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Video: “I’m Kamala Harris, and I’m running for President of the United States”


From the Kamala Harris for President campaign:

“In this election, we each face a question: What kind of country do we want to live in?

There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate.

But us? We choose something different. We choose freedom. The freedom not just to get by, but get ahead. The freedom to be safe from gun violence. The freedom to make decisions about your own body. We choose a future where no child lives in poverty, where we can all afford health care, where no one is above the law.

We believe in the promise of America, and we’re ready to fight for it. Because when we fight, we win. So join us; go to kamalaharris.com and let’s get to work!”

Thursday News: “Biden’s address was a moving piece of political theatre and a rebuke of Trump”; “Aging, incoherent felon refuses to drop out of presidential race”; “Republican attacks on Kamala Harris to get ‘as ugly and bigoted as they can’”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, July 25.

Challenges Faced By Immigrants During US Citizenship Applications



Many immigrants enter the U.S. with the aim of attaining citizenship. Unfortunately, the denial rate of U.S. citizenship applications has increased, with over 85,000 petitions denied last year alone. The fear of being denied is a prominent challenge in immigration and tends to deter immigrants from even attempting it.

Citizenship in the US is the primary goal in every immigration process. While temporary residency has benefits, permanent residency is much more secure, and citizenship is the best. If an undocumented individual is apprehended, they can be put in deportation proceedings. These issues dont even touch the surface of all the challenges undocumented immigrants face when applying for U.S. citizenship.

Language Barrier

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) makes asylum seekers apply to the US through Form I-589. This application should be submitted for asylum and withholding of removal within the first year of arrival to the U.S.

Due to many language barriers, many immigrants may be unaware of this important form. Unfortunately, the USCIS will often not take not knowing as an excuse. In addition to this form, English and civics testing is part of the application process. English language proficiency and understanding of the history and workings of the U.S. government are two components of the naturalization test. This plethora of questions can make immigration incredibly difficult and confusing.

Application Process

To get started with the naturalization process, there are certain requirements applicants must meet under the U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Applicants must file documentation forms, like Form N-400, which the USCIS reviews to determine their eligibility for naturalization. The USCIS will also interview applicants as part of the determination process for eligibility.

If the USCIS approves the application, they schedule applicants for a mandatory oath ceremony before a USCIS official or judge. Also, applicants must be 18 years old and have lived or carried on business in the United States for at least five years.

Financial Constraints

The cost of becoming a U.S. citizen can be intimidating to many immigrants. Necessary documents for immigration are incredibly expensive. For example, Form N-400 costs 725 dollars, which covers 85 dollars for biometrics screening and 640 dollars for the form. 

Thankfully, U.S. citizenship and ESL classes are free, and several adult education centers offer free classes. In addition, some applicants may be eligible for an application fee waiver. To be eligible for this waiver, applicants must first receive a means-tested benefit, their household income has to be at or below 150 percent of the HHS Federal Poverty Guidelines, and applicants should be experiencing financial hardship that makes them unable to pay the fee and other bills.


Overcoming obstacles such as language barriers, navigating complex application processes, and managing financial constraints are all essential aspects of the journey toward citizenship. Despite all these challenges, citizenship for many immigrants is still possible.  “As long as you have no criminal record, applying at the right time and having all your documentation in order can greatly increase an applicant’s chances of success,” says attorney Maria Ximena Sussman of Sussman Law Firm, PLLC. Ultimately, by addressing these challenges head-on and seeking out these available resources and assistance, immigrants can realize their dreams of becoming U.S. citizens.

DNCC Rules Committee Passes Permanent Rules for 2024 Presidential Nomination


From the DNC:

DNCC Rules Committee Passes Permanent Rules for 2024 Presidential Nomination
Today, the Convention Rules Committee, in partnership with the DNC and DNCC, voted to adopt the Permanent Rules of the 2024 Democratic National Convention by a vote of 157-3.

The Convention Rules Committee is co-chaired by Governor Tim Walz and Bishop Leah Daughtry. The Rules voted on today by the full Committee establish a virtual nominating process for the presidential nominee and set the stage for a dynamic in-person Convention in Chicago, where the delegates vote to approve the Democratic Party platform, have ceremonial and celebratory votes on the nominees, and host historic acceptance speeches from the new Democratic ticket and voices throughout the Party.

A timeline for the nomination process, a summary of the Rules, and an outline of the process for both candidates and delegates is outlined below.

“As a Party, it’s our obligation to design and implement a fair nomination process for delegates to formally express their preferences through a vote to select an official presidential nominee of the Democratic Party who will go on to top the ballot in November,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “As extreme Republicans try to chip away at the faith in our institutions, the work of our Rules Committee and the responsibility of our delegates to cast their votes in the days to come proves that our democracy is strong. The work ahead may be unprecedented, but we are prepared to undertake a transparent, swift, and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a nominee who represents our values and will lead us to victory in November.”

“We have taken an important step today to put our Democratic ticket on every general election ballot nationwide and on a path to winning in November,” said DNCC Chair Minyon Moore. “We are confident that the process we’ve laid out is secure, democratic, and critical to our defense against bad-faith litigation coming from Republicans and dark money groups as they once again put partisan games above the will of American voters. Today we stood up clearly to say: we will not let you. The Convention in Chicago will be a critical moment for our party — not only to rally around our nominees and showcase their bold platform for the next four years — but to bring delegates to the table to vote on our Party’s platform and conduct a ceremonial state-by-state roll call that has long been a beloved tradition of our Party.”

Summary of the Rules

  • Candidates for nomination must declare their candidacy by filing with the Convention’s Secretary. The window for submission opens shortly after the Rules are adopted by the Committee during their meeting, and closes at 6:00 PM ET on July 27. 
  • Candidates for nomination will have until 6:00 PM EST on July 30 to demonstrate that they have met the qualifications for nomination, which include:
    • (1) File a formal and notarized declaration of candidacy with the DNC; 
    • (2) Meet Party and legal qualifications to be President; and 
    • (3) Secure 300 delegate signatures electronically, not more than 50 of which may come from one delegation.
  • If only one candidate for nomination demonstrates they have met the above qualifications, electronic voting by the delegates may begin as soon as August 1.
  • If more than one candidate for nomination qualifies, the Rules specify that the DNCC Chair and the DNC Chair can allow a period no longer than five days in between the close of nominations for President (July 30) and the beginning of voting for candidates to make their case to delegates and the public. 
  • The DNCC Chair and the DNC Chair may open voting on the Presidential nominee no earlier than August 1, 2024.
  • Only the votes of pledged delegates will be included in the count on the first ballot, unless a candidate has the verified support of a number of pledged delegates equal to or greater than a majority of all pledged and automatic delegates.
  • In the event that a nominating contest for President moves beyond the first ballot, the votes of pledged and automatic delegates will be counted in subsequent ballots. 
  • A majority of Convention delegate ballots who are eligible  to vote during that roll call shall be required to nominate the presidential candidate.
  • Once a Presidential nominee is selected, the nominee may place a Vice Presidential candidate into nomination. The Convention Chair may then declare that candidate to be the Vice Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party.  
  • At the Convention in Chicago celebratory and ceremonial votes to recognize and affirm the presidential and vice presidential nominees of the Democratic Party will be taken, including a state-by-state roll call for the presidential nominee.

Candidates and Delegates

  • Technical Process: The technical processes for (1) conducting a virtual nominating process through signature collection, and (2) a virtual roll call will largely reflect the process used successfully and securely in 2020.
  • Candidate Declaration of Intent: Candidates intending to pursue the nomination must declare their intent by July 27, 6:00 PM ET, to the Convention’s Secretary and should include an unnotarized but signed copy of Appendix E of the Call for the 2024 Democratic National Convention as well as links to the candidate’s website and contact email address to be included in the Candidate Directory. Appendix E requires the candidate to confirm they are a member of the Democratic Party and will run and serve as a Democrat, if elected.
  • Candidate Directory: In order to facilitate campaign and delegate communication, the DNC will provide a Candidate Directory to delegates. The Directory will list Candidates’ names, website, and contact email for delegates to opt in to communications from campaigns. Once delegates have indicated that they want to hear from a candidate, the candidate will receive the delegate’s contact information.
  • Signature Collection: As soon as tomorrow, the window will open for declared candidates to obtain and file a petition demonstrating a threshold level of support from delegates.  The deadline for a petition reflecting at least 300 delegates, but no more than 50 from a single state, must be filed by 6:00 PM ET on July 30.
    • Each delegate will receive a personalized nominating petition form. When  returned, it will be verified and tallied. Each nominating petition form has a range of security features to establish the authenticity and accuracy of each petition. Clear instructions and technical support will be provided to Delegates. 
    • Reporting on the number of signatures returned will be provided directly to campaigns.
  • Appendix E: Candidates for nomination must make sure that their declaration of intent paperwork due on 6:00 PM ET on July 27, is notarized, as called for in the paperwork itself, by 6:00 PM ET on July 30.
  • Virtual Roll Call: The technical process of conducting a virtual roll call will largely reflect the process used successfully in 2020.  Voting will begin no earlier than August 1.
    • Each delegate will receive a personalized virtual roll call voting form. When  returned, it will be verified and tallied. Each roll call form has a range of security features to establish the authenticity and accuracy of each vote. Clear instructions and technical support will be provided to Delegates. 
    • Reporting on the number of votes returned will be provided directly to campaigns. 
    • The system will allow for as many additional rounds of voting as are necessary to declare a winner, which requires a majority of delegates’ votes.

Youngkin “is shamefully appointing Meg Scalia Bryce” – who “supports book banning, discrimination against LGBTQ students,” etc. – “to the state board of education”


It looks like Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who has moved further and further right as time (including endorsing Donald Trump for president, enthusiastically campaigning for him, etc.) has gone by, today appointed Meg Scalia Bryce to the Virginia Board of Education (h/t Jack Tueting, who was the first to post about this).

To learn more about Meg Scalia Bryce, see The Most Important Race You Haven’t Heard Of: Antonin Scalia’s Daughter Is Running for Albemarle County School Board, and She’s as Extreme as You’d Think She’d Be and Video: At NAACP School Board Forum, Republican Candidate Meg Scalia Bryce (Antonin Scalia’s Daughter) Says, “It has to be okay for some people to be able to say, ‘Well…I don’t agree that there is systemic racism’”. A few highlights from those articles include:

  • “Scalia Bryce has vocally opposed ACPS’s antiracism policycriticized legal protections for LGBTQIA+ students, and praised vouchers that would divert taxpayer funds to private and parochial schools. Scalia Bryce is supported by right-wing donors, including a former Youngkin appointee who spewed false narratives about the Civil War (including comparing Abraham Lincoln to Vladimir Putin), and another donor who publicly made bigoted comments about Muslims.  Scalia Bryce personally donated to Republicans, and she publicly appeared at the White House with Donald Trump in 2019. Notably, Scalia Bryce is running for the Albemarle County School Board even though she pulled her own children out of public schools for ideological reasons.”
  • Scalia Bryce: “When we talk about systemic racism, I think that there needs to be an openness about, you know, not everybody agrees that there is systemic racism. And it has to be okay for people to disagree about that [i.e. systemic racism not existing]… I think that we need to be able to have debates, and it has to be okay for some people to be able to say, ‘Well, I do recognize that racism exists and there are racist people in the system. I don’t agree that there is systemic racism.’ And I don’t think somebody should be shamed into silence for expressing that.”
  • “This statement follows her comments at the Crozet Leadership Team’s Forum on September 11th, where Bryce stated she opposes ACPS’ anti-racism and culturally-responsive teaching policies. Furthermore, Bryce has accepted campaign contributions from an individual who has defended secession, praised confederate monuments, and likened President Lincoln to Vladimir Putin, as well as an individual who paid for Islamophobic billboards.”

Yikes! Fortunately, Scalia Bryce got CRUSHED in her Albemarle School Board race last November, losing 62%-38% to Democrat Allison Spillman. But now, Youngkin – who the WaPo and others in the media falsely propagandized as some sort of “moderate” in the 2021 election! – has yet again shown how hard right he is, continuing to stack the Virginia Board of Education with right wingnuts like Bryce. And unfortunately, even if/when we elect Abigail Spanberger governor in November 2025, it’s going to take a while to undo all the damage Youngkin has done, including to public education in Virginia.

Wednesday News: “Sunday was Earth’s hottest day in all recorded history”; “Netanya-Who? Washington gives Israeli leader the cold shoulder”; “Kamala Harris attacks Trump over ‘fear and hate’ at first rally”; “Sen. Kaine: Trump is yesterday’s chaos; VP Harris is about today and tomorrow”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, July 24.

“The More Americans Learn About the Trump-Vance Ticket’s Extreme Project 2025 Agenda, the More Unpopular It Gets”


From the DNC War Room:

NEW: The More Americans Learn About the Trump-Vance Ticket’s Extreme Project 2025 Agenda, the More Unpopular It Gets

In response to new polling on Americans learning more about and disliking Donald Trump and JD Vance’s extreme Project 2025 agenda, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:

“The American people are seeing Donald Trump and JD Vance’s extreme Project 2025 agenda exactly for what it is: A deeply unpopular MAGA blueprint to ban abortion nationwide with or without Congress, gut our system of checks and balances, and rig the economy for billionaires at the expense of the middle class. Project 2025 is undeniably a product of Trump and Vance’s ultra-MAGA extremism – and Americans won’t be fooled by their desperate attempts to cover their deep ties to this out-of-touch agenda. Voters are fired up to reject the Trump-Vance ticket’s dangerous Project 2025 agenda this November because they understand our freedoms and our democracy are on the line.”

NEW: Americans are learning more and more about the Trump-Vance ticket’s extreme and unpopular Project 2025 agenda – and rejecting this dangerous and out-of-touch MAGA blueprint.

Navigator Research“Project 2025 Has Become Significantly More Unfavorable Since Trump Attempted to Distance Himself From the Plan”

“Project 2025 has seen a significant increase in both awareness and unfavorability since our last survey in June. 54 percent of Americans report being familiar with Project 2025… Among those familiar with the Project 2025, just 11 percent view it favorably, while 43 percent view it unfavorably.

“When people are asked what negative news they have heard recently concerning Donald Trump, mentions of Project 2025 have dramatically increased. … A plurality of Americans believe Project 2025 accurately represents what Trump stands for.”

The more the American people learn about Trump’s Project 2025 agenda, the more they dislike it. 

Navigator Research“Americans oppose all the key elements in Project 2025, with the greatest concerns around health care, worker’s rights, and dismantling federal programs. Over four in five Americans oppose an array of policies proposed in Project 2025 such as ‘allowing employers to stop paying hourly workers overtime’ … Additionally, four in five oppose ‘allowing the government to monitor people’s pregnancies to potentially prosecute them if they miscarry.’”

“Americans’ overall opposition to Project 2025 increases after reading about its specific policy goals.”

“Three in five Americans say Project 2025 would benefit the wealthiest Americans, CEOs, and corporations.”

Miami Herald“As Americans learn more about Project 2025, they become more opposed, poll finds”

FACT: Project 2025 is “undeniably a Trump-driven operation.”

Axios“This is undeniably a Trump-driven operation. The biggest tell: Johnny McEntee — one of Trump’s closest White House aides, and his most fervent internal loyalty enforcer — is a senior adviser to Project 2025. One of the most powerful architects is Stephen Miller, a top West Wing adviser for the Trump administration.”

Politico“Many of the authors of the blueprint are former Trump officials, and the Heritage Foundation has spent the past year-plus recruiting people to implement the plans within the administration, Scott said.

“‘So they don’t just have a long, sprawling policy document,’ he said, ‘they also have a growing list of staff who are being tested to see if they are loyal to Trump and if they are willing to administer this in his potential administration.’

“While groups like Heritage have put forward conservative policy proposals in the past, Scott said Project 2025 is distinct in that it’s so comprehensive and far-reaching.

“‘It has so many groups contributing to it. It’s the whole conservative policy movement gathered together,’ he said.”

The Week: “Many of Trump’s indicated plans for a second term fall in line with the Project 2025 outline.”

New York Times“Roberts told me that he views Heritage’s role today as ‘institutionalizing Trumpism.’ This includes leading Project 2025, a transition blueprint that outlines a plan to consolidate power in the executive branch, dismantle federal agencies and recruit and vet government employees to free the next Republican president from a system that Roberts views as stacked against conservative power. The lesson of Trump’s first year in office, Roberts told me, is that ‘the Trump administration … simply got a slow start. And Heritage and our allies in Project 2025 believe that must never be repeated.’”

FACT: JD Vance has deep ties to Project 2025 and has praised the extreme MAGA blueprint as containing “good ideas.”

Vance: “I’ve reviewed a lot of [Project 2025]. There are some good ideas in there.”

The New Republic: “Project 2025 Leader Is Overjoyed by Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick”

Nick Corasaniti, New York Times: “[Heritage president Kevin Roberts] reacted to the news [of Vance’s VP selection] ‘with a broad smile on my face’ and said that ‘privately, we were really rooting for him.’”

Gram Slattery, Reuters“Vance is very close to Heritage and even wrote the forward for a book from the think tank’s president. Project 2025 is of course organized by Heritage.”

Vox: “Kevin Roberts, the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation and the driving force behind Project 2025, told Ward that ‘[Vance] is absolutely going to be one of the leaders — if not the leader — of our movement.’”

Vance“I want to thank especially Kevin Roberts and all the Heritage Foundation for 50 years of incredible work on conservative policy.”

Vance: “I think that what Trump should do, like if I was giving him one piece of advice, is fire every single civil servant… replace them with our people.”

Politico: “The résumés of Vance’s senior staffers read like a phone book for the New Right ecosystem in Washington: the Claremont Institute, American Compass, the Conservative Partnership Institute, Hillsdale College.”

Politico: Project 2025 author and RNC Platform Committee Policy Director Russ Vought is a “close ally of Vance.”

Sen. Tim Kaine: “Due to a previously scheduled commitment in Virginia, I am not able to attend this Wednesday’s speech [by Benjamin Netanyahu]”


See below for a statement by Sen. Tim Kaine on his “previously scheduled commitment in Virginia” preventing him from attending tomorrow’s speech to Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. What I really don’t understand is why any Democrat would attend a speech by someone (e.g., Netanyahu) who is: a)  a right winger; b) clearly pro-Trump and anti-Democratic; c) a horrible leader; d) corrupt/slimy; e) incompetent (e.g., massive security/intel/leadership failure on 10/7/23); f) etc, etc.


WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, who serves on the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, released the following statement regarding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech to Congress:

“Due to a previously scheduled commitment in Virginia, I am not able to attend this Wednesday’s speech. But it remains clear that the security of Israel and U.S. servicemembers in the region are immediately dependent on steps toward a deal to release hostages held by Hamas, establish a durable ceasefire, and increase humanitarian aid into Gaza. I would expect any leader in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position to use this speech as an opportunity to provide an update on those matters.”

Kaine has repeatedly reiterated his support for Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas following Hamas’ horrific October 7 terrorist attacks and Iran’s strikes on Israeli soilpushed for more humanitarian aid in Gaza, and called on all parties to accept a deal to release hostages and establish a durable ceasefire in Gaza. After reports of a pending major weapons transfer from the U.S. to Israel, Kaine called on the Administration to ensure that any further arms transfers to Israel be comprised primarily of defensive weapons. In February, Kaine helped support passage of a security package including defensive support for Israel and humanitarian aid for civilians in Gaza. Last week, Kaine expressed his frustration after the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, voted to reject the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Virginia Delegation to the Democratic National Convention Unanimously Endorses VP Kamala Harris for President!


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

Virginia Delegation to the Democratic National Convention Endorses Vice President Kamala Harris

Last night, the Virginia Delegation to the 2024 Democratic National Convention met virtually and among voting delegates, unanimously voted to join President Joe Biden in endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 Democratic nomination for President of the United States.

“At this critical time, our 119-person delegation joins President Biden in giving our unequivocal endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. Our delegation knows that Vice President Harris is the right choice and leader not only to unify our party, but our country,” DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker said. “The Virginia Democratic Delegation is thrilled to cast our votes for her historic nomination and support an incredible former senator and prosecutor in defeating convict Donald Trump this November.”

The Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, Illinois from Aug. 19 to 22.

Tuesday News: “Harris plans private meeting with Netanyahu as she skips congressional address”; Harris Clinches Nomination, Smashes Fundraising Records and “Is Breaking Republican Brains”; “Suddenly Trump Looks Older and More Deranged”; JD Vance’s Mountain Dew “Joke”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, July 23.