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FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Historic Rules to Create Good-Paying, High-Quality Clean Energy Jobs


From the White House:

FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Historic Rules to Create Good-Paying, High-Quality Clean Energy Jobs
Inflation Reduction Act final rules build on Administration actions to develop a skilled, well-paid workforce to build the clean energy economy and combat the climate crisis
Since day one, President Biden has committed to building a clean energy economy that creates good-paying and union jobs for American workers. Spurred by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, which includes the most significant investment in climate and clean energy in history, America has unleashed a clean energy manufacturing and deployment boom that has attracted hundreds of billions of dollars in private sector investment and created more than 270,000 new good-paying and union clean energy jobs. These investments are flowing to the places President Biden promised not to leave behind, including the historic energy communities that have powered this nation for generations and economically distressed communities, providing jobs and economic opportunity, particularly for workers without a college degree.

The Inflation Reduction Act delivered on President Biden’s commitment to be the most pro-worker, pro-union president in history, attaching strong labor protections and incentives to climate and clean energy tax credits for the first time ever. Outside analysis projects that the Inflation Reduction Act could create 1.5 million additional jobs over the next decade, and these provisions will ensure that those jobs building wind farms, installing solar panels, and constructing hydrogen and carbon capture facilities will be good-paying and support proven pathways into the clean energy industry that will allow workers to earn while they learn.

Today, the Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service announced final rules implementing the prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship increased credit provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act.

Clean energy projects that meet the requirements of these final rules will receive a fivefold increase for clean energy tax credits for deployment of wind, solar, nuclear, hydrogen, and other clean energy technologies, as well as for projects receiving allocations under the Section 48C Advanced Energy Projects credit., providing a significant incentive for project developers to pay prevailing wages to workers for construction, alteration, and repair of clean energy projects and to hire registered apprentices to earn while they learn by working on those projects.

Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su also published a blog highlighting the use of Project Labor Agreements as a best practice for large construction projects and a tool to help project developers comply with the prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements. Project Labor Agreements, or pre-hire collective bargaining agreements that set the terms and conditions for employment on a construction project, help workers and developers alike by providing strong worker and wage protections while ensuring a reliable supply of skilled workers to help deliver projects on time and on budget.

The final rules provide certainty for clean energy developers and workers to realize the benefits of President Biden’s historic investments in the clean energy economy. To protect workers and ensure compliance with these requirements, the IRS also released a Fact Sheet that can be posted at job sites and used to educate workers about the prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship standards for clean energy projects, including information on how to use IRS Form 3949-A to report suspected violations of tax law. The IRS and Department of Labor (DOL) also announced that they are working on an MOU, to be signed by the end of the year, that will harness DOL’s extensive prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship expertise, to facilitate joint education and public outreach, develop training content for IRS examiners, and formalize a process for DOL to share with IRS, any credible tips or information about potential noncompliance with the prevailing wage and registered apprenticeship requirements.

Today’s announcement builds on efforts across the Administration to create strong pathways into good-paying and union jobs in clean energy and build a high-quality, diverse pipeline of workers prepared to build the clean energy economy of the future:

  • The Department of Labor launched an interactive map to highlight for workers, unions, and the public more than 1,000 planned clean energy projects nationwide, including the estimated number of workers at each project who stand to benefit if taxpayers satisfy the prevailing wage and apprenticeship requirements.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration launched a series of Investing in America Workforce Hubs, partnerships with state and local officials, employers, unions, community colleges, high schools, and other stakeholders in regions with significant investments through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, to connect Americans to good-paying jobs in industries of the future, including Hubs focused on clean energy.
  • First Lady Jill Biden announced the first set of five Hubs in May 2023, fueling significant progress in building and scaling new job training opportunities, while President Biden announced four more hubs in April to build on the success of the first set.
    • The Augusta, Georgia Workforce Hub announced partnerships between employers, unions, nonprofits, philanthropy, school districts, and colleges to build workforce and skills development efforts to meet the needs of the energy, battery and battery materials, and nuclear sectors.
  • The Pittsburgh Workforce Hub announced hundreds of new job opportunities and training pathways—including registered apprenticeships—in clean energy, as well as in cyber occupations that support clean energy and other critical sectors.
  • Building on historic investments in electric vehicle and battery manufacturing, President Biden launched the Michigan Electric Vehicle Workforce Hub, building on significant efforts underway, to ensure that the transition to electric vehicle supports the union workers and communities that have driven the auto industry for generations.
    • Vice President Kamala Harris visited Detroit in May to announce a suite of actions to support small- and mid-sized auto manufacturers and auto workers to lead the electric vehicle future.
  • In the Columbus Workforce Hub, Columbus State Community College is working with partners across the state to quadruple the number of students trained for engineering technology jobs. In addition, partners are preparing at least 10,000 skilled construction trades workers, including for clean energy jobs in the area.
  • The Department of Energy launched the Community Workforce Readiness Accelerator for Major Projects (RAMP) initiative, a pilot initiative that places selected fellows from across the nation in target geographies in order to  convene and  catalyze effective, inclusive workforce strategies to prepare and connect local workers to good jobs on large clean energy infrastructure and supply chain projects funded the Investing in America agenda.
  • The Department of Energy continues to incentivize grant and loan recipients across a wide array of Investing In America programs to commit to the use of registered apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, project labor agreements, collective bargaining agreements, community benefits agreements, and other established tools to ensure that workers have accessible on-ramps to good-paying and union jobs in the growing clean energy economy.
  • The Department of Energy, in coordination with the Department of Labor and the AFL-CIO, launched the Battery Workforce Initiative, a national workforce development strategy for lithium-battery manufacturing with $5 million to support pilot training programs. Recently, the Battery Workforce Initiative announced National Guideline Standards for registered apprenticeships for battery machine operators, created in partnership with battery manufacturers, community colleges, and unions, which lay out rigorous training requirements to support the skilled battery workforce.
  • Last week, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that it would invest $60 million from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to advance climate-ready workforce projects in coastal and Great Lakes states, Tribes, and territories. The Climate-Ready Workforce Initiative will fund skills training in emergency preparedness and response, floodproofing, structural elevation, water and wastewater treatment, geographic information systems, and other critical climate-ready jobs. Every awarded project supports a community identified as disadvantaged by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.
  • The Department of Labor announced the award of nearly $94 million in grants to support 34 public-private partnerships to provide worker-centered sector strategy training programs in 25 states and the District of Columbia to meet workforce needs created by the Biden-Harris administration’s “Investing in America” agenda. The training will support jobs in sectors including clean energy. This investment will build career pathways in manufacturing Electric Vehicles (EVs), EV batteries, and EV charging infrastructure in places like Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The Department of Labor also announced the availability of approximately $35 million in funding through the second round of Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs grants to be awarded.
  • The Department of Energy announced up to $24 million in high-quality training for union apprentices, incumbent workers, and students for in-demand jobs in advanced manufacturing and clean energy through the Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) Program. The announcement is part of the IAC Program’s unprecedented expansion to include Registered Apprenticeship, union-led training, and community and technical college programs through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. It follows DOE’s $40 million investment, announced in November, to support 17 new IACs as well as the inaugural cohort of 10 Building Training and Assessment Centers.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration launched the Advanced Manufacturing Sprint, an intensive drive to build a diverse, skilled pipeline of workers for needed to fill the good advanced manufacturing jobs created by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, including in clean energy, biotechnology, semiconductors, and more. As part of the Sprint, the Department of Labor announced that more than 4,700 apprentices have been hired and more than 150 new programs and occupations created or under development during the course of its Advanced Manufacturing Registered Apprenticeship Accelerator Series—including in the clean energy, semiconductor, aerospace, automotive, and biotechnology sectors.
  • The Department of Labor launched a $20 million cooperative agreement with TradesFutures, the nonprofit organization of partner of North America’s Building Trades Unions) and the National Urban League, to enroll more than 13,000 participants in apprenticeship readiness programs, giving them hands-on learning experience and skills development, and place at least 7,000 participants into Registered Apprenticeships in the construction industry. The launch followed the Department of Labor’s announcement of nearly $200 million in grants to expand registered apprenticeships, including for clean energy jobs.
  • The Biden-Harris Administration launched the Infrastructure Talent Pipeline Challenge, nationwide call to action that brought together more than 350 employers, unions, education and training providers, states, local governments, Tribes, territories, philanthropic organizations, and other stakeholders to make tangible commitments that support equitable workforce development in critical sectors, including electrification.
    • As part of the Talent Pipeline Challenge, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers trained more than 20,000 members through the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program to meet the training requirements for the Department of Transportation National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program to install fast EV chargers on national corridors and in communities.
  • The Department of Labor has invested more than $440 million to expand, diversify, and modernize registered apprenticeships, including in high demand clean energy occupations including electricians, water treatment specialists, wind turbine maintenance technicians and other occupations. DOL has also invested in a clean energy apprenticeship industry intermediary, Interstate Renewable Energy Coalition, to increase industry awareness, connect employers and labor organizations with workforce and education partners, and provide technical assistance to launch, scale, and diversify Registered Apprenticeship programs. These investments and resources expand the capacity of the Registered Apprenticeship system, supporting the education and training needs of more than 1 million apprentices across the country, including the clean energy sector.
  • The Department of Energy is working with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory on a first of its kind national Energy Workforce Needs Assessment to project employment impacts from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda and related private investments by occupation and geography, analyze current education and training capacity, and identify the most acute workforce gaps and strategies to fill them.
  • The Department of Energy has convened a federal advisory committee called the 21st Century Energy Workforce Advisory Board to develop a strategy and recommendations on how DOE and other federal agencies should address the workforce needs, challenges, and opportunities of a rapidly changing energy system. The report is expected in early August.

Virginia Primary Day (June 18, 2024): Open Thread


Today is primary election day in Virginia; polls are open from 6 am to 7 pm, and you can vote at your regular polling location. In addition to primaries for Congress in VA01, VA02, VA05, VA07, VA10 and VA11, there are also primaries for some local offices (e.g., Arlington County Board) as well. For some analysis (by Sam Shirazi) on these primaries, see here.  The races I’ll be watching today include:

U.S. Senate GOP Primary:  Hung Cao vs. Scott Parkinson vs. Eddie Garcia vs. Jonathan Emord vs. Chuck Smith

U.S. House Primaries

  • VA01 Democratic: Leslie Mehta vs. Herb Jones
  • VA02 Democratic: Jake Denton vs. Missy Cotter Smasal
  • VA05 Democratic: Gloria Witt vs. Paul Riley vs. Gary Terry
  • VA05 GOP: Rep. Bob Good vs. State Sen. John McGuire
  • VA07 Democratic: Eugene Vindman vs. Del. Briana Sewell vs. former Del. Elizabeth Guzman vs. Carl Bedell vs. Cliff Heinzer vs. PW County Supervisor Margaret Angela Franklin vs. PW County Supervisor Andrea Bailey
  • VA07 GOP: Derrick Anderson vs. Cameron Hamilton vs. Jon Myers vs. John Prabhudoss vs. Maria Martin vs. Terris Todd
  • VA10 Democratic: Former Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn. vs. State Sen. Suhas Subramanyam vs. former VA Secretary of Education Atif Qarni vs. Del. Dan Helmer vs. Marion Devoe Sr. vs Krystle Kaul vs. State Sen. Jennifer Boysko vs. Adrian Pokharel vs. Del. Michelle Maldonado vs. Mark Leighton vs. Del. David Reid vs. Travis Nembhard
  • VA10 GOP: Mike Clancy vs. Alex Isaac vs. Aliscia Andrews vs. Manga Anantatmula
  • VA11 Democratic: Rep. Gerry Connolly vs. Ahsan Nasar


  • Arlington County Board (Democratic): Tenley Peterson vs. Natalie Roy vs. JD Spain vs. Julie Farnam vs. James DeVita
  • Alexandria Mayor (Democratic): Alyia Gaskins vs. Amy Jackson vs. Steven Peterson
  • Alexandria City Council (Democratic): R. Kirk McPike vs. Jimmy Lewis vs. Abdel Elnoubi vs. Sarah Bagley vs. Canek Aguirre vs. Jesse O’Connell vs. Kevin Harris vs. John Taylor Chapman vs. Jonathan Huskey vs. Jacinta Greene vs. Charlotte Scherer
  • Roanoke City Council (Democratic): Terry McGuire vs. Phazhon Nash vs. Benjamin Woods vs. Jamaal Jackson (who dropped out but remains on the ballot)

With that…what are you seeing and hearing out there? What’s turnout like in your neck of the woods? Who did you vote for and why? Feel free to add your observations in the comments section.

Tuesday News: “A heat wave not seen in decades”; “Biden to Give Legal Protections to Undocumented Spouses of U.S. Citizens”; “White House slams ‘bad faith’ viral clips of Biden”; “Trump Seeks Payback by Targeting Virginia Republican”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Tuesday, June 18 – primary day in Virginia (polls opened at 6 am, close at 7 pm – make sure you vote!).

Chairs of Virginia Courts of Justice Committees: Attorney General Miyares’s Opposition to ABA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Standards Does Not Reflect Virginia’s Values


From VA Senate Majority Leader Scott Surovell:

Chairs of Virginia Courts of Justice Committees: Attorney General Miyares’s Opposition to ABA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Standards Does Not Reflect Virginia’s Values

Mount Vernon, VA—Today, Senator Scott Surovell (D-Mount Vernon) and Delegate Patrick Hope (D-Arlington), Chairs of the Virginia Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees, wrote to the Council of the American Bar Association (ABA) condemning Attorney General Miyares’ recent attack on the ABA’s diversity, equity, and inclusion standards for law schools.

Earlier this month, Attorney General Miyares joined with 20 of his Republican colleagues in signing a letter demanding that the ABA revoke its standards requiring law schools to work towards diversity and inclusion in law school hiring and broad access to legal education and the legal profession for everyone, regardless of their background or identity. The Attorney General’s position does not reflect Virginia’s laws, which emphasize the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Virginia’s code specifically establishes a Director and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, aimed at promoting inclusive practices in Virginia’s state government.

Surovell and Hope wrote in their letter today: “The Attorney General—who won his election by .8% of the vote or 26,000 people out of over 3.2 million votes cast —does not speak for Virginia or its attorneys. As chairs of the Senate and House Courts of Justice Committees in Virginia, we value the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession and support the American Bar Association’s efforts to ensure diversity in law school faculty and staff and to promote access to the study of law for every individual, regardless of race, gender, or other protected classifications.”

“Virginia is a very diverse place, with our citizens coming from many different backgrounds. We value inclusion, equity, and accessibility, and strive to ensure that everyone in our Commonwealth feels welcome and safe, and has the opportunity to succeed. We have worked hard to dismantle systemic inequities in our Commonwealth, and have made significant progress in those efforts. The Attorney General’s letter is a step backward, is not reflective of the Virginia laws he swore an obligation to uphold, and does not reflect our values as Virginians.”


Senator Scott A. Surovell represents the 34th Senate District encompassing Southeastern Fairfax County. Prior to his time in the Senate, Surovell served six years in the House of Delegates. Surovell lives in Mt. Vernon.  He practices law and has dedicated his legislative career to fighting for Northern Virginia’s fair share, protecting consumers, and preserving our environment for future generations.

Video: Team Biden-Harris Takes Aim at Convicted Felon Donald Trump as Part of $50M June Ad Campaign


Great stuff from the Biden-Harris reelection campaign:

Team Biden-Harris Takes Aim at Convicted Felon Donald Trump as Part of $50M June Ad Campaign

Ahead of June Debate, “Character Matters” Highlights Central Dynamic of the Race: Joe Biden Fighting for the American People, While Trump Only Cares About Himself

Broader $50 Million Campaign for the Month of June Includes Historic Investments into African American, Hispanic, and AAPI Media

Today, Team Biden-Harris is announcing a historic $50 million paid media campaign targeting voters in battleground states for the month of June alone, as part of its aggressive and comprehensive efforts to engage and activate the voters who will decide this election. The campaign includes historic, seven-figure investments into reaching Black, Latino, and AANHPI voters – the largest investments to date.

Just over a week before the first presidential debate, the campaign is releasing a new ad that lays out the choice Americans will see on the debate stage on June 27 between President Biden, who is fighting for the American people every day, and convicted felon Donald Trump who is fighting for himself.

Character Matters,” reminds voters who Donald Trump is: a criminal convicted on 34 felony counts and found liable for sexual assault and financial fraud. The ad makes clear that Trump’s status as a convicted felon isn’t just a label – it’s a reflection of a spiraling and unhinged man who will do anything for power, revenge, and retribution. “Character Matters” draws a sharp and startling contrast to President Biden who is focused on improving the lives of hardworking Americans, lowering costs, and taking on corporate greed, forcing big corporations to pay their fair share.

As a part of the June $50 million paid media campaign, “Character Matters” will run on general market television and Connected TV in all battleground states and on national cable.

“Trump approaches the first debate as a convicted felon who continues to prove that he will do anything and harm anyone if it means more power and vengeance for Donald Trump,” said Biden-Harris 2024 Communications Director Michael Tyler. “That’s why he was convicted, that’s why he encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol on January 6, and it’s why his entire campaign is an exercise in revenge and retribution; because that man is blind to the people a president should be serving and will do absolutely anything for his own personal gain and for his own power.

“Character matters, and the President of the United States should be someone who understands that the highest office in the land is about you and your family – not a vehicle to enrich yourself. That is the ethos Joe Biden puts into the job every day: to fight for safer communities, for the middle class, and to ensure that corporations are paying their fair share. It’s a stark contrast, and it’s one that matters deeply to the American people. And it’s why we will make sure that every single day we are reminding voters about how Joe Biden is fighting for them, while Donald Trump runs a campaign focused on one man and one man only: himself.”

The Road to Atlanta

The launch of this ad campaign comes alongside Team Biden-Harris’ aggressive efforts to lay out the stakes to voters ahead of the Atlanta debate. Throughout June, the campaign has focused its efforts on the issues that Donald Trump has to answer for: his extreme agenda of ripping away Americans’ freedoms, undermining American democracy, and selling out the middle class. Throughout this month, we’ve taken that message to the voters that will decide this election:

  • Biden-Harris 2024 launched an organizing push around the two-year Dobbs decision anniversary to mobilize volunteers and to communicate to battleground voters about all that’s at stake in this election for reproductive freedom. Through battleground events, mobilizing storytellers that have been impacted by Trump’s cruel abortion bans, and an aggressive paid media campaign, the Biden-Harris campaign is reminding voters that Trump is the architect of the decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.
  • Led by Dr. Jill Biden, Team Biden-Harris has mobilized and energized seniors across the country in the fight for lower health care costs, lower drug costs, and highlighting Trump’s plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. Doug Emhoff has also traveled, and across every battleground, events from bingo to pickleball have brought the stakes of this election to seniors.
  • The brave officers who defended the Capitol on January 6 and risked death – all because of a violent mob inspired by Donald Trump – have been traveling to battleground states this month with a simple message: our democracy cannot afford Donald Trump.

June’s historic paid media campaign also continues Team Biden-Harris’ aggressive efforts to reach voters of color – the backbone of the Biden-Harris coalition. The investments announced today into Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI), Latino, and African American media are the largest to date for the campaign. These ads will also be placed in critical channels across television, radio, print, and online and focus on the issues that matter most to these communities. For example:

  • Protect” and Thrive,” focus on the importance of the Affordable Care Act for AANHPI voters.
  • “No One,” featuring both English and Spanish, emphasizes President Biden’s relentless fight to lower costs and fight corporate greed – even when he’s going up against a billionaire like Donald Trump.
  • And on the heels of an eight-figure investment in outreach to Black voters with the launch of Black Voters for Biden-Harris, Team Biden-Harris also launched “Promises Kept,” a radio ad underscoring the promises made and kept by President Biden and Vice President Harris for Black communities.


Paid for by Biden for President

Republican-Friendly Politico Article Asks, “What Happened to Glenn Youngkin?” The Answer: Relentless Failure, No Significant Accomplishments, a Pathetic Attempt to Curry Favor with the MAGA/Trumpist Extreme-Right, etc.


What happened to Glenn Youngkin? That’s the question Politico asked Sunday morning, with the answers being overwhelmingly NOT flattering to Youngkin. Of course, if the news media had done its friggin’ job in 2021, instead of relentlessly pushing the false narrative that Youngkin was some sort of “mystery date” or “moderate” or whatever, Youngkin probably never would have been elected governor in the first place.  But the WaPo in particular, along with numerous other media outlets, clearly valued their precious “access” above their integrity as journalists. They also were – and remain – terrified of angering the right wing, or feeding into the false narrative that they’re some sort of “liberal media,” which is of course beyond laughable. Anyway, check out the article by Politico – which is normally VERY friendly to Republicans! – about Youngkin, including the following highlights.

  • “…while Youngkin has been insufficiently Trumpish to please the MAGA gatekeepers, he’s also failed to forge the relationships in Richmond crucial to building a record and eventual legacy, even if it would have chiefly been breaking ground on a $2 billion sports-and-concerts Taj Mahal on the Potomac.”
  • “Scott, the speaker, was even blunter about Youngkin’s failure to court State Senator L. Louise Lucas, the Democratic legislator who torpedoed the so-called Glenndome: ‘They thought she was invisible — I bet they see her ass now.'”
  •  “’He doesn’t know Virginia politics and the Virginia governorship,’ said [former Gov. Doug] Wilder.”
  • “When I asked what signature accomplishment Youngkin would be known for, Allen paused, acknowledged it was a good question…”
  • “Scott told me that when he attended the Kennedy Center Honors late last year with Warner, the two encountered David Rubenstein, the former Carlyle Group CEO who worked with Youngkin at the private equity firm. Rubenstein, Scott recalled, said Youngkin is focused on one objective: becoming president.”

“What happened to Glenn Youngkin? One word: Failure! 🤷‍♂️ From flopped legislative control to losing the FBI HQ to Maryland, Youngkin’s tenure is a series of epic fails. Networking issues, failed deals, and no signature accomplishments – promises made, promises broken, legacy: nada” – Marc Broklawski

In fact, by saying things like “President Trump represents so much of why I’m running,” campaigning for extremists like Kari Lake, endorsing Trump for president, etc., Youngkin VERY MUCH has made his choice – MAGA all the way, not “pragmatic” at all.

“The media loves pumping up people like Youngkin even though there was never any evidence his appeal extended nationally and then wonder why he never gained any traction …”

Youngkin‘s win required a perfect storm of Dem voters being disengaged (this was pre-Dobbs) and facing a weak opponent in Terry McAuliffe, who made serious errors. Democrats decided McAuliffe was a great candidate after he narrowly beat an immensely flawed Ken Cuccinelli in 2013.”


In other words, Youngkin has had no serious accomplishments…per former Gov. George Allen, a conservative Republican.

Chesterfield County Officials and Dominion Move to Deny Public Engagement in Gas Plant Review


From Friends of Chesterfield: 

Chesterfield County officials and Dominion move to Deny Public Engagement in gas plant review



Glen Besa, Board Chair, Friends of Chesterfield, 

June 17, 2024

Chesterfield, VA – Friends of Chesterfield is challenging how county officials have handled the decision-making process for a 1000-megawatt gas plant Dominion Energy is proposing near the James River. The resident group outlined its objections in a letter sent on June 12th, highlighting the importance of community input around a project located near thousands of households and with serious health and financial impacts. 

“Chesterfield residents have made it crystal clear to county officials and to Dominion that we do not want another source of pollution in our backyard. Rather than responding meaningfully to these concerns, Dominion and the county appear to be cutting us out of the process entirely,” said Glen Besa, a founding member of the  Friends of Chesterfield County.  

The county’s position, stated in a May 24 letter to Dominion Energy, is that they are unable to make a determination and are not required to sign a Suitability and Value form the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality needs to move forward with permitting for the project.  In response, Friends of Chesterfield advised Board Chairman James Holland that “the Board has both the legal authority to take up the question of site suitability and the insight into local needs and values to make a principled decision” on the siting of the gas plant.

“Dominion is deliberately shutting the community members who stand the most to lose out of the decision making process; this is a textbook case of environmental injustice. I am one of tens of thousands of people who live near this proposed plant, and our community deserves a say when it comes to the air we and our families are breathing.” said Ann Butler, a county resident and mother.

County opposition has manifested itself in hundreds of letters and postcards as well as a petition signed by 300 residents to the supervisors opposing the gas plant.  At the April Board of Supervisors meeting more than 80 residents rallied in opposition to the gas plant.  In March of this year, nine state lawmakers released a public letter denouncing the plant, citing concerns over its fiscal impacts and threats to the state’s clean energy goals.

County residents will rally at the June 26th Chesterfield Board of Supervisors meeting at 10001 Iron Bridge Road at 6 p.m. to continue vocal opposition to the plant. To register, visit the Friends of Chesterfield website


Friends of Chesterfield is a community-based group in Chesterfield County dedicated to bringing residents together around the issues that impact our lives. Friends was formed in 2023 in response to Dominion Energy’s proposed 1000-megawatt methane gas power plant.

Monday News: “Epic heat wave” Another Clear Sign of the Climate Crisis; “Unhinged Psychopath” Trump’s Father’s Day Message From Hell; Defeating Trump the “only real priority…we should focus on. Nothing else matters.”; “Bob Good’s Republican Primary Has Split the MAGA Movement”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, June 17. Under 24 hours until polls open for Virginia’s primaries tomorrow.

Video: Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) Argues Dems “have to be…as tough as Republicans,” Use “raw power” Like Mitch McConnell Did


On MSNBC this morning, Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) argued something that SHOULD be obvious to all Democrats, but for some absurd reason isn’t.

  • “I think Democrats have to be willing to be as tough as Republicans…[when they go low, Democrats] go toe to toe; It would be nice to go high, but we’ll put that off for a little while. The stakes are just too high. You showed a picture of Judge Cannon in Florida; that’s what goes wrong when you put MAGA Republicans on the bench…she’s willing to thwart justice for a partisan political purpose to protect Trump. So we need to do what Mitch McConnell did in putting a Supreme Court justice on the Supreme Court, ignoring every past statement and just using raw power to make sure that his president’s appointments got confirmed. Well, we need to do the same.”


UPDATE 3:30 pm – More from Rep. Connolly (see video, below):

  • It is really sad that the Republican majority has decided to use the annual defense authorization bill as sort of a vehicle for their favorite causes, knowing cynically that, as you indicated, it is not going to pass the firewall of the Senate and won’t be signed Into law by President Biden. But that has not stopped them. And it is a sad day. In the past, we had strong bipartisan coalitions to protect the national security and national defense and not use it as some kind of punching bag.”
  • “I think it is important to remember that when we voted on the Ukraine aid package last month, it passed with 311 Votes. That is a pretty strong bipartisan vote in the  House. And so a future president has to take cognizance of that, that there is strong bipartisan support…we have a strong base of support for this agreement and possible future agreements. We are going to see Ukraine through until it prevails…There was certainly a five-month period in which I felt embarrassed. Democrats gave Speaker Mike Johnson a lot of credit for bringing up the Ukraine vote. I don’t…We lost five months and Ukrainians died and territory was lost during that five-month period. No excuse for it. We had the same 311 votes five months ago that we had when we finally [passed it]. And it was dithering, because a new Speaker did not know how to put together the coalition or allow a free vote on the floor that had overwhelming bipartisan support.”
  • “I think people vote their interests. So what’s in it for me? I don’t like inflation…And we have to remind them…You know, I love the question, ‘are you better off today than you were four years ago’? Four years ago, we were rationing and hoarding toilet paper. Remember  that? And we had shortages everywhere. The economy was tanking. Here we are four years later in the ideal economy leading the world – breaking records in the stock market, with unemployment and job creation. And we have kind of forgotten what it was like four years ago. A lot got done and we have to be not only taking credit for that but we have to be bringing that narrative to people and reminding them what it was like and how far we have come. And that is a huge accomplishment.”
  • “I think sometimes in messaging, Democrats tend to appeal to logos – the reason, cerebrally.  And most human beings kind of live a combination of that and my gut. And we can’t be ashamed about appealing to people’s self interest. We’ve got a lot to talk about in having satisfied your self interest. We have not persuaded them of that.  And I think also, we don’t get it that you’ve got to repeat repeat, rinse, repeat…We’ve got to get a lot better at boringly repeating messages until they penetrate and sink in.”

Sam Shirazi: Virginia Congressional Primary Preview


by Sam Shirazi

This November, Virginia will be getting at least two new members of Congress, with Democratic retirements in VA-7 (Abigail Spanberger, who’s running for governor) and in VA-10 (Jennifer Wexton, due to serious health reasons). It’s also possible incumbent Republicans could lose in VA-5 (during the primary) and VA-2 (during the general election).

The choices for who might ultimately fill these seats in November will first be decided during the June 18 primary. There will also be a statewide GOP primary to pick a nominee to take on Tim Kaine for U.S. Senate.

VA-10: The Most Unpredictable Race 

The crowded Democratic primary in VA-10 is the most unpredictable race of next Tuesday night. Rep. Jennifer Wexton unfortunately had to retire due to health reasons, which has led to 12 Democrats seeking the seat.

Rep. Wexton ultimately gave her endorsement to State Senator Suhas Subramanyam. Subramanyam represents the most voters currently in the district and comes from the growing Indian-American community. He is also the leading candidate who lives in Loudoun County, which makes up the majority of the district – so that could give him a leg up heading into June 18.

There are plenty of outside groups getting involved in the VA10 Democratic primary, making the race more unpredictable. The chief beneficiary has been Del. Dan Helmer, who has also won the Washington Post endorsement. Helmer saw late spending by different PACs on his behalf, such as VoteVets and one linked to the Crypto industry. Helmer also gave himself a late $250,000 donation and leads all the candidates in fundraising giving him a clear financial advantage. However, in the final days of the campaign, Helmer has faced allegations of sexual harassment, leading to several other candidates calling for him to drop out. At this point, it remains unclear what impact this late story will have on the race or his chances.

While Subramanyam and Helmer seem like the top contenders, several of the other candidates are still in the mix. Former Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn has also seen outside spending on her behalf from the Democratic Majority for Israel, and has the endorsement of former Governor Ralph Northam. But she has also seen the most negative advertisements against her, with progressive PACs attacking her record as former Speaker of the House of Delegates. She has pushed back against these attacks, and might also get a boost from women – who will make up the majority of primary voters – backing her.

State Senator Jennifer Boysko’s previous State Senate district included a large portion of Loudoun County, so she is also well known in VA-10. However, Boysko’s new State Senate district after redistricting is outside VA-10, and she suffered a setback by not getting Wexton’s endorsement. Still in such a fractured field, any candidate with a base of support can’t be counted out.

Other elected official running in VA-10 include Del. David Reid, and Del. Michelle Maldonado. Former Virginia Education Secretary Atif Qarni and 2023 House of Delegates candidate Travis Nembhard are also running. Rounding out the list of candidates are self-funder Krystal Kaul, Mark Leighton, Marion Devoe, and Adrian Pokharel.

Republicans also have a number of people running in their primary, including 2020 VA10 GOP nominee Aliscia Andrews, Mike Clancy, Alex Isaac, and Manga Anantatmula. It’s not obvious if any of them is clearly ahead of the pack, given the less attention the GOP primary has gotten as compared to the Democratic primary. Clancy might have a slight edge, as he is positioning himself as more of the “outsider” candidate, who often do well in GOP primaries.

Ultimately, this seat is very likely to stay in Democratic hands in a Presidential year. That means the winner of the Democratic primary is likely to be the next member of Congress for VA-10. The nature of the primary is such that there isn’t much certainty about who will win on either side, hence the “tilt” ratings for the primary.

Dem Primary rating: Tilt Subramanyam

GOP Primary rating: Tilt Clancy

General Rating: Safe Dem


VA-7: A National Figure as the Favorite 

In the VA-7 Democratic primary, there is more of a frontrunner (compared to VA10), with Eugene Vindman holding a big fundraising advantage and also endorsed by the Washington Post. Vindman rose to fame during the first impeachment of Trump, and has subsequently kept a national profile being critical of the former president. Vindman’s other big advantage in the Democratic primary is facing a divided field, with no clear alternative to take him on.

In addition to Vindman, there are six other Democratic candidates running in VA07, including Del. Brianna Sewell, former Del. Elizabeth Guzman, Prince William County Supervisor Andrea Bailey, Prince William County Supervisor Margaret Angela Franklin, Carl Bedell, and Clifford Heinzer.  It is likely that the vote will be split among the rest of the field, and in this scenario, it’s hard not to see Vindman as the favorite.

Republicans also have a primary here, with the Republican establishment backing Derrick Anderson, who also sought the nomination in 2022. But Cameron Hamilton is challenging Anderson, with more of an outsider appeal as he seeks the upset. Other Republicans running include Jon Myers, John Prabhudoss, Terris Todd, and Maria Martin.

VA-7 is one of two battleground districts in Virginia this year, with this one being more Democratic leaning. In a presidential year, Vindman should start off with an advantage in the general if he’s the Democratic nominee.

Dem Primary Rating: Likely Vindman

GOP Primary Rating: Lean Anderson

General Rating: Lean Dem


VA-5: Incumbent as an Underdog 

Incumbent Rep. Bob Good (R) is the underdog now that Trump endorsed his primary opponent State Senator John McGuire. Good was already in trouble before the endorsement, but Trump’s subsequent bashing of the incumbent only makes things worse for him. Still an incumbent is always hard to knock off in a primary, so Good can’t be fully counted out.

Democrats also have a primary here with Garry Terry, Gloria Tinsley Witt, and Paul Riley running. However, this race has gotten much less attention than the GOP primary and it’s not clear if any of them have an advantage.

While VA-5 is not the reddest district in Virginia, it certainly leans heavily towards Republicans and has been trending in the GOP direction over time. That means that if McGuire is able to knock off Good, he’s likely to be the next Congressman from VA-5.

Dem Primary Rating: Tilt Wilt

GOP Primary Rating: Lean McGuire

General Rating: Safe GOP


VA-2: Sleepy Primary But Big General

There is not much drama in VA-2, as incumbent Rep. Jen Kiggans does not have any other Republican running against her. And in the Democratic primary, Missy Cotter Smasal is the heavy favorite, as the entire Virginia Democratic Congressional delegation has endorsed her over her Democratic opponent, Jake Denton.

VA-2 is one of top two battleground districts in Virginia this year, with this one being the more GOP-friendly one. After redistricting, the district became more Republican, so it will be tough to knock off the incumbent. But if Democrats improve from their current standing in the polls, it’s certainly possible in this district, which has traditionally flipped between the parties.


Dem Primary Rating: Safe Cotter Smasal

General Rating: Lean GOP


VA-1: An Important Endorsement 

In the Democratic primary to take on GOP Rep. Rob Wittman (R), Leslie Mehta scored an important endorsement from Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, who used to represent the Richmond suburbs before redistricting. This should boost Mehta, because the majority of primary voters will come from this part of the district.

But 2022 Democratic nominee Herb Jones has already been on the ballot in this district and could have goodwill from voters after having stepped up to run last time. Ultimately, whoever wins the nomination will face a tough race in this district where Republicans are still favored, despite recent trends toward Democrats.

Dem Primary Rating: Lean Mehta

General Rating: Safe Republican


VA-11: A Safe Incumbent 

Rep. Gerry Connolly is facing a primary challenge from Ahsan Nasar, who is challenging Connolly primarily on the issue of Connolly’s support for Israel. Nasar’s pro-Palestinian position should win him support from some progressives and the growing Muslim-American community in the district

Ultimately, though, Connolly’s long history and popularity with most rank-and-file Democrats should carry the day. Connolly is almost certainly going to win the primary and then the general election.

Dem Primary Rating: Safe Connolly

General Rating: Safe Dem


VA-Senate: A Flawed Republican Frontrunner 

In the Virginia GOP Senate primary, the late endorsement of Donald Trump for Hung Cao gave Cao’s campaign a much-needed boost. However, Cao has had a number of gaffes during the campaign generating negative headlines. These gaffes provided an opening for some of his primary opponents to attempt an upset of the frontrunner. But with the Trump endorsement, Cao heads into the primary as the favorite. The other Republicans running are Scott Parkinson, Eddie Garcia, Jonathan Emord, and Chuck Smith, all of whom will try to overcome the Trump endorsement.

Ultimately, Tim Kaine does not seem to be in much trouble, as Republicans are reluctant to invest in Virginia, given many other more tempting targets on the map. If Cao ends up the Republican nominee, it is unlikely Kaine will have much trouble winning a third term.

GOP Primary Rating: Lean Cao

General Rating: Safe Dem