Jim Moran Fires Back: Patrick Murray’s “desperate attacks shameful and misinformed”


    Rep. Jim Moran (D-8th) is taking some serious flak over comments about his Republican opponent, Patrick Murray. According to Moran, “What [Republicans] do is find candidates, usually stealth candidates, that haven’t been in office, haven’t served or performed in any kind of public service. My opponent [Murray] is typical, frankly.”  That statement prompted Murray to call a news conference with military veterans at 12:30 pm today in Alexandria. Obviously, the Murray campaign, trailing badly in the polls with time running out, would like to make these comments by Moran into a major issue.

    We’ll see if Murray’s strategy gains any traction, but I’m highly dubious, for one main reason: voters in the 8th CD know Jim Moran, and they know he’s spent years fighting for troops and veterans. For more on that, see Moran’s press release, which touts Moran’s support for “historic investments in our servicemen, women and veterans” – health care, post-9/11 GI Bill, pay raises, expanded eligibility for VA home loans, etc., etc.  So, yes, Rep. Moran “misspoke” on this one, but he commends Murray’s military service and, indeed, has honored military service and veterans by fighting hard for them for years. Which is why, in the end, Murray’s last minute “Hail Mary” won’t ever make it to the end zone.

    P.S. Another reason why Murray’s attacks won’t work is that voters in the 8th CD know he’s a typical right winger, hanging out with extremists like Joe Miller and Jim DeMint, not to mention Tom DeLay and John Boehner staffers. Can we say “not a good fit for the district?”


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