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Warner Talks to NBC12


If you really want to enjoy this video, I suggest you take a shot every time you hear Mark Warner use the words “moderate,” “bipartisan,” or “work across the aisle.” Cheers! 🙂

Virginia Democrats Question Priorities of McDonnell’s First 100 Days


From the Democratic Party of Virginia, check out their strong statement on Bob McDonnell’s first 100 days in office. I just wish we would get a lot more of this kind of thing from the DPVA. I also wish they hadn’t put this out late on a Friday afternoon when nobody is paying attention. Other than that, it’s superb! 🙂

RICHMOND – The administration of Governor Bob McDonnell, Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and Lt. Governor Bill Bolling will have been in power for 100 days as of Sunday, April 25, 2010. As the first traditional time stamp approaches, Virginia Democrats must question the priorities of the McDonnell Administration.

Democratic Party of Virginia Chairman Dick Cranwell released the following statement Friday declaring that Virginians deserve more from their elected officials, citing ideological distractions that have damaged Virginia’s reputation at home and around the nation:

“Governor McDonnell, Attorney General Cuccinelli, and Lt. Governor Bill Bolling have been in office for 100 days.  In that time it has become clear that this administration is struggling on one major front: setting clear priorities.  Virginians overwhelmingly expect a commonsense, results-oriented government, yet what we have endured for the last 100 days is a distracted government.”

Much more after the “flip.”

“Instead of prioritizing the state’s $4.2 billion budget shortfall, Governor McDonnell spent 100 days back-tracking and apologizing for actions that appealed to the far right-wing elements in his party.  Unfortunately he succeeded only in embarrassing the majority of Virginians by portraying us as a backward-looking, intolerant Commonwealth.  He omitted language condemning slavery from his “Confederate History Month” proclamation, and after being called out was forced to apologize and regroup.  He instituted a new obstacle for restoring voting rights and again backtracked after public outcry.  And he waited two days before issuing a token repudiation of  Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s misguided instructions to Virginia’s colleges and universities about equal opportunity.  While he was busy back-tracking and apologizing, he failed to submit a plan to fix Virginia’s crumbling and gridlocked roads, he attempted to cut millions of dollars in state support to our most vulnerable citizens and he tried to cut $731 million from Virginia’s public schools. Virginians deserve more from Governor McDonnell than ideological distractions, national embarrassments, and repeated apologies.”

“Meanwhile, Attorney General Cuccinelli has gone rogue, pursuing his own far-right ideological crusade and funding it with taxpayer money.  In the last 100 days, Cuccinelli has filed three lawsuits against the federal government: one to block healthcare reform, another to deny the science of climate change, and another to prevent the EPA from stopping polluters.  He ruled that Virginia’s colleges and universities did not have the authority to protect students and staff from discrimination based on sexual orientation.  He’s been a regular guest on right-wing TV and radio programs and traveled all over the state to speak at Tea Party rallies instead of devoting his time and efforts to the job he was elected to perform: serving as an impartial lawyer and providing legal advice to state agencies. His intolerant views and misguided actions have consistently earned Virginia nationwide ridicule, and he added insult to injury by establishing a political action committee so he could raise money from his political stunts. Virginians need more from their Attorney General than what they’ve seen over the last 100 days.”

“Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling has attempted to raise the profile of his part-time position presiding over the Virginia Senate, but he has only drawn attention after being called-out for his blatant hypocrisy in celebrating worthwhile economic development efforts that were funded entirely through a federal stimulus package that he vehemently opposed. Virginians deserve better.”    

Open Left Reports Prince Mark votes against Bernie Sander’s Amendment to break up banks


Just one of 4 Ds to side with Wall Street (No surprise Conrad, Bill Nelson & Begich also voted with the banks)

This is not where my D senator should be.


Explain this one Mark?  Whose side are you on Wall St. or Jefferson Davis Hwy?

Not Again: The Fringe Right Takes Aim At Climate Change Before Seeing the Bill

( – promoted by lowkell)

Today we learn that the far-right have launched a new operation to attack a yet-to-be- released climate change bill.  According to Roll Call:  

The effort, which Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (Ind.) is spearheading, is designed to coincide with Senate introduction of a climate change proposal next week and the upcoming annual summer spike in gas prices that inevitably results in a message war on Capitol Hill over which party is to blame for higher prices at the pump.

Wow.  Really?  An entire destructive operation dubbed “American Energy Solutions Group” to take down a bill no one has seen?  What kind of “solution” is that?

On April 26, a bipartisan group of forward-leaning Senators – John Kerry, D-Mass., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Joe Lieberman, I-Ct., – will roll out comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation. The bill is still under wraps, but done right, a climate and energy bill can put Americans back to work, reduce our dependence on foreign oil and create a healthier future for us all.  The three Senators deserve enormous credit for their work to craft a bill, but instead the far right is trying to kill their work before it even sees the light of day.

We need a bill that will create two million good-paying jobs for American workers, and position American businesses for decades of success in the growing global clean energy marketplace. A successful bill would cut our oil imports in half and strike a blow against climate change, the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.  We will see if this bill gets there on Monday.  Those gearing up to bring it down should read it along with the rest of us.

I went to elementary school in Kentucky.  Like children from across the country, I learned a lot about the history there.  One thing that has stuck with me is their state motto, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall.”  

The state of American politics seems to be in a bit of a free fall and this latest move by extremests – or as the kids these days like to say “haters” – before even seeing a bill just underscores what a ridiculous free fall we are in. When will political points lose out to meaningful policy that addresses a real need?

Even if you don’t believe in climate change, there are a million reasons to put our country on a clean energy path.  

You would think that a crowd called the “American Energy Solutions Group” would get that.  The only “solution” they seem to be looking for is gridlock.  I hope that they realize the damage that their selfish and short-sighted propaganda is doing to our country.  

United we stand, divided we fall.  

Heather Taylor-Miesle is the director of the NRDC Action Fund. Become a fan on Facebook or Twitter.

Pay Attention, Corey Stewart


Our failure to act responsible at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. That includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona which threaten to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe,” the president said at a naturalization ceremony for members of the military.

In fact, I’ve instructed members of my administration to closely monitor the situation and examine the civil rights and other implications of this legislation. But if we continue to fail to act at the federal level, we will continue to see misguided efforts opening up around the country.

He added, “As a nation, as a people, we can choose a different future – a future that keeps faith with our history, with our heritage, and with the hope that America has always inspired in the hearts of people all over the world.”

“Misguided efforts” like…portrayed here, for instance?

Cenk Uygur: “Where Are the Tea Party Protests About Wall Street?”


I don’t always agree with Cenk Uygur, but this is an instant classic. Watch as Cenk asks former vice presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party, Wayne Allyn Root, where the Tea Party protests of Wall Street are exactly. The answer, although Root won’t outright admit it, is that “there are no such protests and there never will be.” Fascinating.

McDonnell Ignores #1 “Earth” Issue in “Earth Day” Statement


Can we get any more vapid, empty, and lacking in substance than Bob McDonnell’s “Earth Day” statement? Here are excerpts from it, with my (snarky) [annotations]

Here in Virginia, we are blessed with countless beautiful open spaces, scenic rivers, the Chesapeake Bay and rolling mountains…[blah blah blah meaningless pabulum, whatever]…I took a hike with local schoolchildren and planted trees while talking to them about the importance of a clean environment…[did they ask you about your AG’s assault on the environment? how did you respond?]…The recent good news that the Blue Crab population in the Chesapeake Bay has increased by 60% since last year [right, that improvement was under Tim Kaine, now you’re governor and we’re looking to see what you’re going to keep that progress going exactly], and is now at its highest level since 1997, demonstrates that good public policy [for instance, do you support doing something about sprawl? pollution from coal-fired power plants? impermeable pavement? encouraging “green roofs?” climate change?] will lead to a cleaner and healthier environment…[of course, all those efforts will be for naught if we don’t do something about climate change, ASAP]…I encourage all Virginians to conserve, preserve and give back to clean up our environment…[except that, when it comes to public policy, you’re not doing even 0.1% of what you need to be doing on that front].

Amazing; Bob McDonnell issues an “Earth Day” statement and doesn’t even mention the #1 “Earth” issue – climate change. He also doesn’t mention the fact that his fellow Republican, Ken Cuccinelli, is one of the most rabid anti-environment Attorney Generals this country has ever seen, and that McDonnell says they’re totally in sync with each other.

Also not mentioned by McDonnell: this last General Assembly session, members of his party – presumably with McDonnell’s acquiescence if not encouragement – killed basically every piece of strong legislation on energy efficiency, renewable power, and seriously protecting our environment. On the other hand, McDonnell “took a hike with local schoolchildren and planted trees,” so all is well in the world I suppose. Ugh.

UPDATE: Now this is more like it; thank you, President Obama!

President Obama: Recovery Must Reach Main Street


For the full transcript of President Obama’s speech this morning on Wall Street reform click here. A few key quotes are after the “flip.” Now, it’s time for Congress to pass financial reform and make sure that we never again go through a crisis like the one we saw in late 2008.

*”…as a result of the decisions we made — some of which, let’s face it, were very unpopular — we are seeing hopeful signs.  A little more than one year ago we were losing an average of 750,000 jobs each month.  Today, America is adding jobs again.  One year ago the economy was shrinking rapidly.  Today the economy is growing.  In fact, we’ve seen the fastest turnaround in growth in nearly three decades.”

*”But you’re here and I’m here because we’ve got more work to do.  Until this progress is felt not just on Wall Street but on Main Street we cannot be satisfied.”

*”…it is essential that we learn the lessons from this crisis so we don’t doom ourselves to repeat it.”

*”… a free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it.”

*”…we need to enact a set of updated, commonsense rules to ensure accountability on Wall Street and to protect consumers in our financial system.”

*”I’m here today specifically — when I speak to the titans of industry here — because I want to urge you to join us, instead of fighting us in this effort.”

*”The goal is to make certain that taxpayers are never again on the hook because a firm is deemed ‘too big to fail.'”

*”… what’s not legitimate is to suggest that somehow the legislation being proposed is going to encourage future taxpayer bailouts, as some have claimed.  That makes for a good sound bite, but it’s not factually accurate.  It is not true.”

*”…reform would bring new transparency to many financial markets.”

*”…this plan would enact the strongest consumer financial protections ever.”

*”These Wall Street reforms will give shareholders new power in the financial system.”

*”… let’s face it, we also need reform in Washington.”

*”We do not have to choose between markets that are unfettered by even modest protections against crisis, or markets that are stymied by onerous rules that suppress enterprise and innovation.  That is a false choice.”

*”In the end, our system only works — our markets are only free — when there are basic safeguards that prevent abuse, that check excesses, that ensure that it is more profitable to play by the rules than to game the system.”

*”…ultimately, there is no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street.  We will rise or we will fall together as one nation.”

McDonnell Abortion Policy Ignores Medical Reality


The General Assembly rejected Gov. Bob McDonnell’s attempts to kill Big Bird and the rest of the gang on Sesame Street – by eventual elimination of funding for public broadcasting – and his proposal to switch Medicaid mental health services to a managed-care plan. However, the legislature did go along with his restriction of state funding for abortions to cases of rape or incest or when the life of the mother is at risk. Previously, the law also allowed Medicaid to pay for abortions if the health of the mother was at risk.

Perhaps the predominately male legislature doesn’t know exactly what sorts of health problems the former policy addressed. We aren’t talking here about women who believe that their pregnancy will make them “feel bad.” There are actual, serious medical problems that no longer will be covered.

Del. Jennifer McClellan, (D-Richmond) who happens to be pregnant herself, explained how the new limits on abortion will have unintended consequences for the health of women in Virginia. “I’ve had time to talk through this with my own OB (obstetrician) and get real-life examples,” she said.

The procedure to treat hemorrhaging because of an incomplete miscarriage is the same as an abortion under this new law. Virginia law will not distinguish between that situation – which can cause severe bleeding, indeed the remote possibility of death – and a regular abortion. Now, I can’t conceive of any doctor not treating a woman on Medicaid for that condition, but now someone will have to pay the cost, either the  medical facility or ultimately insurance rates for all of us.

Sen. Ralph Northam (D-Norfolk), a doctor, also explained that the governor’s amendment would leave some women, such as those with diabetes, facing possibly dire health consequences from pregnancy. A severely diabetic woman carrying a pregnancy to term could suffer serious damage to her eyesight and possibly lose kidney functions. Northam pointed out that the woman’s health would be seriously impaired, but since her life would not be in immediate danger, an abortion would not be available.

I can attest to the truth of that in my own family. My nephew’s wife has serious type 1 diabetes. She has been told that pregnancy for her would probably result in loss of kidney function and possibly early death.

Other people have questioned whether the new state policy will also restrict the choice of state workers also since state funds are used to pay most of their insurance costs.

All of those people who have been running around screaming that the recently passed federal health reform bill constitutes the government trying to practice medicine are dead wrong. That law simply extends health insurance coverage to 35 million Americans not presently covered by insurance. This change in Virginia law, however, IS the state government practicing medicine. Why? Because it is telling doctors what they will get reimbursed for and what they won’t. That affects the patients many doctors will be willing to see.

Medicaid reimbursement to doctors is already so much lower than for other patients that many health care providers have stopped participating in the program. I can’t think of any way that this new Medicaid policy won’t further limit the number of providers for women on Medicaid. In rural areas of the state that could be devastating for maternal health.

I respect those who for religious or personal conviction are adamantly opposed to abortion. I wish they respected my views, in return.

I personally agree with the basic outlines of Roe v Wade. The first trimester of a pregnancy should be off limits for governmental intrusion. The state has a right to regulate the second trimester and to severely limit abortion in the third trimester. I also agree with those who insist that parents should be notified before a minor child can have an abortion, with protection of the child from parental anger. I absolutely believe that abortion without a medical reason after the fetus has become viable should be outlawed; however, I also respect women and doctors more than politicians to make the right health care decisions.

Unfortunately, Bob McDonnell doesn’t have that respect. He simply has – once again – satisfied his base at the expense of other Virginians. First, it was black Virginians ignored in his Confederate proclamation. Now, it’s women.