Home Social Issues Virginia NAACP: Jim Webb and Rand Paul “are kith and kin”

Virginia NAACP: Jim Webb and Rand Paul “are kith and kin”


I’m pretty much speechless over this tirade letter, from the Executive Director of the Virginia NAACP, about Jim Webb and his Wall Street Journal op-ed on affirmative action. Read the NAACP’s Executive Director’s letter for yourself.

…Your opponent then and coming George Allen would not have had the gall to write about the “myth of white privilege” even though I am sure he feels that way. In African culture, it is said, when people show & tell you who they are. Believe them!” Your written word has spoken volumes for your belief system.

It appears that you and U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul are kith and kin. Do you really believe that affirmative action has hurt white, Anglo-Saxon Protestants or are you pandering to the divisive, conservative, Tea Bagger types whose votes you will need in 2012? The true beneficiaries of affirmative action programs are white, Anglo-Saxon women…overwhelmingly. If a white, republican, ultra-right winger, or Rush, Beck or O’Reilly had written or spoken it, the world would have known about it…

You have given cover & solace to those “who want to take their country back (from whom?), who want to reload not regroup, who think it is ok to spit on and use racial epithets against African members of the House of Representatives…

Rand Paul? George Allen? “Rush, Beck or O’Reilly?” Ee gads.

h/t: NLS


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