Home Energy and Environment 73% of Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Support Clean Energy/Climate Change Legislation

73% of Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Support Clean Energy/Climate Change Legislation


From Operation FREE, a new poll of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans “finds that 73 percent of them support Clean Energy Climate Change legislation in Congress, 79 percent believe ending our dependence on foreign oil is important to national security, and 67 percent support the argument that such legislation will help their own economic prospects.”  As VoteVets president and Iraq War veteran Jon Soltz says:

This poll confirms what we always knew was true – veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan know, first-hand, the destructive effect our dependence on oil has on our national security, and on the battlefield. They are well aware of arguments made in favor and against bi partisan clean energy and climate change legislation, and firmly fall into the group of Americans supportive of passing that comprehensive legislation.  Veterans of the wars we’re fighting want legislation passed now.

If you agree with Jon Soltz and the vast majority of Iraq and Afghanistan War veterans, please click here, “sign your name next to theirs and stand strong with the men and women who have put their lives on the line for our security.” Thanks.


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