Re-elect Ingrid Morroy as Arlington Commissioner of Revenue!


    Over at Arlington Commissioner of Revenue Ingrid Morroy’s Facebook page, Ingrid writes:

    My New Year’s resolution: I am running for re-election for Commissioner of Revenue! My staff and I have accomplished so much it could fill a 20-page Program Accomplishments book… Suffice it to say that we have created an efficient, customer-focused, friendly environment. I hope I can count on your support!

    That’s good to hear, as Ingrid is superb at her job, is wicked smart – with a wicked sense of humor to go along with it, has tremendous integrity, is highly dedicated and professional, and is someone I consider a good friend. For all those reasons, this will be one of the easiest endorsements I will make at Blue Virginia in 2011 (probably ever): Reelect Ingrid Morroy as Arlington Commission of Revenue!

    P.S. The photo above is of Ingrid and her Deputy, Ann Bisson, taken by the ever-excellent Clifford’s Photography.


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