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Monday News: “Trump’s real Project 2025 was written for him in Moscow by Vladimir Putin’s men”; Unhinged Trump “warms up for debate by threatening to jail election officials,” “says mass deportations ‘will be a bloody story'”; “Congress returns from recess as shutdown clock ticks”


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Monday, September 9.

Senator Kaine Releases Two New Planks of Kitchen Table Agenda, Highlighting His Work To Cut Taxes For Working Families And Make Housing More Affordable


From Sen. Tim Kaine’s reelection campaign:

Senator Kaine Releases Two New Planks of Kitchen Table Agenda, Highlighting His Work To Cut Taxes For Working Families And Make  Housing More Affordable

Rappahannock, VA – Today at the Rappahannock County Park in Rappahannock, Senator Tim Kaine released two new planks of his “Kaine Kitchen Table Agenda”: cutting taxes for working families and make housing more affordable.

“In the U.S. Senate I’m fighting to lower costs, and that includes cutting taxes for Virginians raising a family and trying to buy a home so Virginians can have more room in their budget,” said Senator Tim Kaine. “I began my public service career as a fair housing lawyer, and affordable housing for all Virginians continues to be a priority for me. I was proud to be a deciding vote to pass the American Rescue Plan, which included the largest expansion of the Child Tax Credit in history, directly benefiting children and families across the Commonwealth and the country. I am laser-focused on slashing taxes for working families and ensuring all Virginians have access to affordable housing.” 

Senator Kaine was a deciding vote to pass the American Rescue Plan, which expanded the Child Tax Credit, a tax cut for working families that benefited 1.7 million Virginia children and cut child poverty to its lowest rate ever. He believes that expanding the tax cut will help Virginians support their families amid rising costs and is fighting to lower costs for Virginian families. He’s also worked to cut taxes for veteran and military families. Senator Kaine led the fight to fix a disastrous provision of the Trump 2017 tax cuts imposing extra taxes on Gold Star families.

Senator Kaine introduced the Fair Housing Improvement Act, which would protect veterans and low-income families from housing discrimination, the Low-Income First-Time Homebuyers (LIFT) Act, and is one of the lead sponsors of the bipartisan Housing Supply and Affordability Act. Senator Kaine supports an expansion of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, responsible for increasing the supply of affordable rental housing.

In June, Senator Kaine released the first plank of his Kitchen Table Agenda, highlighting his work to lower prescription drug costs. Around the Commonwealth, in the coming months, Senator Kaine will unveil new planks to his plan to highlight how he is working to lower costs for all Virginians.

Below is a picture of the event in Rappahannock:

Sunday Scaries: MAGA Republicans Can’t Cover For Trump’s Threats Against Our Democracy After Threatening to Prosecute Opponents and Pardon Violent Insurrectionists


From the DNC War Room:

Sunday Scaries: MAGA Republicans Can’t Cover For Trump’s Threats Against Our Democracy After Threatening to Prosecute Opponents and Pardon Violent Insurrectionists

In response to MAGA Republicans on Sunday shows trying to cover for Donald Trump’s disastrous record and threats against election officials, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement: 

“The day after Donald Trump doubled-down on his promises to pardon violent insurrectionists and prosecute his political opponents, Republicans are scrambling to provide cover for his extreme and unpopular agenda that would put Trump first and the American people last. Whether it’s trying to spin Trump’s explicit threats against election officials, confirming that the GOP will put the gun lobby over gun safety, or refusing to acknowledge Trump’s responsibility for tanking the bipartisan border security deal, Republicans are showing Americans in real-time why they can’t be trusted to lead.”

Doug Burgum downplayed and dismissed Donald Trump threatening election officials, and continued to sow doubt in our elections.

Kristen Welker, NBC News: “Let me ask you about something that former President Trump posted on social media overnight. He seemed to be escalating his threats against political opponents. Let me read you what he said. He said, quote, ‘WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials.’ We should note there is absolutely no evidence that election workers have done anything corrupt, but do you think that it is appropriate to be threatening election workers in this way before the election?”

Doug Burgum: “Well, I think it speaks to a concern that Americans have. … And so again, I think what President Trump is saying, if we’re gonna have free and fair elections, everybody’s got to follow the rules and just putting people on notice.” […]

Welker: “Well, Governor, a lot of those concerns you mentioned are being fueled by these types of statements by former President Trump, but going back to the substance of what he said, he seems to be threatening these political operatives, donors, and election officials. Is that appropriate in any scenario, governor?”

Burgum: “Well, I think what’s appropriate is that we keep working hard as a country to make sure that we’ve got a belief in our elections and a trust in our elections.”

Tom Cotton was confronted on how he and his Republican colleagues won’t be doing anything to prevent gun violence in America.

Dana Bash, CNN: “But, there are mental health problems all across the world right now. It’s bad. The difference between other countries and this country is that it is being expressed with gun violence. Is it not time to figure out a way to mitigate that part of the equation, when it is affecting our children so often?”

Tom Cotton: “Well, I think one way to mitigate that is to enforce the laws we have on the books.” […]

Bash: “Do you see any action in the offing at all in the wake of this, once again, or is it just going to be ‘enforce the laws on the books?’”

Cotton: “Well, again, enforcing laws on the books is one way to stop gun crime.”


Bash: “So Congress won’t do anything.”

Cotton: “Well, look, most law enforcement happens at the local level. These police officers are not federal agents, they are local police department officers.”

John Cornyn refused to acknowledge Trump’s responsibility for tanking the toughest, fairest bipartisan border deal in decades.

Shannon Bream, Fox News: “The vice president, though, has been touting her work. She says she was tough on cartels and gangs and she’s litigated against these people, held them accountable. She also said this in her DNC speech.”

Clip of Vice President Harris: “Last year, Joe and I brought together Democrats and conservative Republicans to write the strongest border bill in decades. The Border Patrol endorsed it. But Donald Trump believes a border deal would hurt his campaign. So he ordered his allies in Congress to kill the deal. Well, I refuse to play politics with our security.”

Bream: “I will not be surprised if your colleague, Sen. Chris Murphy, brings this up when we talk to him next. It has been a messaging talking point that has stuck for Democrats, this idea that President Trump is the one who kept the border problem alive because he told you guys not to vote for it.”

John Cornyn: “Well, that’s just false is the short answer to that.”


MAGA Descends into Holocaust Denial


By Kindler

“They just threw these people into camps, and millions of people ended up dead there.” – Tucker Carlson guest Darryl Cooper.

Yes, I know we all have outrage fatigue and are sick of having to even think about all the awful, crazy sh*t Republicans say and do every day. But isn’t Holocaust denial a bridge too far?

This post is about an interview Tucker Carlson recently did with a Hitler apologist –  but let me make one thing clear before I even get started. Tucker is not out on the fringes of the Republican party, as some will try to gull you into thinking.  Mother Tucker is a close adviser to the Republican nominees for president and vice-president – in fact, he was reported to have been one of the three people who ultimately convinced Trump to choose J.D. Vance as his running mate, along with Steve Bannon and Don Jr.

Carlson was granted a prime time speaking slot at the RNC Convention.  Trump and Vance grant him plenty of interviews and J.D. is currently refusing to cancel an upcoming event at which they will be appearing jointly.  Carlson clearly has the ear of both men, as well as that of Trump-booster Elon Musk, who welcomed Tucker to “X” after Fox dumped the guy as a costly legal liability. Musk initially promoted the pro-Nazi interview as “Very interesting. Worth watching.”

So there is little doubt that Tucker would be a top advisor in a Trump-Vance Reich, whether formally in the mold of a Stephen Miller or in the informal capacity of a Roger Stone.  And so, when he spends two hours of his time fawning over the work of someone devoted to rewriting the history of WWII to favor the German side, don’t just dismiss discussion of this incident as more ginned-up faux Internet outrage. Rather, we have here a legitimate question of what a top advisor to an already fascist-friendly would-be president is whispering in his ear.

Clearly, a major motivation for Carlson featuring the man he described as “the most important popular historian working in the United States today” was to further his high priority project of promoting a pro-Putin and anti-Ukraine foreign policy. So he was clearly on board with his guest J.D. Cooper’s assertion that Winston Churchill was the “chief villain of the Second World War” and “primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did, becoming something other than an invasion of Poland.” Because yeah, a militarily stronger nation invading a weaker one is just the way of the world, how is that America’s business? Carlson made his intentions clear in commenting on the story for CNN:

“The fact that these lunatics have used the Churchill myth to bring our country closer to nuclear war than at any moment in history disgusts me, and should terrify every American. They’re warmonger freaks. They don’t get the moral high ground.”

The even more monstrous Big Lie that Carlson and Cooper are peddling is that the whole Holocaust was just a big mistake due to poor planning. Cooper dishonestly claimed that the Nazis “were completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war, of local political prisoners…did not have enough food” and so, instead of letting them starve, decided to “finish them off quickly now”.

This account is a vicious assault on the memories of millions of people who were murdered or tortured by the Nazis, the millions more bearing the scars of their family members having to suffer such treatment – as well as on the integrity of historical truth. What Cooper calls “local political prisoners” were actually members of groups systematically targeted by the Nazis for extermination, including Jews, LGBT people, the disabled and others. Their property was stolen, their families divided and destroyed, not as “local political prisoners” but as innocent individuals identified for genocide based on purely demographic characteristics.

Any so-called “popular historian” could easily find the truth of what happened, which was meticulously recorded by the Germans at the time in documents, photos and videos. The U.S. Holocaust Museum, like other such institutions, has floors and warehouses full of the evidence of what happened and WHY it happened.

The only question here is the agenda of people trying to cover up this historical atrocity and distract from these vast repositories of evidence. Besides the pro-Putin apologia, my darkest fears make me wonder if this is some sort of attempt to prepare the Republican base to accept the inevitable humanitarian disaster if we execute the Trump policy of “mass deportation” of rounding up and attempting to deport 15 million alleged illegal immigrants from the U.S.  I say “attempting to deport” because as journalist Radley Balko detailed in a well-researched piece on the subject, it’s likely that such a plan would result in many of the targets of such raids being stuck in internment camps, as many of the countries to which Trump may try to deport them would refuse to accept them.

Yeah, you know…concentration camps.

But even the obscenity of Holocaust denial, perhaps the ultimate low to which a political party could stoop short of outright, organized violence, simply merits a shrug as we are asked to move on to the next issue. J.D. Vance’s spokesman’s response was that “Senator Vance doesn’t believe in guilt-by-association cancel culture but he obviously does not share the views of the guest interviewed by Tucker Carlson.” So we have to accept Hitler fan boys at the pinnacle of political power in America because it would be wrong to “cancel” them.

Of course, the right wingers alleged to have been “canceled” never suffer any real consequences – instead, they just move on to more and more lucrative ventures, whether funded by Russia or tax-fearing billionaires.  Actual “cancelling” means being forced out of your home as your property is stolen and your family separated from you, being forced to wear a little yellow or pink badge to indicate you are to be shunned, being sent to a camp where you are starved and literally worked to death, subjected to gruesome medical experiments, sterilized against your will, and – if you manage to survive all that – being sent to be gassed and burnt to ashes. Not because you were a political prisoner caught up in some sort of unfortunate accident, but because you were  a member of a group targeted by a fanatical leader who made his plans quite clear years before in his memoirs.

Have you ever suffered that sort of “cancellation”, Tucker, Elon, Donald, J.D., any of you? No, you haven’t and you are in no damn place to deny the lived experience of the millions of those who did.

I cannot express how important the current election is and what the consequences will be if we lose to these lunatics.  But if we do and all the horrors we anticipate come to pass, I hope that no one in the future chooses to marginalize our suffering and pretend it didn’t happen in order to keep this sadistic merry-go-round going on and on through the rest of human history.

No. Never, ever forget.

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Sunday News: Trump Makes Insanely False Claims, “threatens to jail adversaries in escalating rhetoric ahead of pivotal debate”; In Fact, “Democrats have been far better at managing the economy since FDR”; George W. Bush a Pathetic Coward as Always


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Sunday, September 8.

Expert Consensus: Trump’s Economic Agenda Would Cost Trillions and Hurt the Middle Class


From the Harris/Walz campaign:

To: Interested Parties

From: Brian Nelson, Harris-Walz 2024 Senior Policy Advisor

Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024

Subject: Expert Consensus: Trump’s Economic Agenda Would Cost Trillions and Hurt the Middle Class

This week, Vice President Kamala Harris has unveiled yet another key plank of her vision for a new way forward on the economy: driving the growth of small businesses by investing in them and making it easier for hard-working Americans to follow their dreams and start a company. It is part of her core belief that, when the middle class is strong, America is strong.

But Donald Trump does not share that view. He wants our economy to serve billionaires and big corporations. He is throwing out proposal after proposal to give them massive tax windfalls, and even promised some executives to make them richer in exchange for their campaign contributions.

This week, we continued to see a growing slate of analyses and reports that have evaluated the negative economic impact of Trump’s economic agenda for a second term, finding it would cost trillions of dollars, explode the national debt, shrink economic growth, curb job creation, drive up inflation, and raise costs for middle-class and working Americans by thousands of dollars a year.

That is the consensus of a wave of new reports by experts from veteran reporters to financial services professionals to conservative-leaning economists.

Applying different methodologies, these experts – including several who often hold opposing viewpoints – have independently determined that on a range of economic issues, Donald Trump’s plans defy fundamental economic principles, would upend the American economy, and would cost trillions, with the middle class bearing the brunt of the fallout.

  • The consequences feel even more alarming knowing Trump could impose one of his most reckless plans – a middle-class tax hike opposed even by top Congressional Republicans – without Congress, as reported by PoliticoThe Washington Post, and The New York Times.

Just take a look:

BloombergCNNThe New York TimesThe Congressional Budget Office, and the Penn Wharton Budget ModelTrump’s agenda would explode the national debt by trillions of dollars.

  • Bloomberg: “Republican nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance are campaigning on a grab bag of tax cut proposals that could collectively cost as much as $10.5 trillion over a decade, a massive sum that would exceed the combined budgets of every domestic federal agency.”

The conservative-leaning Tax FoundationGoldman Sachs, and Moody’sTrump’s agenda would shrink economic growth and undermine job creation.

  • Tax Foundation: “We estimate the proposed tariffs would reduce long-run GDP by 0.8 percent, the capital stock by 0.6 percent, and hours worked by 685,000 full-time equivalent jobs.”
  • USA Today: “According to a Moody’s study, Trump’s plan would trigger a recession by mid-2025 and an economy that grows an average 1.3% annually during his four-year term vs. 2.1%…Next year, under a Trump administration, inflation would rise…The U.S. would have 3.2 million fewer jobs and a 4.5% unemployment rate, a half percentage point higher, at the end of a Trump tenure.”
  • Fortune: “Goldman Sachs Group Inc. economists gamed out the potential economic implications of a Republican or Democratic victory in the November elections, cautioning that US GDP faces a hit in the case of a win for Donald Trump.”

Nobel laureate economists, financial services analysts, and Wall Street economists agree: Trump’s agenda will drive up inflation.

  • Axios: “16 Nobel economists see a Trump inflation bomb”
  • Wall Street Journal: “Economists Say Inflation Would Be Worse Under Trump Than Biden”

The conservative-leaning American Action Forum and The Center for American Progress agree: Trump’s agenda would effectively impose a national sales tax of nearly $4,000 a year for the typical middle-class household.

  • American Action Forum: “Given a 10 percent tariff, U.S. households would have nearly $2,350 in additional annual costs, while adding a 60 percent tariff on China would drive costs up to $3,900.”
  • CAP: “A 20 percent across-the-board import tax combined with the 60 percent tax on Chinese goods would amount to about a $3,900 tax increase for a middle-income family.”
  • The Peterson Institute: “High tariffs also imply a massive shifting of the tax burden from richer taxpayers toward lower-income Americans.”
  • Politico: “If elected to a second term, trade experts and former officials say [Trump] could easily use another obscure but long-standing statute to enact his latest trade proposal: slapping a universal tariff of 10 or 20 percent on all goods imported into the U.S., which currently total more than $3 trillion annually. … The law is an efficient way to skirt Congress, which has Constitutional authority over raising and lowering tariffs.”

But Donald Trump is denying this broad, bipartisan consensus, “hoping that most economic analyses of his ideas are dead wrong” and blatantly lying to the American people about the severe costs and consequences of his economic plans.

When it comes to the economy in this election, the choice could not be clearer.

Vice President Harris has a plan for a new way forward on the economy to boost the middle class, working Americans, and small businesses. She has an agenda that is responsible, funding her plans by ensuring billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share. She has an agenda to reduce Americans’ grocery, healthcare, and housing costs and other everyday expenses where most Americans just need a little help.

Trump may try to distort objective reality on his dangerous plans, but mainstream experts agree on the devastating results of his agenda: shrinking the economy, undermining job growth, driving up inflation, exploding the national debt, and raising taxes on the middle class.


Paid for by Harris for President

Former Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA10) on “Trump explaining how he chooses women to sexually assault” and How “this misogynistic creep can never be in office again”


That’s right, THIS “misogynistic creep” (Donald Trump) is the deplorable individual who Glenn Youngkin, Jason Miyares, Jen Kiggans, etc. all support to be president: The same guy who brags about grabbing women by their private parts, explains “how he chooses women to sexually assault” – and which women would not be “the chosen one” for him to sexually assault, etc. Plus, of course, Trump tried to (violently) overthrow our democracy and steal an election; is a puppet of our archenemy, Vladimir Putin; is a convicted felon; is corrupt to the core; is a wannabe dictator who admires “strong men” like Viktor Orban, Kim Jong-Il, etc; is a climate science denier who loves fossil fuels and despises clean energy; etc.

And yes, it seems that Youngkin, Kiggans, Miyares and many other Republicans are a-ok with all that. Which tells us all we need to know – nothing good! – about Youngkin, Kiggans, Miyares et al.

Saturday News: “What’s at stake in the US election? The climate for the next million years”; “Trump’s New E. Jean Carroll Defense Is That He Assaulted Other Women”; “Sanewashing” Is “what journalists keep doing for Trump” (and Youngkin, Sears, etc.)


by Lowell

Here are a few international, national and Virginia news headlines, political and otherwise, for Saturday, September 7.

WHERE IS JEN? “Smasal, but Not Kiggans, Attends Congressional Candidate Forum in Smithfield”


From the DCCC:

WHERE IS JEN? “Smasal, but Not Kiggans, Attends Congressional Candidate Forum in Smithfield”

“Kiggans’ campaign made a big mistake in not having her participate, and ultimately the final decision was Jen’s”

This week, Missy Cotter Smasal attended a candidate forum in Smithfield where she engaged with community members on key issues ranging from addressing gun violence to protecting abortion rights.

Jen Kiggans was nowhere to be found, choosing to attend a movie screening rather than answer questions from voters.

Event moderator Herb De Groft: “[Kiggans] was first invited in late June after the primary election, as was Smasal. On two occasions, I personally reminded her face-to-face of the invitation to the 4 Sept. candidate forum. I even sent a personal and confidential letter to her on 15 July.

Jen never responded”

DCCC Spokesperson Lauryn Fanguen:
“Jen Kiggans denied her constituents answers with her shady absence from Wednesday’s forum, brazenly choosing partisanship over accountability. Missy Cotter Smasal made the difference crystal clear, and her commitment to always putting her community first speaks volumes to Coastal Virginia voters.”

Smithfield Times: Smasal, but not Kiggans, attends congressional candidate forum in Smithfield
Stephen Faleski | September 6, 2024

  • Only one of the two candidates vying for Virginia’s 2nd Congressional District seat attended a Sept. 4 forum hosted by the Isle of Wight County Citizens Association and the Carrollton Civic League at the Smithfield Center.
  • U.S. Rep. Jen Kiggans, R-Va., did not participate. According to Kiggans’ Facebook page, the congresswoman instead attended a Virginia Beach panel discussion on former President Ronald Reagan as a panelist ahead of a screening of the biopic “Reagan” movie in theaters.
  • Missy Cotter Smasal, Kiggans’ Democratic opponent on the November ballot, seized on Kiggans’ absence to paint the GOP incumbent as more concerned with partisanship than representing her constituents.
  • “Kiggans was invited to join you tonight multiple times, and she declined multiple times. … I will always listen; I will always show up,” Smasal told the crowd of roughly 45 attendees.  
  • Citizens Association President Herb De Groft, who moderated the forum, confirmed in an Aug. 13 email to The Smithfield Times that both candidates had been invited as of that date, though Bill Yoakum, chairman of Isle of Wight County’s Republican Party chapter, said Kiggans’ participation in the Reagan movie discussion was also arranged well in advance of Sept. 4.
  • “I think the Kiggans’ campaign made a big mistake in not having her participate, and ultimately the final decision was Jen’s,” De Groft told the Times following the forum. “She was first invited in late June after the primary election, as was Smasal. On two occasions, I personally reminded her face-to-face of the invitation to the 4 Sept. candidate forum. I even sent a personal and confidential letter to her on 15 July. Jen never responded with either a ‘yes, I will’ or ‘no, I will not,’ on any of these contacts I made on behalf of the IWCA and CCL.”
  • De Groft, copying the Times, had first invited Kiggans to participate in the Sept. 4 forum in a June 11 email.
  • During the hour-and-a-half forum, De Groft posed 28 questions to Smasal, covering her positions on gun laws, abortion, the U.S.-Mexico border, and funding foreign wars in Ukraine and Israel.
  • Smasal, referencing the mass shooting that killed two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School in Georgia that morning, said she supports Virginia’s so-called red flag law, which allows courts to order the temporary seizure of firearms from people deemed a substantial risk of injury to themselves or others, and laws that require the safe storage of firearms, which she said are “common sense” measures that can ensure people like the 14-year-old suspect accused of perpetrating the Sept. 4 shooting not have access to weapons.
  • On abortion, Smasal called the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 overturning of its landmark Roe v. Wade abortion-rights case and subsequent laws in Republican-led state legislatures to restrict abortion “an attack on your rights and freedoms,” and said she would “protect Virginia law,” which remains the only southern state where abortion is still legal up until the third trimester.
  • Smasal said Americans “absolutely need to know who is coming and who is going across our border” and “can do that in a humane way.”
  • On Israel and Ukraine, Smasal said she would continue to support both countries in their armed conflicts.
  • Israel “was attacked” on Oct. 7, 2023, and “has a right to defend itself” from the Hamas militants who, on that date, killed an estimated 1,200 Israeli civilians at a music festival and took more than 250 as hostages, Smasal said, stating it’s also “essential that we stand up to Russia” by continuing to support Ukraine.

JD Vance Should Answer For Cozying Up to Tucker Carlson After He Elevated a Holocaust Denier


From the DNC War Room:

JD Vance Should Answer For Cozying Up to Tucker Carlson After He Elevated a Holocaust Denier

In response to JD Vance cozying up to Tucker Carlson after his now infamous interview with a Holocaust denier, DNC Rapid Response Director Alex Floyd released the following statement:

“Just days after ultra-MAGA extremist Tucker Carlson lavished praise on a Holocaust denier in a friendly interview, JD Vance rushed to be one of Carlson’s next guests. Instead of calling out Carlson for his shameful actions, Vance is cozying up to him – and it’s no surprise considering far-right extremist Carlson was a staunch advocate for Donald Trump picking Vance as his running mate in the first place. Every time Vance rubs shoulders with out-of-touch creeps like Carlson, he reminds Americans why he’s the most extreme and least popular VP candidate in decades.”

JD Vance is cozying up to Tucker Carlson in the aftermath of his shameful elevation of a Holocaust denier – Vance is refusing to criticize Carlson, instead sitting down for an interview with him and scheduling another event with him later this month.

Jewish Insider“J.D. Vance declines to criticize Tucker Carlson over his friendly conversation with Holocaust denier”

The Bulwark“Vance pre-recorded an interview with Tucker Carlson on Thursday just hours after the White House criticized the right-wing populist for featuring a historian who suggested, a few days before, that the Holocaust happened by accident.”

New York Times“Mr. Vance is scheduled to be interviewed live by Mr. Carlson for his social media show on Sept. 21 in Hershey, Pa.”

Carlson is a member of Vance’s inner circle and rooted for Trump to pick Vance as his running mate.

Politico: “The former Fox News superstar [Tucker Carlson] used his prime-time show to promote Vance’s Senate candidacy in 2022 and has remained one of his most ardent public supporters. Vance is a regular guest on Carlson’s new platform… and Carlson reportedly personally lobbied Trump to pick Vance as his vice presidential candidate in the days leading up to the Republican National Convention.”

New York Times: “How Tucker Carlson Helped Sell J.D. Vance as Trump’s Running Mate”

New York Times“Mr. Carlson was a key advocate in pressing Mr. Trump to name Mr. Vance as his running mate, ultimately drowning out other voices who wanted a more moderate or seasoned pick.”

REMINDER: Trump kicked off his 2024 campaign by rubbing shoulders with white nationalist and antisemite Nick Fuentes, who Trump has still refused to condemn to this day – and Vance defended Trump’s decision to dine with him.

Rolling Stone“J.D. Vance Likes That Trump ‘Will Talk to Anybody,’ Including Nazi-Loving Nick Fuentes”

CNN: “Trump hosted Holocaust denier at Mar-a-Lago estate during visit with Kanye West, a week after announcing 2024 run”

Axios: “Former President Trump dined and conversed with white nationalist Nick Fuentes and rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, at his Mar-a-Lago resort on Tuesday night, according to two sources familiar with the matter. … Fuentes, who frequently promotes racist and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, had been spotted with Ye at Mar-a-Lago, but reports erroneously suggested he did not have dinner with the former president.”

The Guardian“Donald Trump repeatedly refused to disavow the outspoken antisemite and white supremacist Nick Fuentes after they spoke over dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort. … Trump ultimately made clear that he fundamentally did not want to criticise Fuentes.”

Vance is deeply connected with other extremists, including Project 2025 architects Kevin Roberts and Russell Vought, as well as Steve Bannon.

New Republic“Vance has deep ties to the Heritage Foundation, and in particular to Kevin Roberts, who has been president of the right-wing think tank since 2021 and is the architect of Project 2025. Vance has praised Roberts for helping to turn the organization ‘into the de facto institutional home of Trumpism’ and has endorsed elements of Project 2025. Vance is also the author of the foreword to Roberts’s upcoming book.”

Axios“J.D. Vance wrote foreword of upcoming book from Project 2025 architect”

New Republic“Project 2025 Leader Is Overjoyed by Trump’s Vice Presidential Pick”

Nick Corasaniti, New York Times: “[Roberts] reacted to the news [of Vance’s VP selection] ‘with a broad smile on my face’ and said that ‘privately, we were really rooting for him.’”

Vox: “Kevin Roberts, the president of the right-wing Heritage Foundation and the driving force behind Project 2025, told Ward that ‘[Vance] is absolutely going to be one of the leaders — if not the leader — of our movement.’”

The Guardian“Revealed: top Vance aide worked for far-right consultancy with extremist links”

Politico: “Vance’s inner circle already bears the imprint of Trump’s influence, with a handful of advisers and staffers who have one foot in Vance’s camp and one foot in Trump world…

“​​The leader of the organization behind the now-infamous Project 2025, [Kevin] Roberts is a long-time Vance ally in Washington, having called him ‘one of the leaders — if not the leader — of our movement.’ The two men have appeared together at public events and co-authored op-eds about foreign policy, and Vance even wrote the foreword to Roberts’ forthcoming book…

“[Project 2025 architect Russell Vought] told POLITICO Magazine that he is in ‘regular contact’ with Vance’s Hill office and that ‘we probably have one of the closest relationships with [Vance’s] office that we do with any Hill office.’ …

“The former Trump strategist [Steve Bannon] is another of Vance’s key allies in the conservative media ecosphere, frequently hosting Vance on his show, War Room, and promoting him to his sizable social media following.”
