And when the interviewer noted that Representative Abigail Spanberger was playing for her, Kim just laughed and said, ‘I’ll try not to heckle her’. And in closing out the interview, she remarked upon the purpose of the event – raising money, raising awareness. And she said, I don’t really care who wins as long as there’s peanuts and beer.

And today, as we honor her, as we mourn her, as we celebrate her, let us think about the levity that she brought to our hearts – sharing a laugh, making us laugh at just the right time. Let us think about the way she led us in action and in organization. Let us think about the way she made us believe in ourselves while grounding ourselves. She made us a community of friends, engaging citizens and people who take action. And she taught me that we can do just about anything when we believe in each other, when we love fiercely, when we laugh earnestly, when we work hard, and when we have really good swag – I mean t-shirts, tote bags, bumper stickers, all of it.

To Kim’s family, to Wen and to Kim’s children – thank you for sharing her with us. I know she spent so much time focused on this work, focused on LWCC. But please know that she did it for you. She did it to be part of an effort that would make this world a better place, the world that you all deserve. We are forever grateful for everything she’s done and everything that we all continue to achieve in her honor.”

P.S. In “The Return of the King” by JRR Tolkien, there’s a great line that sums up what Kim Drew Wright did: “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succour of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till.” And then there are also the following, profound lines:

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

Which, again, is what we all need to do – and what Kim Drew Wright most certainly did starting in late 2016.

TODAY’S THE DAY Hung Cao Was Supposed To Debate, But He Isn’t “because he is trying to hide from Virginia voters”


From Sen. Tim Kaine’s reelection campaign:

TODAY’S THE DAY Hung Cao Was Supposed To Debate

Richmond, VA – Today, Senator Tim Kaine and Hung Cao should’ve been facing Virginians on the debate stage today. Instead, Hung Cao refused to commit to the Virginia Bar Association debate, which is a longstanding tradition in Virginia politics.

Senator Kaine committed to the debate (and two more) in June, but the VBA had to cancel the debate that would’ve taken place today because it was “unable to obtain a timely commitment to participate from the Cao campaign.”

“Hung Cao hasn’t committed to any Senate debates so far because he is trying to hide from Virginia voters,” said Michael Beyer, Communications Director for Senator Kaine’s campaign. “From supporting national legislation that could ban abortion to wanting to gut the Affordable Care Act to opposing legislation that lowered prescription drug prices, Hung Cao is too extreme for Virginians and does not want to answer questions about his platform.”

Since his opponent backed out of the traditional first debate of the campaign season, Senator Kaine will be in Staunton and Waynesboro to campaign as well as visit with local businesses to discuss how he is supporting small businesses in the U.S. Senate. Cao has insulted a Staunton newspaper, calling it a “podunk local” paper.

Saturday News: “Outage causes outrage as Va. senator [Warner] vows scrutiny of CrowdStrike”; Trump’s “Bizarre Diatribe at the RNC” a “Searing Reminder That [He] Is Unwell”; “Democratic consensus solidifes around Harris” as More Call for Biden to Drop Out


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, July 20.

Audio: On MAGA Radio, LG Winsome Sears Desperately Grovels to Get Back in “Changed Man” (LOL!) Trump’s Good Graces; Says She’s “Exploring” a 2025 Run for Governor, Definitely Will NOT Run for Reelection as LG


This morning on far-right/MAGA radio (WRVA with John Reid), Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears – who has had some major problems with Trump (e.g., see here, in which Sears ripped Trump for being “all about him” and also making racist comments, declaring, “I didn’t join the Trump Party, I joined the Republican Party”; then got denounced by Trump as “phony” and by Amanda Chase as “a zero”) – really laid it on thick about how, supposedly, Trump’s RNC speech last night proved that he’s a “changed man,” blah blah blah. Yeah, it’s crazy and nauseating (see audio/transcript, below, and fair warning – this very well could induce projectile vomiting!), not to mention totally false bullsh** and 100% insincere, but clearly Sears has done the political calculations and concluded that if she wants to seek the Republican nomination for governor in 2025, she’s not going to be able to do so if she’s at loggerheads with the cult leader. So she’s decided to do whatever it takes, including groveling, to get back in Trump’s good (or at least not bad) graces. Yuck.

“I saw a different man last night I saw a changed man…you can see it in his demeanor, forget about the speech…he said for example, ‘we rise together or we fall apart’…He sounded like Lincoln; Lincoln said ‘a house divided against itself cannot stand’…He said ‘I’m wanting to represent all of America, not half of America’. And he credited God for having been on his side. And he said ‘I stand here only by the grace of almighty God’. He didn’t just say God, he said ‘almighty God’. He said ‘I have a righteous vision’…and he said ‘I extend the hand of loyalty and friendship to all people – Black, White, Asian, everybody’. He said, ‘I humbly ask for your [vote]; I never heard that word from his mouth…And then he finally finished up with ‘we live in a world of miracles’. And then he said every single moment we have on Earth is a gift from God. John if that’s not a change man I don’t know…”

Speaking of possibly running for governor of Virginia in 2025, here’s what LG Sears had to say about that subject.

“I am not running for election/reelection as lieutenant governor against, I’ve already decided that. So not running for reelection. I know that there are people on the Republican…side who want to run for lieutenant  governor, and I’m saying by all means let’s get that started, let’s get it done, because the other side they already have I think four or five people now already jumped in and we’ve got to get that started – we can’t wait, we’ve got to get that done…Now I am exploring the run for governor, I’m exploring the run…When I stop exploring then I’ll let you know…”

With that, if you want some “nightmare fuel,” just imagine a country “led” by Donald Trump and JD Vance, and Virginia led by people like Winsome Sears and/or Jason Miyares, and make sure you vote (Democratic, of course) like your lives depended on it this November, next November, and EVERY November!

P.S. Sears also mentioned that she’s recovering from COVID, which is apparently why she didn’t preside over the State Senate yesterday or travel to Milwaukee for the Republican National Convention (of course, she might not have wanted to attend anyway, given her past antipathy towards/from Trump).

“Biden Girl Memo to the President: Dear old dad may have been right for his time—and I love him—but things are different now”


by Susan Ahern, Midlothian, VA 

How cool to be a Biden Girl in 1972. “No- not that kind of Biden girl. Rather part of an army of high-school students (many like me from Catholic school), knocking on thousands of doors to elect Joe Biden. Back then we knew him as a young, cute, passionate 29-year-old county councilman, trying to grab a brass U.S. Senate ring. That Joe had an infectious Broadway smile and preached he was on the right side of history, only helped him in the eyes of young voters.

College kids typically work on grass-roots pollical campaigns. Biden’s team, however, resorted to recruiting high schoolers to campaign for him in 1972. Maybe because no one (even Biden’s later chief of staff Ted Kaufman who took Biden’s senate seat when Biden became VP), thought Biden had a snow ball’s chance in hell of winning. Definitely not a secret, Biden faced near-impossible odds to beat his senate Republican opponent, Caleb Boggs, a 63-years old, who’d served three terms as a U.S. Rep from Delaware and was running for his 3rd term as U.S. Senator.

Thing is, Joe got recruited to run as a sacrificial lamb, because Democrats had to field somebody, and everybody knows even if you lose, you get your name out there for the next campaign.

An article in Slate Magazine, “When Joe Biden was the Candidate of the Young,” captures the spirit of what Biden’s inaugural senate bid was up against in 1972: Young Joe faced the formidable Boggs, a moderate Republican, who had a “sweet-grandpa image,” and was considered the “loveable old man of Delaware politics.”

 “[Boggs] was a pro-business Republican whom labor had supported in the past. In his 2007 memoir, Biden wrote about all of the people he would run into in Wilmington who told him it would be lunacy to challenge Boggs, who had earned the trust of so many Delawareans over his decades of service. One ‘older attorney,’ Biden wrote [in his memoir], told Biden of a dispute between players at a poker game he had recently hosted. No one at the table could resolve it. ‘You know what we did, Joe?’ the attorney told Biden. ‘We called [Biden’s GOP opponent] Cale Boggs to settle it.’”

Biden’s David vs Goliath campaign against a Republican Delaware institution was homespun, for sure. Biden’s sister, Valerie, served as senate campaign manager; his brother Jimmy as finance chair. The campaign has little cash on hand to buy ads and mostly ran radio spots interviewing Biden supporters. But in 1972, the Vietnam War was raging, and Biden wanted to bring American sons and daughters home, just as he would decades later as president, in the “forever” Middle East wars.

But, Kauffman, who warned Biden not to take on the mighty Republican Senator Boggs in an epic political battle, says in an NPR article, “Biden’s Road to the Senate Took Tragic Turns,” that Biden convinced [Kaufman] he could prevail. “[Biden’s] basic theory was Sen. Boggs was beloved, but these were changing times. People were looking for answers to some of these big questions,” Kauffman says. ‘The way [Biden] used to express it [is]: ‘If Sen. Boggs and I could just go down to the football stadium at the University of Delaware and people saw the two of us, they’d pick me.’ Kaufman says that was ‘pretty much the essence’ of how Biden won.’ ”

Back then, Biden sold himself as the candidate of change. The tag line at the end of Joe’s campaign ads: “He understands what’s happening today.”

Quoted in Slate, “Norm Lockman, a Wilmington News Journal reporter at the time, wrote of the new messaging, which Biden had developed himself and which varied depending on what part of the state he was trying to reach. To those near the beaches in downstate Delaware, Biden would say that ‘thirty years ago, caring for the environment meant picking up bottles and beer cans on Rehoboth Beach … and now it means saving the beach.’ In the north, around Wilmington, the pitch would be, ‘in 1950, Cale Boggs promised to keep highways growing; in 1970 Joe Biden promises to keep trees growing.’ Lockman called this the ‘dear old dad’ approach: ‘Dear old dad may have been right for his time—and I love him—but things are different now .’  

Today, many young people see Biden at the “dear old dad. “Remember him as a presidential candidate who pledged in 2020 to be the bridge to the next generation.  And sadly, President Biden is still trying to convince Americans that if they just see him in action—in ever more interviews, at rallies, on the stump–they will pick him.

Of course, Biden comes by his “never-quit” persona honestly.

In my day, Biden and his wife Nelia were the latest, freshest and greatest political newcomers; especially warm and inviting Nelia, Joe’s beautiful blonde wife, and mom to three poster-cute kids. Thing I liked best about her: she wasn’t stuck up like many of wives of the IT flashy couples that typically ran for office. Biden did a good job on the stump railing about his Republican opponent being in office so long he was out of touch with regular folks. Biden had as much energy as most of us teens and made us laugh, a lot, in the easy-breezy, sweet-smiling way he asked, even humbly begged, for our help.

I got into politics early, mostly because my mother was a long-time political activist– vice chairman of a working-class Ninth-Ward district. She once volunteered to have a federal election polling place in our house –likely illegal today. Yeah, voters stretched up a city block waiting to cast a vote in our row house on the East Side of Wilmington. Mom regularly talked up Joe at the dinner table. She got us all excited about working on his campaign, mostly because he was dead against that “unwinnable Vietnam War killing American kids.” Even though he was no tree hugger, Biden cared about the environment. Yeah, even a thing championed back in the ‘70s by a nature scientist, Rachel Carson. She wrote “Silent Spring” a book about how pesticide spraying in World War 2 was ruining the environment; all my teenaged brain heard was birds might not survive long term to sing. Mom read the book and told us kids how important it was to support politicians who cared about the earth, as we took for granted our great big home planet.

Most of all my mother said she wanted to get out the vote for Biden, ‘cause he pushed Civil Rights, important in her work at the YWCA, and then at the Mental Health Association. And he cared deeply for poor people like my family. Probably ‘cause Biden’s own start — definitely not the “life of Riley.

Apparently, Joe’s father found himself down on his luck, moving in with his mother’s parents, the Finnegans, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, when Joe Jr. was a boy, to make ends meet. Biden’s father later moved the family to Delaware, after he’d been commuting to clean boilers for a healing and cooling company in Wilmington.

No damn good: Joe’s Dad found himself with a wife, four kids in a small apartment in Wilmington, selling used cars. Joe’s campaign speeches often quoted his dad, saying: “Champ, the measure of a man is not how often he’s knocked down, but how quickly he gets up.” My mother’s own hard-scrabble ancestors, still near and dear to her heart, had preached that motto, or something like it, and that got Mom and her friends all fired up about Joe Biden. Fired me up, too.

I’d seen lots of young, hopeful couples trying their hand at politics, come and go. One glam couple even divorced after a failed campaign, making me wonder if they just got married for political reasons. So, who knew if Biden would last. He seemed genuine enough, though. I didn’t get the sense he was bullshitting his way through interviews, which often happened. At campaign headquarter when problems came up, he’d tell it like it was; he also had a safe hug, unlike many of the grownups in the political circles I ran in.

After a lotta phone banking and miles and miles of canvassing door-to-door, even Democrats showed shock when Joe Biden won that November 1972, beating such a well-known Republican, and becoming the youngest U. S. Senator elect. Time for the victory parties!

In the NPR article mentioned above, “On Election Day, as Republican President Nixon carried Delaware in a landslide, Democrat Joe Biden beat Boggs by 3,162 votes — by all accounts, an improbable upset. Kaufman remembers what he felt at the victory party that night.

‘I can remember the thought as if it was yesterday,’ he says. ‘I will never again think of something as impossible.’ “

Nevertheless, after accomplishing such an unexpected political victory, Joe Biden had a far more daunting challenge ahead, picking himself up after a devastating personal blow: I was babysitting a week before Christmas for a UVA-educated Lawyer, Cliff Hearn, who at one point ran for the Delaware State Senate. Mr. Hearn, to me, came home looking shell shocked, his wife in tears.

Turned out Joe Biden’s wife, Nelia, whom we all knew and adored from our campaigning, had been killed earlier than evening when a tractor trailed plowed into her up on Kirkwood Highway. She was out Christmas shopping with all three kids in their station wagon. Baby daughter, Naomi, was also killed and both Biden’s young boys, Beau and Hunter, were in the hospital in critical condition, broken bones; Hunter had a skull fracture.

Everybody I knew was talking about it at school the next day, and we heard through the grape vine that after the whirlwind election Biden was never expected to win, and amid the exciting plans to move the Biden family to D.C., Nelia had been saying eerie stuff to her husband Joe, like, things are too good. What’s going to happen next.? Like somehow, she knew the other shoe was gonna drop. And it had. Except it was a tractor trailer, not a shoe.

Regardless, the worst had really happened to the Bidens. But prominent Republican and Democrats in the senate urged Biden to stay the course, remain in the senate, despite suffering one of life’s harshest blows. Biden was sworn into his first U.S. Seante term in a hospital, near his sons.

If you want to understand why Biden won’t quit his unpopular run for a second term as President of the United States, know that it’s tied up in the ethos of Joe’s life quest to survive—both personally and politically. Biden’s signature mantra: “Don’t give up! No matter the odds. Nothing is impossible.”

Today, however, blinded by his “no- mountain- is -too- high -to -climb” persona, what President Biden can’t see is that this 2024 election is not a fight for his political career. As our party’s standard bearer, he leads the fight to preserve democracy. Put in jeopardy by a corrupt, felonious candidate with deep ties to a conservative-party Project 2025 that remakes the U.S. government into an authoritarian state.

Joe Biden also spearheads the current battle for all that he himself held dear in 1972: to protect the earth, to protect the rights of minorities to vote and live lives of dignity with equal access to housing, health care, etc. Biden leads the fight to protect our American sons and daughters from fighting in unjust, costly and unwinnable overseas wars.

Sadly, though, Biden is confusing the mission to save America with his mission to save himself. A mission he’s long been forging, as he’s battled plagiarism accusations and embarked on a quest for the presidency, on an off, much of his adult life.

The Joe Biden I knew in 1972, though, fiercely believed he was the change agent America needed. That his opponent was old and out of touch with the modern challenges facing our country.

And in the over 50 years Joe has served America, he contributed so much, including his work on gun safety and cancer prevention. Not to mention, Biden’s consequential first term as a President of these United States: According to Bloomberg.com, “What has Biden Accomplished. Look at these 10 Metrics. Not the Polls,” under his stewardship the economy has created over “14.8 million jobs in his first term in office, more than any president in U.S. history over the same period, and unemployment held below 4% for the longest stretch since the 1960s” Biden has also reduced the number of uninsured Americans to an all-time low, assured passage of the $1.2 trillion U.S. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that invests record sums to modernize America, including record spending in Green Energy.

Biden helped get people back to work after the pandemic. According to his own administration, when Biden took office over 3,300 died each day of Covid. Biden got 300 million Covid vaccines administered in just 150 days at the mass vaccination sites where many of us remember standing in line. Biden brought inflation down from its 9% 2022 high to a little over 3% now. Last but not least, President Biden presides over a record -high stock market. Many Americans have their retirements invested in 401Ks in the stock market.

Indeed, once humble Biden from Scranton, Pennsylvania, has a political and human legacy to be damn proud of, for sure. As a revered, long-term statesman, he deserves a much more dignified exit from the political stage.

But as Biden fights his own past demons, he risks tarnishing his grand legacy, as he conflates his fight for his personal political survival with our county’s fight for its democratic soul – its very survival.

Biden promised in his 2020 campaign to be that bridge to the next generation. And considering Biden fought an epic battle – triumphing against an older, out-of-touch GOP politician over 50 years ago – Biden more than anyone, ought to understand that America cannot be led for the next four years by a “beloved grandpa” who exhibits many hallmarks of dementia. Sure, Biden can still, at times, deliver forceful speeches, particularly on foreign affairs. That’s baked into him through over 50 years of practice, reminiscent of a Boomer remembering Bob Dylan Lyrics. Biden’s “masking,” throwing up his hands and saying, “oh you know,” is clearly a new cover when Biden loses yet another conversation thread. He appears mostly alert between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm. There’s no shame, as Biden struggles with the normal cognitive decline that will happen to many of us, if we’re lucky enough to live to be an octogenarian, like Biden.

Joe Biden, whom I admire and adore, ought to recognize that’s it’s not him (just like it wasn’t his old 1972 political foe Caleb Boggs) that people are looking to for answers to some of the big questions of the day. Biden needs to face facts: today his 1972 political-ad tagline rings truer than ever—It’s Joe Biden himself “who doesn’t understand what’s happening.” It’s Joe Biden akin to a celebrity super-athlete who needs to retire, but keeps coming back for yet another swan-song performance.

Biden says often that Trump’s only in this race for himself, not for America. Well, the same can be said for Biden. Or, amidst mental decline, he’s being duped, flattered and propped up by aides and underlings who want to hold onto the power a Biden presidency confers.

However, based on Biden’s plunging poll numbers, in his pursuit to save his political career, he risks taking democracy down with him. He risks more reproductive freedoms taken away from women all over America; he risks ever more suppression of minority votes; he risks more fossil-fuel pollution and climate damage to our mother earth; he risks forcing LGBT folks back in the closet. On and on.

As a former Joe Biden Girl, you will never find a more devoted Joe Biden fan. True, Biden’s political instincts led him to take advantage of the frailties Father Time heaped on his first and much older opponent. So now, I beg our President: Please be true to the man young people in my day fell in love with. The politician of our hearts: a trustworthy, genuine, earnest, and natural leader. Be true to the young idealistic human you once were –who had better ideas and more knowledge of what the country needed at that moment than your opponent.

You’ve accomplished so much, Mr. President, and blazed a roaring, successful neon political trail. But please, do America a patriotic solid. Pass the torch, like you promised, to the next generation. Now. Let that generous, wise gift be part of your legacy. Instead of the destruction of democracy.

President Joe Biden, respectfully, your very FIRST campaign’s meta message is truer than ever: ‘Dear old dad may have been right for his time—and I love him—but things are different now 

—Susan Ahern, Midlothian, VA 

* https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/06/joe-biden-1972-race-senate.html

Biden’s Road to Senate Took Tragic Turn : NPR

What Has Biden Accomplished? Look at These 10 Metrics, Not the Polls (bloomberg.com)

Friday News: “Excruciating! Trump’s Endlessly Long, Wildly Dishonest RNC Speech”; “Ranting, Rambling”; “Off the Rails”; “Worthy of Putin or Kim Jong Un, the ramblings of a deranged leader”; “Barack Obama Is Basically Begging Joe Biden to Drop Out”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, July 19.

As Concerns Increase Amid Rising Antisemitism, Jen Kiggans Stands Behind Trump’s Project 2025


From the DCCC:

As Concerns Increase Amid Rising Antisemitism, Jen Kiggans Stands Behind Trump’s Project 2025

Haaretz: A Christian Nationalist America: U.S. Jews Raise Alarm About GOP’s Project 2025

According to a new report from Haaretz, the Trump and MAGA Republican backed Project 2025 is raising particular concern among Jewish Americans.

Project 2025 calls for the dramatic dismantling of the Department of Education, raising serious questions about the future of the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), which is responsible for investigating discrimination, including antisemitism, in schools and on campuses.

Just last week, several House Republicans voted to cut $10 million from the OCR as part of ongoing negotiations on bills to keep our government open.

While Kiggans and extreme House Republicans like to talk tough on antisemitism in front of cameras, they have refused to disavow this blueprint to dismantle the agency most responsible for investigating antisemitism in our schools.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“As Jewish Americans are raising alarm about the prospect of Trump’s Project 2025 becoming real life, Jen Kiggans and extreme MAGA Republicans have sat idly by as this far-right agenda has sought to rapidly reshape the institutions that keep us safe.”

Read more about Trump’s Project 2025 from Haaretz below. 

Haaretz: A Christian Nationalist America: U.S. Jews Raise Alarm About GOP’s Project 2025
Ben Samuels | July 15th, 2024

Antisemitism as a cudgel

  • Perhaps most concerning for the American-Jewish community is Project 2025’s plan to defund the U.S. Department of Education. The Office of Civil Rights, which is responsible for investigating and adjudicating allegations of antisemitism, sits within this department and has opened at least 145 investigations into such complaints.
  • The word “antisemitism” isn’t used once throughout the 900-page document.
  • Earlier this year, the Office of Civil Rights issued new guidance through a “Dear Colleague” letter to every school district and college in the country, providing examples of antisemitic discrimination, as well as other forms of hate, that could lead to investigations for violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI).
  • The White House stressed this guidance was “meant to ensure that colleges and universities do a better job of protecting both Jewish students and all of their students” […]
  • Earlier this summer, a rare coalition of nearly two dozen Jewish organizations across the political and denominational spectrum urged Congress to “provide the highest possible funding” for the Office of Civil Rights, despite the deep disagreements regarding antisemitism on Capitol Hill and the Jewish world.
  • House Republicans, in turn, voted to cut $10 million from the office’s funding […]
  • Jewish Democrats, meanwhile, have highlighted Republican hypocrisy in using campus antisemitism as a cudgel – including giving it top-tier prioritization at this week’s convention – while hamstringing efforts by the U.S. government to address it.
  • “I’ve said it countless times: If House Republicans were serious about fighting antisemitism on college campuses, they’d increase funding for the office responsible for protecting students from it. Their solution today? Cut funding for it,” said Rep. Jerry Nadler, dean of the unofficial caucus of Jewish lawmakers.
  • Rep. Dan Goldman similarly noted that Republicans “shamelessly use antisemitism as a partisan weapon but have no interest in solutions.”
  • Jewish Democrat Rep. Kathy Manning, meanwhile, said: “It’s appalling that after months of holding hearings and grilling witnesses on the frightening rise of antisemitism on campus, House Republicans voted to cut $10 million for the office tasked with holding schools accountable for antisemitic discrimination.
  • “Jewish students deserve to be protected,” she added. “If my Republican colleagues are serious about fighting antisemitism, they must live up to their words and work with Democrats to provide OCR the resources it needs to investigate antisemitism and protect Jewish students.”
  • Project 2025 would also effectively abolish the FBI and turn the Justice Department into an explicitly political arm. This would have dramatic effects on the tracking, preventing and prosecuting of explicitly antisemitic attacks.

Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus Celebrates Passage of SB 6012 Funding Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP)


From the VA Senate Democratic Caucus:

Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus Celebrates Passage of SB 6012

RICHMOND, VA – Today, the Virginia Senate passed SB 6012, introduced by Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee Chair L. Louise Lucas,  which allocates $90 million in surplus revenues to support the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP). This legislation will significantly enhance financial aid waivers and stipends for the families of our veterans. Both measures received full bi-partisan support with a unanimous vote. The Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus has released the following statement:

“We’ve secured a crucial win for our veterans, guaranteeing their families the educational support they’ve rightfully earned. This marks a significant leap forward, but let’s be clear—our mission is far from over. The next step in the process is to await the JLARC workgroup study recommendation in September. We’re steadfast in our pursuit of enduring solutions to keep the VMSDEP program strong. Our pledge is unwavering: we will tirelessly advocate for policies that uplift our veterans and their families.”