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Sunday News: “Extreme heat scorches US before summer’s official start”; “Biden knows ‘exactly what he is doing’ and will likely win election, says German chancellor”; “Trump gets name of his doctor wrong as he challenges Biden to cognitive test”;


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, June 16.

Trump’s 78 Radical Right-Wing Wishes for His 78th Birthday


From the DNC War Room:

Trump’s 78 Radical Right-Wing Wishes for His 78th Birthday

DNC National Press Secretary Emilia Rowland released the following statement: 

“On Donald Trump’s 78th birthday, we want to make sure the American people know 78 of Trump and his extreme MAGA allies’ radical right-wing wishes for his second term.”
  1. Force American women to live under a wildly unpopular nationwide abortion ban, stripping them of their fundamental freedoms.
  2. Terminate the Affordable Care Act, ripping health care coverage away from millions of hardworking Americans and potentially allowing health insurance companies to discriminate against the millions of people with preexisting conditions.
  3. Gut critical, hard-earned benefits such as  Social Security and Medicare for America’s seniors.
  4. Give more tax handouts to big corporations and the ultra-wealthy and make working Americans foot the bill.
  5. Roll back gun regulations on pistol braces that have been used in mass shootings.
  6. Trump’s Project 2025 is plotting to eliminate the Department of Education.
  7. Praise Putin for his invasion of Ukraine instead of supporting U.S. allies and defending democracy.
  8. Trump and his extreme Project 2025 allies have a plan to ban abortion medication, making it even more difficult for women to access reproductive health care.
  9. Allow red states to monitor women’s pregnancies, supporting extremist Republicans in violating Americans’ fundamental right to privacy.
  10. Threaten to allow Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to our NATO allies.
  11. Allow states to throw women, doctors, and nurses in jail for attempting to provide or receive life-saving reproductive health care.
  12. Appoint more extreme right-wing judges.
  13. Trump and his Project 2025 allies have a plan to oust federal officials who would stand in the way of Trump’s conspiracy-backed agenda and replace them with Trump’s MAGA minions.
  14. Restrict access to contraception.
  15. Trump and his radical Project 2025 allies have a plan to recommit to restructuring eligibility to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), threatening to leave individuals and families without the benefits they need.
  16. Threaten Americans’ access to using IVF to grow their families.
  17. Allow big corporations to charge bogus junk fees that some of Trump’s allies defend instead of bringing down the costs for working families.
  18. Two-time unions by courting their endorsements but also have an anti-labor record that prioritized billionaires and corporations at the expense of hardworking Americans and their labor rights.
  19. Dismiss efforts to raise the minimum wage to put more money into the pockets of American workers.
  20. Threaten to appoint anti-union officials to the National Labor Relations Board like he did in his first term who will consistently side against the American worker.
  21. Worsen inflation with reckless policies that his policy advisors have plotted to “devalue the US dollar.
  22. Encourage an economic crash for his own political benefit.
  23. Impose an across the board 10% tariff on imported goods, adding to the $230 billion that Americans have already paid thanks to his previous trade wars.
  24. Wrongfully take credit for all of President Biden’s hard work to cap insulin prices at $35 a month for seniors after failing to cap insulin costs or hold Big Pharma accountable during his four years in the White House.
  25. Undermine Medicare’s ability to negotiate fair drug prices for seniors.
  26. Arm classroom teachers with weapons instead of implementing common-sense gun laws that would help keep our children safe in schools.
  27. Roll back President Biden’s “zero-tolerance” policy that revokes federal licenses from firearms dealers that have violated gun laws.
  28. Threaten to diminish funding for Pell Grant recipients, affecting over 8 million students every year.
  29. Prioritize the National Rifle Association over the American people.
  30. Enforce sex discrimination laws on the basis of biological sex, including banning transgender Americans from serving their country in the military, according to Trump’s Project 2025 Playbook.
  31. Rip away access to gender-affirming care for minors, preventing people from receiving access to health care they deserve.
  32. Trump’s Project 2025 allies want to defund the Department of Energy, including the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations and the Loan Programs Office.
  33. Reverse the Biden Administration’s focus on the LGBTQ+ community and equity.
  34. Stack his cabinet with extreme-right allies.
  35. Destroy the United States’ democracy and freedom and acting as a dictator on “day one.”
  36. Dream of a “unified reich.”
  37. Pardon January 6 insurrectionists, letting them off the hook for the violent assault on the U.S. Capitol.
  38. Slash civil service protections and seize tighter control over bureaucratic operations.
  39. Weaponize the Department of Justice to spearhead his personal revenge tour by prosecuting political opponents.
  40. Gut President Biden’s historic climate legislation, putting clean energy subsidies and regulations that incentivize electric vehicles on the chopping block.
  41. Withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement again, disregarding international efforts to fight climate change.
  42. Dismantle regulations on Big Oil and Gas.
  43. Promise to roll back regulations for Big Oil after asking them to donate $1 billion to his campaign.
  44. Unravel Biden’s investments in American EV manufacturing.
  45. Trump’s extreme allies want to eliminate the EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice, threatening its efforts to reduce harm to lower-income and minority communities who are disproportionately affected by pollution.
  46. Recommit to his disastrous first term agenda of rolling back environmental regulations and undermining the EPA.
  47. Threaten to double down on his first term agenda that put regulations regarding toxic chemicals on the chopping block, despite the fact that they pose serious health threats to the American people.
  48. Defund the Federal Transit Administration, hurting millions of Americans who rely on local public transportation every day, according to the plan from Project 2025.
  49. Continue to applaud and cozy up to white supremacists, who he’s called “very fine people” and “my people.”
  50. Push for an unconstitutional third term if he retakes power.
  51. Attack diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts and work to shift the narrative to “anti-white” racism, upending efforts to counter racism and support minority groups.
  52. Trump and his Project 2025 allies have a plan to cut federal K-12 public school universal meal programs, threatening to allow more children to go hungry.
  53. Continue to inspire allies to censor and ban books in states.
  54. Try to insert his extremism and political interference into public school curriculums.
  55. Funnel money away from public education, plans for which are further outlined in his extreme allies’ Project 2025 playbook.
  56. Threaten to eliminate over 490,000 (approximately 14% nationwide) public school teachers instead of addressing the teacher shortage.
  57. Trump Project 2025 allies want to halt all student loan forgiveness initiatives and programs, exacerbating the ongoing student debt crisis.
  58. Rip apart families with his cruel immigration policies.
  59. Enable the mass deportation and detention of undocumented immigrants.
  60. Create detention camps near the Southern border.
  61. Deploy the American military to round up immigrants.
  62. Try to terminate DACA (again).
  63. Ban entry for people coming from Muslim-majority countries, again.
  64. Abolish birthright citizenship in the United States.
  65. Continue to praise foreign dictators including North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, despite human rights abuses.
  66. Move to withdraw from the World Health Organization and undermine global health operations, again.
  67. Fire career diplomats and replace them with his MAGA cronies.
  68. Undermine criminal justice reform efforts, as planned with Trump’s Project 2025 playbook.
  69. Expand and increase the use of the death penalty.
  70. Go after television companies that report what he deems “fake news” and jeopardize First Amendment rights.
  71. Deploy the military against American civilians.
  72. Mobilize the National Guard to combat crime.
  73. Use the Department of Justice to investigate his political enemies.
  74. Threaten to disregard Mexico’s sovereignty and send armed forces into Mexico to combat the drug cartels.
  75. Bring back large mental institutions instead of actually addressing the mental health crisis.
  76. Force unhoused people off of the street by moving them to tent cities.
  77. Potentially gut funding for rural schools by $175 million.
  78.  Become the first U.S. president to be a convicted felon (oh wait, he already did that).

MAGA Malarkey: The Extremism You Missed From Republicans This Week

MAGA Republicans stooped to new lows this week with their extremism, hypocrisy, chaos, and — as President Biden would call it — malarkey. In case you missed it: Trump went off the rails as he met with his MAGA minions in Congress to further discuss their extreme 2025 blueprint in his first visit to Capitol Hill since January 6; Trump called Milwaukee — the site of the 2024 GOP convention —  a “horrible city”; he then said he would work “side by side” with an anti-choice extremist group that wants abortion “eradicated entirely”; some of Trump’s VP contenders voted against protecting access to IVF; VP contender Marco Rubio defended Trump’s horrifying comments that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of our nation; Trump told voters he doesn’t care about them, only their votes; Trump and MAGA Republicans doubled-down on slashing the corporate tax rate for big corporations while letting hardworking families suffer; and a bunch of Republicans voted against new investments for their constituents, but took credit for it anyway.

Trump returned to Capitol Hill for the first time since a mob of his supporters stormed the Capitol and attacked our democracy on January 6, and met with his MAGA minions to conspire on an extreme blueprint for 2025.

NBC News: “DNC to tail Trump with mobile billboard of Jan. 6 attack during visit to Capitol Hill”

“The billboard will play a loop of an 11-minute video montage from the riot and Trump’s speech before it. The video was released by the House committee that investigated the attack.

“DNC spokesperson Alex Floyd said: ‘Donald Trump is on Capitol Hill for the first time since the American people watched him rally his supporters to storm the Capitol, launching a violent insurrection to overturn our democracy. Trump has only doubled down on his dangerous record since then.’”

Washington Post: “Thursday marked Trump’s first trip back to Capitol Hill since he urged his supporters on Jan. 6, 2021, to head to the joint congressional meeting to try to prevent the certification of Joe Biden’s victory. Since then, Trump and many GOP lawmakers have tried to revise the history of that day and suggested that some of the rioters are political ‘hostages,’ some of whom he plans to pardon, baselessly labeling them ‘warriors’ and ‘victims’ last weekend in Las Vegas.”

Axios: “The Democratic National Committee went so far as to deploy a mobile billboard outside Trump’s Business Roundtable meeting calling him ‘unfit’ for office.”

Trump then called Milwaukee — the site of the 2024 GOP convention — a “horrible city.”

Wisconsin Examiner: “In a closed door meeting with Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, Donald Trump reportedly called Milwaukee, the location of this summer’s Republican National Convention, a ‘horrible city.’

“Trump’s comments were reported by Punchbowl News’ Jake Sherman. 

“‘Milwaukee, where we are having our convention, is a horrible city,’ Trump is reported to have said on Thursday.”

New York Times: “In a closed-door meeting with G.O.P. House members, the former president disparaged the city where his party’s convention will be held, according to people in the room.

“Democrats, likely eager for an edge in a battleground state, immediately seized on the comments. ‘Let’s be clear: Milwaukee is not a horrible city — and Wisconsinites should remember what Donald Trump thinks of them when they vote in November,’ Alex Floyd, a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee, said in a statement.”

Trump vowed to work “side by side” with an anti-choice extremist group that calls abortion “child sacrifice” and wants abortion to be “eradicated entirely.”

Washington Post: “Trump vows to be ‘side by side’ with group that wants abortion ‘eradicated’”

“Former president Donald Trump pledged Monday to walk ‘side by side’ with the Danbury Institute, a coalition of Christian groups that opposes abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, and has called the procedure ‘child sacrifice.’”

“The Christian group has also asserted in statements that ‘abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of a mother’ and that ‘aborting an innocent child conceived in rape or incest only compounds the injustice and pain caused by the initial crime.’”

MSNBC: “Trump tells extreme anti-abortion group it would make a ‘comeback’ if he’s re-elected”

Politico: “Trump to make virtual appearance at event with group that calls abortion ‘child sacrifice’”

Then, some of Trump’s MAGA VP contenders voted against protecting access to IVF, in yet another move to rip away reproductive freedoms.

The Hill: “Senate Republicans block legislation to codify IVF access”

“Thursday’s vote comes a week after Republicans blocked a similar bill from Democrats that would have guaranteed the right to contraception.

“Republicans who voted against include: J.D. Vance, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Tom Cotton, Bill Hagerty, Katie Britt, Marsha Blackburn, Joni Ernst, and Mike Lee.”

VP contender Marco Rubio defended Trump’s horrifying comments that immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of our nation.

CBS News: “Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, a possible vice presidential pick for former President Donald Trump, defended Trump’s previous remarks on immigrants ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ in a Spanish-language interview Wednesday with Telemundo.

“The Democratic Party sharply criticized Rubio for defending Trump’s characterization of immigrants.

“‘Donald Trump’s statement that immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ is the kind of dangerous language used by the likes of Hitler and Mussolini — and Marco Rubio is willing to defend him just for the chance to be Trump’s running mate,’ DNC spokesperson Kenia Guerrero said after Rubio’s interview. ‘Rubio has lost his last shred of dignity just to compete in a race to the bottom to be on an extreme MAGA ticket this November that is wildly out-of-touch with voters who will decide this election.’”

Trump reminded voters exactly how little he cares about the political issues and problems affecting their everyday lives last weekend. 

Trump: “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote. I don’t care.”

The Independent: “Trump tells rally-goers not to die in searing Vegas heat: ‘I don’t care about you, I just want your vote’”

Trump and his MAGA allies are planning to put big business ahead of the American people by making Trump’s expensive “MAGAnomics” tax scam permanent.

New York Times: “Trump Vows to Lower Prices. Some of His Policies May Raise Them.”

“And several of [Trump’s] policies — whatever their merits on other grounds — would instead put new upward pressure on prices, according to interviews with half a dozen economists.

“Mr. Trump says he plans the ‘largest domestic deportation in American history,’ which would most likely increase the cost of labor. He intends to impose a new tariff on nearly all imported goods, which would probably raise their prices and those of any domestic-made competitors.

“And he not only wants to make permanent the entire deficit-financed tax cut law he and congressional Republicans enacted in 2017, but also to add some kind of new ‘big tax cut’ for individuals and businesses, which would stimulate an economy already at full employment.

“As a matter of textbook economics, each of those three signature Trump policy plans would be likely to raise prices. Some could even cause continued, rather than one-time, price increases — adding to the possibility of inflation.” 

Washington Post: “Republicans pitch tax cuts for corporations, the wealthy in 2025”

“Republicans in Congress are preparing to not just extend former president Donald Trump’s 2017 tax cuts if they win control of Washington in November’s elections, but also lower rates even more for corporations, laying the early groundwork for a ferocious debate over taxes and spending next year and beyond.

“Now GOP lawmakers and some of Trump’s economic advisers are considering more corporate tax breaks — which could expand the national debt by roughly $1 trillion over the next decade…  

“Extending all of the Trump tax law would add $4.6 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, according to the Congressional Budget Office, Congress’s nonpartisan bookkeeper.”

Voted no but took the dough: House Republicans continue to take credit for funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law after railing against it.

Politico: “The Republicans taking credit for federal funding they voted against”

“Billions of dollars in infrastructure funding are flowing into cities and towns nationwide, nearly three years after Congress passed a $1.2 trillion bipartisan bill approving the cash.

“And some vulnerable House Republicans are tacitly taking credit for the local funds, despite opposing that bill.

“Those battleground Republicans who opposed the law are careful not to tout their personal involvement in it on Capitol Hill — instead, they’re showing up at opening ceremonies and praising the actions of local leaders.”

Saturday News: “It’s Not Just Russia: China Joins the G7’s List of Adversaries”; “The Supreme Court just effectively legalized machine guns”; “CEOs at Trump meeting: Ex-president ‘meandering’ and ‘doesn’t know what he’s talking about'”; “‘Cheapfake’ Biden videos enrapture right-wing media, but deeply mislead”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, June 15.

Sen. Tim Kaine, Reps. Abigail Spanberger, Don Beyer, Gerry Connolly, etc. React to “Dangerous,” “Shameful,” “Dreadful” Supreme Court Ruling on Bump Stocks


Just a horrendous, indefensible ruling by the far-right-extremist Supreme Court majority, totally contemptuous of precedent, the constitution and the rule of law.  Also dangerous. See below for some reactions.

Spanberger Statement on Supreme Court Ruling to Strike Down Federal Bump Stock Ban 

Congresswoman: “As a Former Federal Law Enforcement Officer, I Know that Weapons Designed to Inflict Maximum Casualties Do Not Belong on Our Streets, in Our Schools, or in Our Communities”

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Garland v. Cargill, which overturns a Trump-era federal ban on bump stocks.

“During the 2017 Las Vegas shooting — the deadliest mass shooting in United States history, a gunman swiftly killed 58 people and injured 800 more using a semiautomatic rifle modified with a bump stock. In response to this tragedy and the undeniable need to rid our streets of the device that enabled such a horrific massacre, the Trump Administration banned bump stocks with broad bipartisan support. Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ended this years-long ban, putting countless American lives at risk in a decision that will inevitably result in more gun deaths.

“As a former federal law enforcement officer, I know that weapons designed to inflict maximum casualties do not belong on our streets, in our schools, or in our communities. Speaker Johnson must bring bipartisan legislation to the U.S. House floor that would codify a ban on bump stocks for civilian use under federal law and save lives.”

Bump stocks are accessories that affix to semiautomatic rifles to generate simulated automatic fire with a single trigger pull, allowing a gun to fire at a rate of 400 to 800 rounds per minute. In March 2024, Spanberger urged U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson to bring the bipartisan Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act — which the U.S. House passed in 2022 — to the U.S. House floor to codify a ban on the manufacturing, sale, or possession of bump stocks for civilian use under federal law.


Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02)’s March Toward a Nationwide Abortion Ban: Attacking Service Members’ Access to Reproductive Care


From the DCCC:

Jen Kiggans’ March Toward a Nationwide Abortion Ban: Attacking Service Members’ Access to Reproductive Care

Yesterday, Jen Kiggans voted for new, extreme restrictions on abortion care for 350,000 active duty women in the military.

House Republicans, including Kiggans, voted overwhelmingly to insert a far-right amendment that would restrict service members’ ability to seek and access essential reproductive care, undermining bipartisan efforts to strengthen health care for our armed forces.

Kiggans is paving the way for a national abortion ban with her vote on new restrictions for service members. 

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“If it’s a day that ends in ‘Y’, Jen Kiggans will vote for national abortion restrictions. She is more interested in attacking the reproductive freedoms of our country’s service members than ensuring our troops have the support they need, and Coastal Virginians won’t forget how wrong Kiggans’ attacks are when they head to the polls in November.”

Friday News: Higher Interest Rates “Boosting Spending and the Economy”; “[C]omplete capitulation by the GOP” [including Youngkin] as Trump (78 Years Old Today) Returns to “Scene of the Crime”; SCOTUS ” Abortion Pill Ruling Should Satisfy Nobody”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Friday, June 14.

House, Senate Democratic Leadership Release Statements on Legislation for Special Session on the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program


From the Virginia House and Senate Democratic Caucuses:

House Leadership Release Statement on Legislation for Special Session on the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP)

Richmond, VA – Today, in advance of the upcoming special session on June 28, 2024, the following statement was issued in response to the filing of legislation that will remove new requirements to the Virginia Military Survivor and Dependent Education Program (VMSDEP):

Over the last month, each member of the House of Delegates has heard from families from across the state regarding the changes to the VMSDEP program. This has been a long-standing program that has helped countless military families receive an education, improving the overall well-being of each member. Sustaining this program continues to be a priority, and we will reconvene to repeal the changes recently made to this program in the biennial budget passed last month. We are protecting benefits for all veterans and their families in the 2024-2025 school year while working together on a long-term solution.

“I have always been a steadfast supporter of our military servicemen and women, veterans, and their families, ensuring they receive the support they deserve,” said House Appropriations Chair Delegate Luke Torian (D-Prince William). “I am sponsoring this legislation to restore the program to its previous form until Governor Youngkin’s task force provides a comprehensive report and recommendations on how best to sustain this program long-term for veterans and their families.”

“Veterans have many choices when deciding where to call home, and this program is a major reason why some families choose Virginia after their service,” said Delegate Jackie Glass (D-Norfolk). “I’ve heard from countless families in my district and throughout the Commonwealth about how these changes have disrupted their children’s lives and spouses’ efforts to further their education. I am confident we will ensure that this program continues to be a valuable asset in Virginia.”

“Virginia’s wounded veterans and Gold Star families gave more to this nation than many of us can fathom,” said Delegate Mike Cherry (R-Colonial Heights). “I am proud that both parties were able to work together in order to reverse these changes, and I thank the leadership in both parties–as well as Governor Younkgin–for their attention to this important issue.”

“As a veteran with a service connected disability and 20 years of service in the U.S. Air Force, I deeply understand the critical role this program plays in supporting our veterans and their families in pursuing higher education,” said Delegate Michael Feggans (D-Virginia Beach). “I am proud to serve as a chief co-patron of this legislation, ensuring that these families continue to receive this benefit because of their selfless dedication to our country.”

The Governor’s task force is set to meet again in July and August and will release its recommendations later this year before the 2025 General Assembly. We look forward to hearing from them as they work with all stakeholders to ensure the success and solvency of this program for future generations.



Virginia Senate Democrats to Convene June 18 to Address VMSDEP Funding for Gold Star Families

RICHMOND, VA – The Virginia Senate will reconvene on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the ongoing special session to address technical concerns, including the unintended consequences related to recent changes to the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP). Our actions reaffirm Virginia’s support of our military and law enforcement families whose loved ones have made the ultimate sacrifice for our community.

Today, Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Mamie Locke directed the Clerk of the Senate to notify members to return for work on June 18, 2024.  Senate Finance and Appropriations Chair L. Louise Lucas intends to hear legislation at the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee meeting on June 18, 2024, to:

  • Clarify that all students who enroll in classes by Fall 2024 are grandfathered into the existing Program prior to the budget changes;
  • Exempt from the recent budget changes Gold Star Families, applicable Line of Duty beneficiaries, and those wounded as a result of military combat who are at least 90% disabled;
  •  Require the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) to issue official guidance no later than August 1, 2024;
  • Require the Joint Legislative and Audit Review Commission (JLARC) to review the program and make recommendations prior to the 2025 General Assembly Session; and
  •   Make additional technical adjustments to the state budget unrelated to the VMSDEP program.

VMSDEP, which provides education benefits to the spouses and children of military service members, was significantly expanded in 2019.  The Department of Planning and Budget projected those changes would increase the cost of the program by $5.4 million per year Since the 2019 changes and according to data submitted to SCHEV, program participation rose from 1,387 students to 6,125 students in 2023 and waiver costs increased from $12.0 million to $65.3 million, or a 445% increase. The growth impacts the sustainability of the Program as institutions must offset their revenue loss from waivers through either institutional efficiencies or other revenue sources, including increased tuition on other students.

The changes contained in this year’s budget were passed on a bipartisan vote, and action is necessary now, even as discussions continue about the Program.  After hearing from the veteran community, the proposed changes honor the commitment to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice through military combat, address concerns for students who had planned to enroll in Fall 2024 courses after May 15th, and direct JLARC to independently recommend additional modifications or adjustments to the Program.

“Senate Democrats are proud to support Virginia’s commitment to becoming the most veteran-friendly state in America.  This year’s budget commits over $98 million in state funds to help connect veterans to benefits and care. Additionally, by tax year 2025, veterans will be able to exempt up to $40,000 of their retirement income from state income taxes, saving veterans an estimated $230 million.  We look forward to working with Governor Youngkin and the House of Delegates to examine modifications to the VMSDEP program to ensure its long-term viability,” said Senate Majority Leader Scott Surovell.

“This budget was a product of bipartisan collaboration between the General Assembly and the Governor. We are committed to taking this necessary step to rectify unintended consequences as we continue to work together to conduct an independent review to find a long-term solution for VMSDEP. After my personal experience with massive resistance, I have dedicated my entire legislative career to ensure that everyone can access educational opportunities and reach their full potential. Our budget reflects this belief and the proposed changes reinforce my support for all students,” said Senate Finance and Appropriations Chair L. Louise Lucas.

“Democrats honor our veterans by ensuring they receive needed support and resources. The biennial budget includes an additional $20 million per year to cover a portion of the waiver’s cost to institutions, $102 million each year for operating support, and almost $20 million per year for need-based financial aid.  As the Education Subcommittee Chair for the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee, I am committed to ensuring higher education is affordable for all students,” said Senate Democratic Caucus Chair Mamie E. Locke.

Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Condemns Attorney General Miyares’ Attack on American Bar Association Standards for Diversity and Inclusion


From the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus (VLBC):

Virginia Legislative Black Caucus Condemns Attorney General Miyares’ Attack on American Bar Association Standards for Diversity and Inclusion

The members of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus (VLBC) are in strong opposition to Attorney General (AG), Jason Miyares’, decision to join 20 of his Republican peers in signing a letter urging the American Bar Association (ABA) to eliminate its diversity and inclusion standards for law schools. Governor Youngkin’s administration has established a pattern of encroaching on the freedoms of educational institutions, with the result being the further erosion of access for Black students to public schools, colleges and universities, and now law schools.

The conservative Attorney Generals argued the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn affirmative action a year ago is in conflict with the existing ABA standard. How to address and define race and racism in the law is an ever changing question and we see no body more fit to interpret the law than the ABA.

In signing this letter, AG Miyares has recommitted his opposition to racially diverse learning environments despite decades of research proving they lead to better outcomes for all students. More importantly, Black people have a right to be everywhere regardless of the personal feelings of politicians. The letter described the ABA’s determination as a threat from which their “profession, and our country, may never recover.” In 2022, the ABA found the percentage of Black lawyers had declined over the past decade to just 4.5 percent.

AG Miyares is right that if inclusive pipelines are created for Black people to exist in legal institutions and have representative influence over our legal code, the profession, and our country, will transform. We will all be better for it. Issues of race could be drawn out until the end of history or we can address them and build a world in which these standards are not necessary at all.

The attorneys argue that law schools should drop their commitment to racially diverse communities altogether, describing it as an “explicit demand to make hiring decisions based on race.” In their advice on how to make schools less racially diverse, the attorneys conclude that “racially motivated recruitment or financial aid” should also be banned.

By attacking race conscious recruitment policies and financial aid programs, AG Miyares has articulated his understanding of systemic racism. He simply chose not to address the underlying question: why do institutions see a decline of Black students when they stop considering racial barriers in recruitment and education financing?

This letter comes just after members of the VLBC won an uphill battle to pass a budget which prioritizes a quality education for all Virginins. Aside from interpersonal racism, Black people experience communities which lack financial resources, attend underfunded schools, and do not have the same opportunities for professional mentorship and networks as their peers. These compounded disadvantages are not coincidental. These circumstances are planned outcomes of hundreds of years of race based discrimination and political strategy. We must plan and strategize our way out of it.

The attorneys were correct in their claim that the potential legal complications in getting this wrong will cost nothing compared to the “harms suffered by those deprived of educational and employment opportunities solely because their skin is the wrong color.”

REMINDER: GOP Senate Candidates Oppose IVF Protections For Virginians 


From DPVA:

REMINDER: GOP Senate Candidates Oppose IVF Protections For Virginians 

Richmond, VA – As the U.S. Senate votes today on the Right to IVF Act, which includes a Kaine-led provision that expands in vitro fertilization (IVF) protections for military families in Virginia and across the country, it is a clear reminder that the GOP Senate candidates oppose IVF protections for Virginia families

Ever since the MAGA majority on the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, extreme Republicans have been racing to attack reproductive freedom. In February, Alabama’s Supreme Court ruled to make IVF illegal in the state, jeopardizing family planning for Alabamans and sending a shockwave throughout the country that more fundamental freedoms are at risk. MAGA extremists CaoParkinsonSmith, and Emord are anti-choice extremists who believe life begins at conception, which puts in vitro fertilization and birth control access on the MAGA chopping block.

Time and again, every GOP Senate candidate has shown their true anti-choice colors to Virginians, letting us know loud and clear that they will do everything they can to restrict reproductive rights:

  • When the Washington Post asked Cao and Parkinson if they would protect IVF, they refused to answer whether they would support Senator Tammy Duckworth’s IVF protection bill. Parkinson has denigrated efforts to protect IVF, calling the issue a “stale talking point.”
  • Last year, Cao and Parkinson supported Senator Tuberville’s blockade of military promotions – including of many Virginians – to restrict access to abortion for service members. Parkinson even went so far as to call Tuberville a “great example” of “asserting his individual power” and repost Senator Mike Lee who argued that Republicans shouldn’t be concerned if Senator Tuberville’s grandstanding harms military readiness. Cao said that he did “actually agree with Senator Tuberville.”

“Today’s vote to protect IVF is a reminder that all of the GOP Senate candidates – Hung Cao, Scott Parkinson, Jonathan Emord, Eddie Garcia, and Chuck Smith -would be a vote against protecting IVF,” said DPVA Chairwoman Susan Swecker. “If Hung Cao, Scott Parkinson, Jonathan Emord, Eddie Garcia, and Chuck Smith had it their way, they would let states make abortion and IVF illegal.

“As the last state in the South without an extreme abortion ban, Virginians know we need to protect our reproductive rights. This November, Virginians will reject Republicans up and down the ticket because they would be a threat to the freedom of Virginians to make their own health care decisions by banning contraception, IVF, and abortion.”

Youngkin’s Latest Dishonest Attack on Clean Energy


By Kindler

The man just can’t stop.  Governor Glenn Youngkin is an Energizer Bunny powered by fossil fuels (or at least by their fatcat donors), on an endless quest to halt clean energy progress like some sort of Exxon-sponsored Terminator.

Every program, every project that dare divert a teaspoon of oil or gas from use in favor of renewable power must feel his wrath.  In his blind loyalty to the fossil fuel industry, Youngkin will stoop to any level, including breaking the law (as he is doing in trying to illegally cancel Virginia’s legislatively enacted Clean Car Standard and membership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). And like every Republican officeholder in the Age of Trump, he will lie shamelessly in defense of those whose products foul our air, water and land and ravage our climate.

His latest target? A solar power array planned for the Pentagon.  But since it would look bad to scream “HEY, OIL AND GAS CEOS, PLEASE SEND CASH!”, he had to come up with another rationale for telling the Pentagon NOT to save taxpayer money and reduce its pollutant emissions.

So, of course, he went with Republicans’ favorite bogeyman – China!  “This decision brings into question whether American taxpayer dollars will be used to purchase solar equipment from the Chinese Communist Party,” Youngkin sputtered. According to Richmond news station WRIC:

“Youngkin sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin saying the program the money comes from, created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law doesn’t have ‘any stated requirement that such panels be made in America using American technology.’”

That statement is so embarrassingly wrong.  A teenage working in Youngkin’s office could’ve spent 5 minutes searching the Internet to find out that:

To its credit, WRIC noted these requirements in its story and asked Youngkin’s office about them. The lame response from his spokesperson was “Historically, federal agencies have waived the ‘Made in America’ requirements to procure solar panels, prioritizing purchasing cheap Chinese solar.”

And…wrong again!  Exceptions meriting a waiver are pretty limited, and rather than keeping it a Deep State secret, Biden’s Made in America Office posts a record of all such waiver requests. You can look it yourself and see that, across the entire Federal government with its many hundreds of billions in spending, there are currently only 1218 waiver requests, and most of them are for bizarrely unique forms of equipment like NIH’s request for an Orbital Shaking Incubator. (Don’t ask.)

No, Papa Youngkin is not trying to protect us from the Big, Bad Yellow Menace.  He is just working to shore up his ever-shrinking future prospects in GOP politics by attempting to stay in the good graces of the Koch Network and American Petroleum Institute.

The facts are that the project Youngkin is trying to kill will have “potential savings of over 7 million kWh of electricity and 128,157 MMBtu of natural gas per year, leading to an estimated annual total energy cost reduction of $1,357,864 and a significant greenhouse gas reduction of 8,861,845 kg-CO2.”  And it is an investment that will ultimately NOT cost the taxpayers a dime, with a projected payback in 14 years – after which point, those solar panels provide permanently free and clean power, neither of which his beloved fossil fuels can ever provide.

Needless to say, Fox plastered Youngkin’s lies all over its outlets without fact checking a single comma – and then spread them throughout social media like a terrorist poisoning the water supply.

The lesson is clear – elect Republicans and you get public officials who answer to Big Oil, Gas and Coal, not to you. Democrats may not be perfect, but they are investing hundreds of billions of dollars in clean energy and creating many thousands of American jobs in the process. Please do your part to keep electing Democrats so that Republicans like Glenn Youngkin have no power to do anything more than whine, pout and stamp their feet.

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