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Virginia Board of Education Announces 2023-2024 Exemplar Performance School Awards


Keep in mind that Youngkin’s appointees dominate this Board of Education, so…take this with a grain of salt?  With that in mind, congratulations to all these schols on their awards!

Virginia Board of Education
Announces 2023-2024 Exemplar
Performance School Awards

RICHMOND – The Virginia Board of Education today recognized 64 schools for their high achievement and continued improvement as part of its Exemplar Performance School Recognition Program.

The Exemplar School Recognition Program and its Exemplar Performance Awards recognizes schools that exceed board-established performance requirements or show continuous improvement on academic and school quality indicators. Thirty-seven schools earned the Board of Education Highest Achievement Award, and 27 schools earned the Board of Education Continuous Improvement Award. The awards are based on performance and practices during the 2022-2023 and prior school years.

“On behalf of the Virginia Board of Education, I am thrilled to celebrate and honor the 64 schools who are being recognized for their accomplishments,” said Board of Education President Grace Turner Creasey. “Recognition in this program is one of the highest achievements a school can receive in the Commonwealth. Congratulations to the staff, students, and communities who support these remarkable schools for their success.”

“I am pleased to recognize and congratulate the 37 schools that earned the Highest Achievement Award and the 27 schools that have earned the Continuous Improvement Award,” said Superintendent of Public Instruction Lisa Coons. “When high expectations are set and our schools achieve them, they deserve to be celebrated. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and tireless efforts the educators and staff, students, families, and communities are making every single day. They should be very proud of all that they have achieved.”

2023-2024 Board of Education Highest Achievement Award

The 37 schools earning the 2023-2024 Board of Education Highest Achievement Award are:

Division Name

School Name

Albemarle County

Community Lab School

Albemarle County

Ivy Elementary

Albemarle County

Virginia L. Murray Elementary

Arlington County

Arlington Traditional

Bedford County

Forest Elementary

Botetourt County

Breckinridge Elementary

Botetourt County

Buchanan Elementary

Botetourt County

Eagle Rock Elementary

Carroll County

Gladesboro Elementary

Danville City

Galileo Magnet High

Fairfax County

Sangster Elementary

Fairfax County

Thomas Jefferson High for Science and Technology

Fauquier County

Kettle Run High

Fauquier County

P.B. Smith Elementary

Grayson County

Fairview Elementary

Lee County

St. Charles Elementary

Loudoun County

Aldie Elementary

Loudoun County

Emerick Elementary

Loudoun County

Hamilton Elementary

Loudoun County

Hillsboro Charter Academy

Loudoun County

Waterford Elementary

Montgomery County

Harding Avenue Elementary

Patrick County

Woolwine Elementary

Pittsylvania County

Stony Mill Elementary

Richmond City

Mary Munford Elementary

Roanoke City

Crystal Spring Elementary

Roanoke County

Mason’s Cove Elementary

Southampton County

Nottoway Elementary

Virginia Beach City

Green Run Collegiate

Virginia Beach City

Kingston Elementary

Virginia Beach City

North Landing Elementary

Virginia Beach City

Old Donation School

Virginia Beach City

Rosemont Forest Elementary

Wise County

J.W. Adams Combined

Wise County

St. Paul Elementary

Wythe County

Rural Retreat Elementary

York County

Seaford Elementary

Schools recognized for Highest Achievement demonstrated high levels of success across all school quality indicators, including success in narrowing achievement gaps. In order to earn this recognition, schools are required to:

  • Achieve Performance Level One for reading, mathematics, and science based on the student pass rate (which does not include growth measures) for the “all students” group in the school, as well as for each student group in the school.
    • In addition, schools with two student groups could have no more than a five-percentage point difference between the performance of each student group and the “all students” group; schools with three or more student groups could have no more than a ten-percentage point difference between the performance of each student group and the “all students” group.
  • Achieve at Level One in the Chronic Absenteeism, Graduation and Completion Index, and Dropout Rate school quality indicators.

2023-2024 Board of Education Continuous Improvement Award

The 27 schools earning the 2023-2024 Board of Education Continuous Improvement Award are:                          

Division Name

School Name

Amherst County

Amherst County High

Arlington County

Wakefield High

Bath County

Bath County High

Brunswick County

Brunswick High

Buchanan County

Twin Valley High

Campbell County

Rustburg High

Carroll County

Carroll County High

Chesapeake City

Norfolk Highlands Primary

Essex County

Essex High

Fairfax County

Lewis High

Fairfax County

South Lakes High

Fairfax County

West Potomac High

Hampton City

Phoebus High

Loudoun County

Hutchison Farm Elementary

Manassas City

Osbourn High

Mathews County

Mathews High

Norfolk City

St. Helena Elementary

Norton City

J.I. Burton High

Prince William County

Neabsco Elementary

Richmond City

Richmond Career Education and Employment Charter School

Rockingham County

Ottobine Elementary

Rockingham County

Turner Ashby High

Spotsylvania County

Cedar Forest Elementary

Staunton City

Bessie Weller Elementary

Virginia Beach City

Green Run High

Virginia Beach City

Tallwood High

York County

York River Academy

Schools recognized for continuous improvement met at least one of the following criteria based on performance from the 2022-2023 school year data:

  • The school demonstrates an increase in the combined rate for math, reading and science for each of the past three years with a total increase across the three years of ten points or more;
  • The school demonstrates an increase in the combined rate for two or more student groups in reading and math for each of the past three years with a total increase across the three years of ten points or more;
  • The school demonstrates an increase in the Graduation and Completion Index (GCI) for each of the past three years with a total increase across the three years of four percent or more; and school demonstrates a decrease in the dropout rate for each of the past three years with the total reduction across three years of 15 percent or more of the first year’s dropout rate.

For more information about the Board of Education Exemplar Performance Awards, visit the Virginia Department of Education website.

“Trump Owns This”: On the Airwaves, Women Slam Trump’s Attacks on Reproductive Health Care


From President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign:

“Trump Owns This”: On the Airwaves, Women Slam Trump’s Attacks on Reproductive Health Care

Since Donald Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, we’ve seen countless horrifying stories of women being forced to wait until they are at the brink of death or faced with terrifying health complications before receiving the care they need. Because of Trump, one in three women of reproductive age are living under extreme abortion bans – a fact that he is “proud” of.

This week, as the Supreme Court weighs a case concerning whether doctors and nurses across the country will have the ability to provide life-saving reproductive health care, patients who have been denied access to critical reproductive health care, elected officials, and activists are speaking out against Donald Trump’s attacks on reproductive freedom and mobilizing to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris this November.

Here are a few examples of what they had to say:

On CNN, Kaitlyn Kash, a woman denied health care because of Trump’s abortion ban in Texas:

KAITLYN KASH: “When I started trying for a second baby, I just never in my wildest dreams imagined that I’d end up here talking with you and really begging the American people to hear what’s happening in Texas and to make sure that we reelect President Biden this fall. … Between my first and second child I lost three very wanted pregnancies, and I almost died after the birth of my daughter. I would not be here today without abortion, and the other reproductive health care that they gave me. Over the last two years, I’ve had to flee my home state to receive a surgical abortion. I’ve needed a medical abortion. I’ve used IVF and I needed a D&C procedure after the birth of my daughter to save my life from postpartum hemorrhage. And all of these are basic health care that women deserve that are currently under attack at things like the Supreme Court, state legislatures, you know, and it’s just… it’s a continued state of defeat to hear things like what’s happening in the Supreme Court today, knowing that my life doesn’t matter.”

On CNN, Biden-Harris 2024 National Advisory Board Member Governor Maura Healey:

GOV. HEALEY: “One in three women in America today live with an abortion ban. Why do 20 states and counting ban abortion or nearly ban abortion? It’s because of Donald Trump. Donald Trump created that court, he brags about overturning Roe, and since that Dobbs decision, we’ve seen state after state legislature enact draconian, extremist bans. Donald Trump created this. He did this. He owns this. And what we know from today is that Donald Trump is also responsible for women having to be airlifted out of the state of Idaho because they have been forced to the brink of death and life-altering medical conditions because of a draconian ban. This is Donald Trump and as we face November, the stakes could not be more clear. … Anyone who cares about this needs to go out and work hard and vote and work to elect Joe Biden.”

On ABC, Kaitlyn Joshua, a woman was denied necessary medical care because of Trump’s abortion ban in Louisiana:

KAITLYN JOSHUA: “Another hospital basically just told me they would send me home with prayers, but were not able to medically diagnose a miscarriage… Abortion is absolutely on the ballot this year. If this is not a topic that you think is going to touch you or doesn’t touch you currently, it absolutely will.”

On NBC, Jennifer Adkins, a woman whose health was put at risk because of Idaho’s abortion laws:

JENNIFER ADKINS: “[Doctors] said we’re surprised that you’re still pregnant. Given the severity of what we’re seeing on the ultrasound, most people would have miscarried by now. I was just in total, total shock. … They said because we’re in Idaho, there really aren’t any [options] for you. … It’s scary and it continues to get scarier just knowing what the state of maternal care is in our state right now. It’s like walking on eggshells.”

On MSNBC, Dr. Dara Kass, an emergency medicine physician:

DR. KASS: “It is gut wrenching to watch someone continue to bleed in front of you when you know what to do but you can’t do it because you are afraid that you A) will get arrested but B,) you will do it and it won’t work because it is too late. At the end of the day, it is time to stop interfering, stop letting politicians get in the middle of the emergency department and patient care and just say we want to do our jobs and save people’s lives.”

On MSNBC, President of Planned Parenthood Alexis McGill Johnson:

ALEXIS MCGILL JOHNSON: We need to reelect President Biden and Vice President Harris. We need to ensure that they get a Senate majority… and House majority that will allow them to pass federal legislation and to let everyone know that if we do not do that, we are going to go even further backwards with a national abortion ban that… former President Trump has tried to walk back from, but we know where he stands on these issues.”

On MSNBC, Arizona State Senator Eva Burch:

SEN. BURCH: “I thought it was so important to cut through some of the stigma that exists about who seeks abortion services and about who the abortion patient is. I felt like the wrong people were controlling the conversation. I wanted to cut through that and to really expand the conversation and have a more honest look at what abortion care means to people in Arizona and across this country. … We also have to be very mindful we are electing pro-choice candidates in November because we have to have a legislature that is pro-choice or else we are not going to have rights available to us in this state. It’s going to continue to erode the same way it has been for decades under Republican leadership in Arizona.”

On MSNBC, President of Reproductive Freedom for All Mini Timmaraju:

MINI TIMMARAJU: “Ultimately, I think it’s really important – two things to take away from the moment we’ve had today. One: 86% of Americans support emergency access to abortion. Recent polling by Kaiser. 86% of Americans, a wide range of Americans to make up that number. And that this is a national case. This has national implications. And, you know, our Republican friends are really fond of pointing out exceptions. The Idaho council kept pointing to the Idaho exceptions. EMTALA could really be viewed as the ultimate national exception to an abortion ban. And yet here we have Idaho in court arguing and fighting back against a very simple, clear-cut emergency case of abortion care. And that’s frightening and chilling.”


Paid for by Biden for President

Video and a Few Thoughts on Last Night’s VA07 Democratic Forum


See below for a few thoughts from last night’s VA07 Democratic forum/debate (see video, below), with seven Democratic candidates vying to be the party’s nominee (the primary is on June 18, with early voting starting next Friday) to replace Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07), who is vacating the seat in order to run for governor of Virginia in 2025.

  1.  Very nice job by the organizers (the Fredericksburg, Spotsylvania and Stafford Dems; the UMW Young Dems; the Fredericksburg Free Press), in live streaming the debate, in addition to having a large in-person crowd there. These debates are very useful – a chance to see the candidates in action, side by side, making it easy to compare/contrast – and they should be available for voters to watch – whether they can physically make it to the debate or not.
  2. Good selection of questions, covering a wide variety of topics. The only quibble I have is that there were too many candidates to have everyone respond to every question, making it harder to do what I mentioned in point #1 – compare/contrast the candidates’ responses to all the questions. Still, if you watch the debate, I think you’ll get a good feel for who these candidate are and where they’re coming from.
  3. For the most part, there didn’t seem to be any major disagreements or stark ideological differences among the candidates – all are Democrats, after all, so the stark differences will be with whoever the MAGA/far-right Republicans end nominating. However, there were definitely differences between the candidates in terms of how they *talked* about the issues. For instance, some candidates – and if you’ve followed my Twitter feed or this blog for any length of time, you know this REALLY drives me nuts – described failures of “Congress” generically, when in fact, *overwhelmingly* the problem for years now has been *Republican*/*right-wing* obstruction and dysfunction. For instance, in the aftermath of the Newtown mass shooting, it wasn’t “Congress” generically which failed to pass gun violence prevention measures, it was overwhelmingly *REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS*, and they should be called out specifically, by name, and not lumped into a blanket condemnation of “Congress” generically.  So, no, it’s not “both sides of the aisle” or “Washington” or “Congress” or “politicians” generically that’s the problem – and I personally am NOT going to support any candidate who falsely frames things that way.
  4.  It continues to disappoint me that the climate crisis doesn’t get a lot higher billing at these Democratic debates/forums. Because IMHO at least, there are two clearly existential, overiding issues – whether we have a democracy (from the “internal” polling I’ve seen, that’s a huge issue for likely Democratic voters) and whether we have a habitable planet (that’s also a major issue for likely Democratic voters, although not as high as democracy, abortion/reproductive rights, guns and healthcare) – that override everything else, no matter how important all those other issues are (note: my view on this goes back at least to 2003, when then-presidential-candidate, Gen. Wesley Clark, talked about the two things that would really matter in 100 years – namely, “a hundred years out you have to think of the environment and your legal, constitutional institutions.”).
  5.  For some information on how these candidates are doing in terms of fundraising, see here (Vindman $1.8M cash on hand, Bailey $188k cash on hand, Guzman $148k cash on hand, Franklin $141k cash on hand, Sewell $55k cash on hand, Bedell $30k cash on hand, Heinzer $24k cash on hand). Now, money certainly isn’t everything, but most political analysts do look at how much cash-on-hand a candidate has to determine whether or not they have a good shot at winning the nomination. 

Anyway, here’s the video – check it out and share your thoughts in the comments section, if you’re so inclined. 🙂

Thursday News: “George Will Scorches GOP’s Anti-Ukraine Wing”; SCOTUS “likely to make it more dangerous to be pregnant in a red state”; “How to Know If the Supreme Court Is in the Tank for Trump”; “The Republicans Who Want American Carnage”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Thursday, April 25.

Rep. Jen Kiggans (R-VA02)’s Extremism Enables Yet Another SCOTUS Attack on Reproductive Freedom


From the DCCC:

Jen Kiggans’ Extremism Enables Yet Another SCOTUS Attack on Reproductive Freedom

Today the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments about the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), a law that requires doctors to provide care to stabilize patients in life-threatening circumstances. The court is considering whether Idaho’s abortion ban overrules EMTALA, opening doctors to criminal charges if they perform an emergency abortion to protect the health and life of the woman.

Let’s be clear: House Republicans’ aggressive and dangerous anti-abortion agenda got us to this point.

Jen Kiggans and House Republicans have universally fought against any attempt to protect access to critical reproductive care, including unanimously blocking consideration of the Women’s Health Protection Act — legislation that would have codified Roe and guaranteed the very same protections now under threat in today’s Supreme Court arguments.

Virginia is the last state in the South that protects abortion access, no thanks to Kiggans. Jen Kiggans celebrated the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, paving the way for the extreme abortion bans that put women’s lives at risk and criminalize health care providers.

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Because of House Republicans like Jen Kiggans, reproductive freedom is under threat. Today’s case before the Supreme Court is a tragic reminder of the relentless lengths anti-freedom extremists will go to ban abortion, even going so far as to deny women life-saving medical care. Despite efforts to mislead Virginians on her record, Kiggans has been an eager participant in the far-right crusade to ban abortion nationwide.”

Video: Sen. Mark Warner Says With Passage of Foreign Aid Package, TikTok Bill and Section 702 Reauthorization, “The last five days, at least for me, has been like Christmas in April”


See below for video and a few highlights from Sen. Mark Warner’s weekly press availability.

  • The last five days at least for me has been like Christmas in April. I’ve had three of my top priorities that I’ve worked on each of them for, in some cases, more than a year – all get signed by the president. The reauthorization of Section 702 and our intelligence bill that was passed by the Senate on Friday night; and of course last night the assistance to Ukraine; and the movement on a divesture on TikTok.”
  • This should not have taken 6 months. The fact that we had close to 80% of the House and 80% of the Senate overwhelmingly say that America was not going to retreat, not become isolationist, and stand by our allies in Ukraine, sends a strong message not only to Vladimir Putin, but to authoritarian regimes in China, in Iran and North Korea and elsewhere, that America will stand strong and we will stand by our  commitments. We’ve seen the Ukrainians over the last couple years, as I’ve told you, beat back the Russians repeatedly – 87% of Russian pre-existing ground forces have been eliminated from the battlefield, 63% of their tanks, 32% of armored personnel carriers – at a cost to the United States of less than three 3% of our defense spending, and without the loss of a single American soldier’s life. This additional $60 billion in economic and military aid, and the military aid about 90 cents on every dollar will actually be spent right here in America, where we produce some munitions that will go to our Ukrainian friends, is extraordinarily important. I think it is as important as what happened in advance of World War II when then-British Prime Minister Chamberlain basically acceded to Adolf Hitler’s demands in Munich. We could have had that same kind of giving in to authoritarianism if we’d walked away. So today, I think the world is safer, I think our our friends in Ukraine are safer, I think NATO is stronger…It was an  enormously important step.”
  • “In that bill as well, there is assistance for Taiwan and also trying to make sure that President XI does not take a take a page from Putin and try to move into Taiwan, as well as necessary military aid to Israel and humanitarian aid. The unfortunate fact that now over 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza conflict. And while it’s important that we get these arms to Israel, I hope Israel will also bear in mind, just a week ago when we saw Iran launch missiles against Israel, yes it was Israel that took down a lot of those missiles, yes it was American assistance, but it was also British assistance, French assistance, Jordanian assistance and Saudi Arabian assistance, helping Israel. Israel is stronger when it has allies. The only way it will keep allies is if we can bring this conflict in Gaza to an end, get the hostages returned and end the bloodshed. So I think this additional assistance there was was critically important.”
  • “TikTok…It’s been over a year, and I think the heavy-handed tactics that TikTok used, perhaps successfully, against my initial bipartisan bill, the Restrict Act, while they were successful a year ago, their same heavy-handed tactics have not been successful in this round again…over 80% of the House and close to 80% of the Senate said TikTok needs to be divested from its control by its Chinese ownership. As I’ve said many times here, Chinese law dictates that Chinese companies, their top priority is not shareholders or their customers, it is the Communist Party of China. And this entity, while enormously popular – 170 million Americans average 90 minutes a day – the idea that they’re collecting this kind of data or potentially TikTok could potentially be used as a propaganda tool is enormously troubling…Christopher Ray, the director of the FBI, said it’s a national security concern, virtually all of our intelligence community has said so, and every other major democracy in in the world – in Europe, Australia, New Zealand – have all prohibited TikTok from their governmental devices. And the vast majority of major news organizations have said to their journalists, don’t use TikTok or chances are you could be surveilled by Chinese sources. And I think, again, over the year we’ve seen lots of stories from disgruntled former TikTok employees indicating that ByteDance, the company that owns TikTok, the Chinese company continues to interfere, so I think this was a strong step forward. I hope now with a year time that we can have this transaction take place. As I’ve said before, a lot of creativity on Tik Tok, folks make money off of it as social influencers, I’ve got no problem with that. Just at the end of the day, the entity that controls the algorithm and that is potentially collecting the data ought to be not a national adversary of the United States in terms of the Chinese  Communist Party. So I would be happy to help any in terms of these divesture efforts, and I know people have already indicated interest in purchasing the company so that kind of creativity can continue.”


Video: Freedom Virginia Releases New Ad Calling Out Gov. Youngkin for Blocking Bipartisan Budget That Would Lower Drug Costs, Require Corporations to Pay Their Fair Share


From Freedom Virginia:

Freedom Virginia Releases New Ad Calling Out Gov. Youngkin for Blocking Bipartisan Budget That Would Lower Drug Costs, Require Corporations to Pay Their Fair Share

Five-Figure Digital Buy Will Back ‘Rejected’ In Key Regions Across the Commonwealth 

Watch “Rejected” Here

RICHMOND, Va.  — Freedom Virginia today announced a new digital ad buy to hold Governor Glenn Youngkin accountable for blocking the bipartisan budget passed by the General Assembly that rejected the governor’s previous handouts to corporations and the ultra-rich and supported historic investments in public education and health care. The state budget will remain unresolved until at least May 13 due to Governor Youngkin’s refusal to agree to a commonsense bipartisan plan, and the ad calls on Virginians to urge the governor to support a fair budget.

“Rejected” will be backed by an initial five-figure buy in key regions across Virginia . The ad features a red-vested Youngkin look-alike who repeatedly blocks a young boy on a basketball court while the child’s mother watches in dismay. In a voiceover, the ad’s narrator calls out the governor for rejecting the fair budget, for vetoing pro-family legislation to establish a Prescription Drug Affordability Board and a Paid Family and Medical Leave Program, and holding up historic investments in public schools contained in the legislature’s budget in order to give corporations and the ultra-rich a tax break.

The General Assembly will re-convene for a special session on the budget on May 13, giving Gov. Youngkin the opportunity to change course.  While Youngkin and General Assembly leaders publicly committed to work together on a new budget last week, the governor has yet to commit to investments that will give hardworking Virginians the tools to thrive, like fair taxes, affordable medicine, or Paid Family and Medical Leave.

“Hardworking families deserve to know that their governor blocked a bipartisan, fair, and commonsense budget that would have rejected tax handouts to the wealthiest Virginians, invested in schools, and lowered the cost of medicine,” said Freedom Virginia Executive Director Rhena Hicks. “Governor Youngkin has already vetoed key bills that would have made Virginia more affordable and a better place to raise a family. This budget is now headed into overtime due to his insistence on keeping an antiquated tax code. We hope the governor comes back willing to play ball on the same team as our kids.”

“Rejected” can be viewed HERE. A transcript is below:

Hey Virginia.

This year we have a shot to make real progress.

But Governor Glenn Youngkin is rejecting a commonsense budget that’s supported by Republicans and Democrats.

Youngkin is threatening to block historic investments in public schools and blocking our shot at lowering prescription drug costs.

Youngkin even vetoed laws that protect new moms, like paid family medical leave.

Tell Governor Youngkin to stop blocking your shot at a better life.

Freedom Virginia is a nonpartisan 501(c)4 organization committed to building a Commonwealth where all Virginia families have the freedom to thrive. Freedom Virginia advances economic security policies through grassroots activism, voter engagement and legislative advocacy. Our efforts began in 2020 and since then we’ve pushed for a more economically secure Virginia by sharing real stories about Virginians’ lack of access to affordable healthcare, education, energy, and the need for policies that foster more safety for families. Visit our website at freedomva.org to learn more. 

Reactions to President Biden Signing Desperately Needed Aid Package for Ukraine, etc.


Thanks to President Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats like Sen. Mark Warner for their tremendous leadership on this (“Biden signs Ukraine aid, TikTok ban package after Republican battle”), and for managing to pass this vital aid package to Ukraine, etc. – despite obstruction from MAGA/pro-Putin Republicans and, of course, treasonous Donald Trump. See below for a few reactions.



Video: Former Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn Releases First Ad in VA-10 Primary


From the Eileen Filler-Corn for VA10 campaign:

Eileen Filler-Corn Releases First Ad in VA-10 Primary
Loudoun County, VA – Today, Eileen Filler-Corn, the 56th Speaker of the House, released the first TV and digital ad of her campaign in the VA-10 Democratic primary. The ad – “Shut Down” – shares how, as the first woman to be Speaker of the House in Virginia, Filler-Corn took on Republicans to repeal right-wing abortion restrictions and made Virginia a sanctuary for reproductive rights in the South. The ad will begin running on streaming TV and digital placements across the district starting today. This comes after Filler-Corn’s first mailer was delivered to voters last week.
Script: It’s time to shut down the MAGA extremists. I’m Eileen Filler-Corn. And I don’t back down. As the first woman Speaker of the House, I took on Republicans to repeal right-wing abortion restrictions. And made Virginia a sanctuary for reproductive rights in the South. So you better believe I’ll stand up to the bullies in Congress and block any national abortion ban. I’m Eileen Filler-Corn and I approve this message.

Eileen Filler-Corn, the former Speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, is running to represent Virginia’s 10th Congressional District. She made history by leading the most progressive House agenda in Virginia’s history. Filler-Corn championed gun safety, increased the minimum wage, expanded abortion rights, legalized cannabis, promoted a path to carbon neutrality, and enhanced voting rights. With over a decade of service, she now seeks to bring that progressive change to the national stage, advocating for the people of Northern Virginia. She is proudly endorsed by leaders including former Governor Ralph Northam and former Attorney General Mark Herring.

Wednesday News: “How Ukraine can make best use of the U.S. aid package”; “Trump was going to dominate the courtroom. Instead, he is shrinking.”; “The fate of emergency abortion care rests with Supreme Court”; 2025 VA Governor’s Race Becomes Clearer


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Wednesday, April 24.