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Open Thread on Creigh Deeds


I have very little to add to the Washington Post front-page story on Creigh Deeds this morning, except that I’m sorry to hear about his divorce and wish him well. Other than that, I pretty much agree with Miles Grant’s tweet:

Today’s WaPo article on Creigh Deeds is really depressing. Has plenty of time to reinvent himself, but is he interested?

Thoughts? Feel free to use this as an open thread to discuss Creigh Deeds, the 2009 gubernatorial race (in retrospect, now that some time has gone by), the future of the Democratic Party of Virginia, etc.

Compete.com Rankings of Virginia Political Blogs


For several years now, I’ve relied on Sitemeter as a reliable, “apples to apples” metric for blog traffic statistics. Aside from its reliability (it’s worth noting that Sitemeter stats are highly comparable to Google Analytics stats) another advantage to Sitemeter is that it’s commonly used by major political blogs like Daily Kos, Open Left, MyDD, etc.

If every blog used Sitemeter and made their statistics available, we’d be in great shape on this front. Unfortunately, not all blogs – for whatever reason – make their Sitemeter stats publicly available. This leads people to use seriously flawed, proxy-type metrics like Alexa’s “incoming links”-based rankings. The problem with “incoming links” is that they often have little (if any) correlation to actual traffic.  Comparing Sitemeter and Google Analytics to Alexa, for instance, leads to all kinds of weird, counterintuitive, or completely nonsensical results. For that reason, I don’t use Alexa at all.

Anyway, in my continual search for “apples-to-apples”, reliable traffic statistics across blogs, the other day, I stumbled across Compete.com, “a web traffic analysis service operating in the United States that publishes the approximate number of global visitors to the top 1,000,000 web sites in the world.”  Compete.com purports to compute its traffic stats “by sending the URLs that users visit to Compete.com. Compete.com then sends back the trust scores and internet ranks from its database to the users.” I found this intriguing, so I decided to see what results it produced for Virginia political blogs and compare, where available, to public Sitemeter stats.  See after the “flip” for a listing of key results (note: all the statistics are from February 2010).

UPDATE: Too Conservative provided with me with their traffic statistics for February 2010 — 20,954 visits according to Google Analytics, which  would rank that blog slightly ahead of Bearing Drift (using Sitemeter, which tends to be fairly comparable to Google Analytics).

*For whatever reason, a few Virginia political blogs have no public stats in either Sitemeter OR Compete.com. These include Waldo Jaquith and Vivian Paige. Thus, the discussion below does not include those blogs.

*No matter how you look at it, Not Larry Sabato is the leading Virginia political blog, 51,222 visits (in February 2010) according to Sitemeter, and 37,045 visits according to Compete.com.

*According to Sitemeter, Blue Virginia was the second largest Virginia political blog in terms of traffic (35,656 visits) in February 2010.  According to Compete.com, however, Blue Virginia was #4 (with 22,941 visits), behind Bearing Drift and Below the Beltway.

*In February 2010, Bearing Drift was the third-largest Virginia political blog, according to Sitemeter (with 18,904 visits), and the second-largest according to Compete.com (24,728 visits).

*According to Compete.com, Below the Beltway was the second-largest Virginia political blog in February 2010, with 24,023 visits. Sitemeter stats are not publicly available for this blog.

*The biggest disparity between Compete.com and Sitemeter for Virginia political blogs was, by far and away, for BVBL. I have no idea why this is the case, but Sitemeter says that BVBL received 18,075 visits in February 2010, while Compete.com says it only received 1,267 visits. In this case, I would strongly suggest that Compete.com is out to lunch, and that Sitemeter is far more accurate. To be blunt, there’s no way in hell that BVBL only received 1,267 visits in February 2010.

*Other than NLS, Blue Virginia, Below the Beltway, Bearing Drift and BVBL (“B” names seem very popular in Virginia for whatever reason), the only other Virginia political blog (again, not counting Waldo Jaquith and Vivian Paige, because I can’t find any stats for them on either Compete.com or Sitemeter) that received more than 10,000 visits in February 2010 was Virginia Virtucon (14,052 visits).

*According to Compete.com, SWAC Girl received 6,142 visits in February 2010; VB Dems got 5,664 visits; Tertium Quids 4,878 visits; Crystal Clear Conservative 4,013 visits; Virginia Tea Party Patriots 3,798 visits; Too Conservative 3,567 visits (note: this seems way too low based on the # of comments over there, but they don’t have public statistics so it’s impossible to know for sure; note #2 — see update above); VA Right 3,508 visits; NOVA Town Hall 2,626 visits; Shaun Kenney 2,388 visits; Blue Commonwealth 1,235 visits; Ox Road South 824 visits; and Republitarian 44 visits. Also, according to Sitemeter, The Richmonder received 946 visits in February 2010.

*One other interesting, albeit weird, result from Compete.com is that Blue Virginia receives a higher (note: a “lower” number equates to a “higher” ranking) ranking (#170,977) than Bearing Drift (#285,641) and Below the Beltway (#259,990). I’m not sure how to explain this, although it is more in line with Sitemeter traffic stats, which have Blue Virginia at nearly double the traffic of Bearing Drift.

Should New Virginia Dump Old Virginia?


I’m proud to be a Virginian. I chose to live in Virginia over DC & Maryland because I didn’t want to live in a community that was politically homogeneous. I like talking to people who come from different backgorunds &

I don’t mind that as many as 60 cents of my tax dollar never come back from Richmond. I don’t mind taking losses in Richmond on issues we care about, from transportation funding to marriage rights for all to continued state subsidies for dirty energy. I don’t mind the handcuff of the Dillon Rule because it forces us to fight for what’s right for the whole state, not just our own community.

But I’ve discovered a new feeling in the last few weeks thanks to the McDonnell/Bolling/Cuccinelli administration. I’ve been embarrassed to be a Virginian. And I’m not alone.


Fairfax, whose million residents make it bigger than seven states

“Transportation is a priority for you folks in Northern Virginia,” says John Garner, the Democratic Party leader in Galax, “but it’s not a priority for anybody else.”

Redskins Invest Their Future in Someone Else’s Past. Again.


The Green Miles went to Syracuse from 1995-1999 — the same four years that Donovan McNabb started every game at quarterback for the Syracuse Orangemen. I should be thrilled the Washington Redskins


Slavery Is a Mere “Nit” to Republicans


Here is a revealing interview of Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, defending Governor Bob McDonnell’s declaring “Confederate History Month” without ever mentioning slavery. Slavery is a “nit,” says Barbour, as in “stop picking at nits.”

Governor Haley Barbour and Governor Bob McDonnell are two birds of a feather in the same flock. Guess “R” for Republican stands for “Racist.” Must be in the Republican DNA.

The Sarah Palin Network


Stop the presses! Stop the Inner Tubes! Thanks to Daily Kos, we have here the ineluctable news that Tina Fey is bringing us The Sarah Palin Network. All Sarah All the Time, only better:


Campus Coffee Week April 17-25


Great stuff as always by Annabel Park, Eric Byler, et al. BTW, Coffee Party membership is now up to 199,033 fans on Facebook.  

Perriello Campaign Announces Its Most Successful Fundraising Quarter Ever


The following announcement represents great news from Rep. Tom Perriello’s campaign, which had its most successful fundraising quarter ever. Perriello, who is in his first term in Congress and facing the possibility of multiple opponents this November, entered April with nearly $1.4 million cash on hand, as well as 7,600 donors, nearly 90% of whom are “small donors.” Nice job, and go Tom!

The Perriello campaign announced today that it raised over $600,000 in the first fundraising quarter of 2010–the vast majority of it from small donors–marking their most successful fundraising quarter ever. The campaign enters April with nearly $1.4 million cash on hand, a testament to the strong support for Congressman Perriello’s record of fighting for middle-class families and a demonstration of his ability to win re-election.

With donors from all 22 localities of the 5th district, the campaign is conducting an aggressive, grassroots donor program focused on small (under $200) donations and rejecting funds from federal lobbyists and corporate PACs. The campaign attracted a record 4,694 new donors this quarter. That brings its total number of donors for the cycle to over 7,600 individuals, 88% of whom are small donors.  

“We are both humbled and thrilled to see such an outpouring of support from so many small donors who are going head-to-head with powerful Washington special interests,” said Anna Scholl, finance director for the Perriello campaign. “With not a dollar of federal lobbyist money in our campaign coffer and over 7,600 donors, we are proving that a people-powered campaign can win over the big insurance companies and big energy companies that have dominated our political system for so long.”

“Working and middle-class families of Virginia know that Congressman Perriello represents them, not the special interests,” she added.

Congressman Perriello will face the winner of one of the most divisive Republican primaries in the nation and a conservative independent candidate.

Yeah, those votes for clean energy and health care really hurt Perriello. Ha. 🙂

Nye Gets Good News From Golden


From Virginia Beach Republican Kenny Golden’s Facebook page.

Kenny Golden announces his intentions to run as an independent candidate for Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District. Recent polling suggests a mood of frustration across the nation, highlighted by a disenchantment with and lack of faith in Congress. Yet, the two major parties offer only business as usual as their response to the people. The voters of the second district deserve a better choice, and that is why Kenny Golden has decided to seek the congressional seat as an independent. Leadership and vision are what he offers, not going along to get along.

It’s hard to see how this move by Golden – former chairman of the Virginia Beach Republican Party – isn’t good news for Rep. Glenn Nye (D-2nd) and bad news for likely Republican nominee Scott Rigell. Nye’s hope, obviously, is that Golden’s candidacy will split the conservative vote this November, giving him an easier path to reelection. Now, if we can just get Kenny Goldens to run as third-party candidates in every district in America, we’d be in superb shape!