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Some Tea on the Rocks?


This is cross-posted at Leaving My Marc.

I’ve long thought that the tea partiers were drinking something a bit stronger than tea. Apparently, I was right!

At a March 16th Tea Party demonstration on Capitol Hill, attendees were asked a wide-ranging number of questions by the Frum Forum – including some on taxes. One of the questions asked was, “Are taxes higher, lower or the same as when Obama was inaugurated?” 67 percent (or two-thirds) of tea partiers believed that taxes are now higher, 29 percent believed that they are the same and only 3 percent believed that they were lower.

According to Bruce Bartlett:

…federal taxes are very considerably lower by every measure since Obama became president. In fact, 40% of Obama’s stimulus package involved tax cuts. These include the Making Work Pay Credit, which reduces federal taxes for all taxpayers with incomes below $75,000 by between $400 and $800.

According to the JCT, last year’s $787 billion stimulus bill, enacted with no Republican support, reduced federal taxes by almost $100 billion in 2009 and another $222 billion this year. The Tax Policy Center, a private research group, estimates that close to 90% of all taxpayers got a tax cut last year and almost 100% of those in the $50,000 income range. For those making between $40,000 and $50,000, the average tax cut was $472; for those making between $50,000 and $75,000, the tax cut averaged $522. No taxpayer anywhere in the country had his or her taxes increased as a consequence of Obama’s policies.

As Einstein once said, “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” The Tea Party gets an A+ for that!

Cooch’s Office Defends Sodomy Laws, Tells Caller “Y’all don’t even live here…”


The following comment was left on the Bilerico Project blog, in response to a post by Michael Hamar on efforts by Equality Virginia “to keep the pressure on Virginia GOP Governor Bob McDonnell and the gay haters in the Virginia General Assembly.”  The commenter is from Lawrenceville, Georgia. I find the comment, which Michael Hamar pointed out to me, interesting on two counts: 1) Cooch’s office actually defending Virginia’s antiquated, bizarre, unconstitutional, normally unenforced anti-“sodomy” laws; and 2) the rude manner in which the caller is treated by Cooch’s office. The embarrassment to Virginia continues embarrassing.

I telephoned both the Office of the Governor of Virginia and the Office of the Attorney General of Virginia concerning the very public stance they’ve taken concerning non-heterosexually oriented persons in their state.

I also took this chance to complain to the Attorney General concerning a practice of some of Virginia’s local law-enforcement jurisdictions, where they continue to make arrests for violations of Virginia’s sodomy laws, imprisoning men for violations of those laws, then having the judges dismiss those charges when the men are brought to trial – not at arraignment, but at actual trial. I reminded the Virginia AG’s Office of Lawrence v. Texas, and how the Supreme Court had issued a decision which negated all sodomy laws, nationwide.

The AG’s Office informed me Virginia has not repealed their sodomy laws, so that arrest under those laws was still justified, and the process in place was correct: local jurisdictions follow the laws on the books, a trial court dismisses those charges to conform with federal court decisions; that was “how the system works.”

Then the kicker:

“Y’all don’t even live here, so it really doesn’t affect you. Goodbye.”


I just hope that Cooch’s job doesn’t include promoting Virginia tourism, certainly not with the slogan, “Virginia is for lovers!” Ha.

Summary, Highlights of GMU Health Care Reform Rally


Mary Lee Cerillo writes the following about the health care reform rally with President Obama this morning at George Mason University.

Have just returned from the Health Care Reform event at George Mason University.  It was unbelievable to see the thousands upon thousands of like-minded Americans of all ages and walks of life supporting our President and Health Care reform.  The Patriot Center was packed with very few open seats and the crowd stood for the President during his entire speech.  

The supporters for Health Care Reform far outnumbered the one hundred or so people who were outside the Patriot Center protesting.  Many of their signs were the usual misconceptions and lies about Health Care and what America needs to do for its citizens.  It was business as usual with protestors sure that Health Care Reform will kill granny, will be given to illegal immigrants and will involve a government take over.  What the signs didn’t say was that Health Care Reform and the bill to be voted on this weekend involves a commonsense bill that takes into account both the ideas from Democrats AND from Republicans.  Rather than insurance companies or the government controlling our health care, control will be given back to the American people.

President Obama laid out three goals of Health Care Reform.  They include:

1. Ending the worst practices of insurance companies.  This will be a “Patient Bill of Rights on Steroids.”  Thousands will have the right to buy health are.  Denying coverage to kids with preexisting conditions will be no more.  Insurance companies dropping coverage when a patient gets ill, will cease.  Young students will have the right to stay under their parent’s health care until the age of 26 which will provide them with some security.

2.  Small business owners will get the same choices as members of Congress do, in choosing health care.  They will receive tax credits.  This will be paid for by the elimination of fraud.  It will be paid for up front unlike the past administration who passed a prescription bill that was never paid for ad resulted in a huge addition to the federal deficit.  President Obama promised young people that a credit card wouldn’t be taken out in their name to pay for Health Care Reform.

3.  The cost of health care will go down.  Individuals cost will decrease from 14-20%.  Employees costs would go down $3,000 per employee.  Who knows?  Maybe that might result in a raise which would be a totally new concept for so many employees who have forgotten what it’s like to get a raise in their paycheck.  Health Care Reform will also reduce the federal deficit whereas the so called fiscal conservatives raised the deficit by 1 trillion dollars.  Now their mantra is we can’t afford this.  This was said about both Social Security

AND Medicare.

President Obama has the courage of his convictions to not care what the polls say.  They don’t matter.  We need do this for Americans because it’s the right thing to do!!!!!!!

The Time for Change and Reform is NOW.

Thanks to all of you who came out today and showed your support for our President!!!!  The crowd and support are still very much for President Obama.. God Bless America and let’s hope this weekend our legislators do what’s right for our citizens.

Photos: Faces of Health Care Reform Supporters


Thanks to Mary Lee Cerillo for these excellent photos of health reform supporters from this morning’s rally at George Mason University.

PHOTOS: Barack Obama at the Patriot Center


Obama at Patriot Center

Panorama shot of the crowd, click to embiggen.

Thousands of supporters greeted Barack Obama at a last-minute rally before the expected health care reform vote on Sunday. Flickr set, slideshow below.

Breaking: Tom Perriello Will Vote FOR Health Care Reform


I just heard the great news, will provide more information as I receive it. Thank you Congressman Perriello!!

UPDATE: If you want, you can thank Tom by contributing to his reelection campaign.

UPDATE #2: The News & Advance confirms that Perriello will vote “yes,” noting that “he’s convinced that the bill will not use tax dollars for abortion, and also has provisions that could reduce the number of abortions.”

UPDATE #3: Tom Perriello’s statement.

After all of the valid ideological debates, health care reform for me comes down to whether this bill will save money for working families and small business and whether it will keep our hospitals and clinics from closing their doors. It will. At this moment, we either move towards solutions or point fingers while our health care system, our federal treasury, and our middle-class families go bankrupt. I will not sit by while that happens to our nation and our families. I came to Washington to do what is necessary, not what is easy, and reforming our health care system ranks near the top of that list.

This legislation will reduce our federal deficit by $1.2 trillion, and for a family of four making $60,000 a year, they can expect to see their costs lowered by $1,000-$2,000 every year under this legislation, and probably more over time. That is real money back in the pockets of working families at a critical time.

I believe this health care reform legislation is a critical step forward for America. But I cannot support the backroom deals and kickbacks infamously inserted into Senate side, like the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase. Nor can I support the crushing 40% tax that would fall on many middle-class families under their bill. So I am prepared to vote yes on health care reform as soon as 51 Senators commit to seeing this reconciliation bill through to completion.

President Obama at GMU: Pregame Activity


Prior to President Obama’s speech on health care reform today at George Mason University, there was the standard “pregame activity” by protestors and supporters of various sorts. Here are a few photos, I’m hoping to get better ones later from people with real cameras instead of Flip videos…

P.S. Speaking of video, I’m uploading President Obama’s excellent speech to YouTube now, hopefully it will be available later this afternoon or this evening at latest.

UPDATED: Excellent new photos thanks to Mary Lee Cerillo!

“Congress, and its Catholics, should say yes to health care reform”


The National Catholic Reporter weighs in on health care reform.

Congress, and its Catholics, should say yes to health care reform.

We do not reach this conclusion as easily as one might think, given the fact that we have supported universal health care for decades, as have the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catholic Health Association and other official and non-official organs of the Catholic church. There are, to be sure, grave problems with the bill the House will consider in the next few days. It maintains the squirrelly system of employer-based health care coverage that impedes cost reduction. Its treatment of undocumented workers is shameful. It is unnecessarily complicated, even Byzantine, in some of its provisions. It falls short of providing true universal coverage.

Nonetheless, the choice Congress faces is between the status quo and change — and the current bill is a profoundly preferable step in the direction of positive change. The legislation will lower costs, not only for individuals and small businesses currently burdened by rising premiums, but for the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which threaten to strangle the federal budget. It will extend health care coverage to 30 million Americans who currently lack it. Finally, a society that covers most of its citizens will be a society more likely to eventually cover everyone — our immigrant brothers and sisters included.


The current health care bill, for all of its problems and all of its controversies, will further turn our society in the direction of solidarity and away from the Social Darwinism its opponents prefer.

Congress, and its Catholic members who seek to promote the common good, should vote yes.

Speaking of “common good” Catholics, I certainly hope that my friend Tom Perriello ends up voting “yes” on this bill, imperfect as it is, for the reasons laid out by the National Catholic Reporter, the Catholic nuns, and many others.  Thanks, Tom.

McDonnell Poised to Sign Dangerous Gun Legislation


For Immediate Release

March 17, 2010      


State Police Chiefs Describe Guns in Bars as a “Recipe for Disaster”

Richmond, VA- Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell has until April 12 to take action on three unpopular gun bills that would put state residents at greater risk of gun violence:  SB 334, SB 408, and HB 1217.  Four gun violence prevention organizations-the Virginia Center for Public Safety (VACPS), the Virginia Chapters of the Million Mom March, Protest Easy Guns (PEG) and the Angel Fund-are calling on Governor McDonnell to veto this dangerous legislation and stand by a March 10 press release where he declared, “The foremost obligation of government is public safety.”  

SB 334 would allow concealed carry permit holders to bring loaded handguns into establishments that have a liquor license in Virginia, including bars, nightclubs, restaurants, pizza parlors and bowling alleys.  The bill would bar permit holders from consuming alcohol while armed, but contains no mechanism to enforce this provision.  

The legislation is directly at odds with the expressed wishes of Virginia residents.  In an October 2009 Christopher Newport University poll, 68% of likely voters in Virginia answered “No” when asked, “Do you think people with concealed weapons permits should be allowed to bring their weapons into restaurants that sell alcohol?”  

SB 334 is also opposed by the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police and the Virginia Hospitality and Travel Association.  In a letter to Governor McDonnell on behalf of the state’s police chiefs, Virginia Beach Police Chief Jake Jacocks, Jr. wrote, “We can fully expect that at some point in the future a disagreement that today would likely end up in a verbal confrontation, or a bar fight, will inevitably end up with gunfire if you sign this legislation into law.”

Bar owners would be allowed to put up a sign that prohibits firearms in their establishments if the bill is signed into law, but as Robert Hodges, the owner of Bud Foster’s Restaurant, noted, “How likely is someone from out of town to enter a restaurant or bar where they have a big sign posted that says ‘No guns allowed?'”  

Randy Rayburn, a Nashville restaurant owner, has commented on the effects of Tennessee’s gun in bars law on the state’s tourism industry:  “It’s very critical to our industry that our customers and our employees feel safe … [The law] has been used against our industry by our competitors across the country to encourage tourism and conventions to not come to our cities in Tennessee.”  

Another bill on Governor McDonnell’s desk, SB 408, would allow those without concealed carry permits to keep loaded handguns in their vehicles or boats if stored in a locked container such as a glove compartment.  Previously, Virginia residents were required to keep loaded handguns in plain view in their vehicles so that law enforcement could easily spot weapons during traffic stops.

Finally, HB 1217 requires the Virginia Board of Education to establish a standardized program of gun safety education for students in elementary school.  The National Rifle Association’s “Eddie Eagle” program is named in the legislation as being an appropriate model for the Board.  The legislation ignores numerous studies that demonstrate that familiarizing children with guns makes them more-not less-likely to handle firearms when adults are not present.

Despite the fact that the NRA’s Director of Federal Affairs was a member of his transition team, “Governor McDonnell promised to pursue a moderate path as Virginia’s Governor,” said Andy Goddard, President of the Richmond Chapter of the Million Mom March.  “Unfortunately, rather than focusing on issues that Virginians are deeply concerned about-such as transportation, the economy and jobs-Governor McDonnell encouraged his friends in the legislature to waste valuable time considering dozens of bills promoted by the gun lobby.”  

“The governor talks about the importance of public safety, but in practice he has cut millions of dollars in public safety funding from the state budget and supported a number of dangerous changes to Virginia’s gun laws,” said VACPS Board Member Lori Haas.  “Commonwealth families now have one last chance to hold him to his word and insist he veto SB 334, SB 408 and HB 1217.”

CONTACT:  Lori Haas of VACPS at (804) 399-4893 or clewthaas@comcast.net, Andy Goddard of MMM-VA at (804) 240-5614 or info@mmmrichmondva.org, Abby Spangler of PEG at abbyspangler@protesteasyguns.com and Joe Samaha of Angel Fund at contactus@angelfundva.org.

The Virginia Center for Public Safety (formerly known as Virginians Against Handgun Violence) is a statewide organization that was founded in 1992 after a young person was shot outside a school in Hampton Roads.  The organization seeks to create a safer Virginia through education, public forums, youth outreach, and work in the public policy arena.  VACPS believes that a chief cause of gun violence is the easy access that criminals and youth have to guns in the state.

As the nation’s largest, non-partisan, grassroots organization leading the fight to prevent gun violence, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, working with its dedicated network of Million Mom March Chapters, is devoted to creating an America free from gun violence, where all Americans are safe at home, at school, at work, and in our communities.

Protest Easy Guns is a grassroots protest movement of Americans that emerged in response to the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history at Virginia Tech. We are outraged at how easy it is to obtain a gun in the United States and believe it is time to change lax laws that allow criminals and dangerous individuals easy access to guns.  Each of the movement’s “Lie-In” protests includes 32 individuals (symbolizing the number of students and teachers murdered at Virginia Tech) who lie on the ground for just a few minutes (signifying the brief amount of time it takes to buy a gun in the United States). Our goal is to encourage like-minded citizens to stage their own protests around the country so that we can influence the public discourse and ultimately the legislative process with regard to this critical national problem.

Angel Fund is the family, friends, neighbors and advocates of Reema Samaha, who was tragically killed on April 16, 2007 at Virginia Tech by a lone gunman, along with 31 other students and faculty.  There were many complex issues that contributed to the Virginia Tech tragedy: mental illness, campus safety and security, lack of information sharing, privacy and gun laws.  We would like to address those policies and laws we felt contributed to the tragedy and to seek practical and reasonable solutions to avoid another similar tragedy.  We, therefore, would like to honor Reema’s memory by making the world a safer place through education, advocacy and implementing practical solutions.  

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Programming Note: “Old” Blue Virginia URLs


Just a quick programming note. You may have noticed that your links to diaries at the “old” Blue Virginia – the Blogger version – are no longer working. You may have also noticed that when you click on Google search results of “old” Blue Virginia articles, you get a broken link.  The reason is not that the articles are gone, it’s just that they’ve moved and Google hasn’t picked up on that yet. If you want to find any of those articles, simply change the portion of the URL that says “bluevirginia.us” to “bluevablog.blogspot.com” and you’ll find what you’re looking for. Sorry for any inconvenience, and hopefully we’ll have a simpler and easier fix soon.